Friday, January 3, 2020

The Twelve 
Days of Christmas

On the FIRST Day of Christmas, the Imam sent to me
A head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the SECOND Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Two scimitars
And a Head mounted on a Thorn Tree!

On the THIRD Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the FOURTH Day of Christmas the imam sent to me
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the FIFTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the SIXTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the SEVENTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the EIGHTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Eight rifles firing
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the NINTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Nine women’s corpses
Eight rifles firing
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the TENTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Ten drowned in cages
Nine women’s corpses
Eight rifles firing
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the ELEVENTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Eleven dead cartoonists
Ten drowned in cages
Nine women’s corpses
Eight rifles firing
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And a head mounted on a thorn tree!

On the TWELFTH Day of Christmas the Imam sent to me
Twelve bombs a bursting 
Eleven dead cartoonists
Ten drowned in cages
Nine women’s corpses
Eight rifles firing
Seven Christians fleeing
Six severed hands
Five IED’s
Four Whining Dhimmis
Three bearded thugs
Two scimitars
And CHRIST'S HEAD mounted on a thorn tree!

~ An Anne Animus Original


  1. You old devil you. How clever! All the best in the new year!

    1. Thsnk you, Giles. 'Tis a product of 2015, but given the recent flare up of shennigans in the Middle East right now it seemed a propitious time to post it once agin.

  2. This poetry could be considered sacrilege.

    1. It isn't "poetry," It is SATIRE.

      Have you never learned to distinguish between the two?

  3. Oscar Grabacrouch said

    Top of the morning to ya laddie!

    If I'm correct, and I'm pretty sure I am, Christ is respected by the Islamic faith as a prophet of God (Allah).

    I sure wish monotheistic humans could work out their differences. The world would be a better place methinks.

    1. Rev Billy Jim HollerJanuary 4, 2020 at 10:03 AM

      The false and satanic religion of islam does not recognize Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, one of the Holy Trinity, God who took on human flesh and entered human history in a profound and sublime way. Islam is the spawn of satan and a tower of lies!

    2. It's very complicated, Oscar. While you are at least partially correct in that what you've said is the Official Line taken by Muslim Apologists in the West there are several BRANCHES of Islam most of whom are perpetually at war with one another, but ALL of whom are virulently antagonistic towards the REST of the world partocialtly Christians and Jews. .

      Out of approxiamately One Billion Muslims there are approximately Two-Hundred-Fifty-Million who advocate "Death to the Infidel" meaning anyone not of their particular religious persuasion should be marked for death, and actively pursued with that goal in mind.

      That means YOU and ME.

      Then we must consider TAKEEYA which means that Moslems believe that LYING to anyone not of their faith is a perfectly appropriate tactic for achieving a Muslim objective. Therefore, it's all-but-impossible for a non-Muslim to be able to TRUST the word of a Mohammedan.

      Dissimulation false pretense and out and out LYING are an accepted –– even HONORED –– way of life with most of these people.

      If you've ever tried to deal with a Rug Merchant from the Middle eEast, you'd know what I mean.

      Living in OUR midst –– sometimes even for several generations –– does little or nothing to change their ways, even though the opposite ma yAPPEAR to be true.

      Even the majority who are NOT actively murderous towards Christians,Jews, Atheists and FreeThinkers rarely-if-ever dare to CRITICIZE or do anything to PREVENT or PUNISH violence-prone participants in Islamic Jihad.

      Therefore, ISLAM should NOT be reagarded as RELIGION, because in TRUTH it is an INCURSION, –– an INVASION, –– a DECEPTION, –– a CORROSION, –– and a CONTAGION [i.e. a PLAGUE].

      Christians and even irreligious members of our now-crumbling Western Civilization find it offensive and repugnant to entertain and accept these unpleasant realities, which is why ISLAM has made such spectacularly successful destructive inroads and has had such a corrosive effect on most of EUROPE and now the USA.

  4. Islam is a global shit stain. Moslems gain the upper hand and turn their domain into a toilet of superstition, rape and murder.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. We do our best to ScOOP UP, FLUSH AWAY then DEODORIZE evidence of RAT TURDS whenever we find them.

      These rats cn be very persistent, as most of you know, so ridding us of there noisime presence can be time consuming.

      Unfortunately, there is no RAT POISON I know of that works in cyberspace.


  5. Replies
    1. I doubt that, but thank you, AOW.


  6. This reminds me when Obama that meat puppet faggot bolshevik wanted to start a civil war to collapse the USA

    But when Trump took out a terrorist, responsible for many American deaths the left is in mourning. It’s sickening.

  7. The IMBECILE aka Shaw wrote!
    “ The idiot trolls from the right wing blogs who know even less than trump come here and accuse us of supporting Suleimani because we are outraged at Trump's reckless stupidity.

    Do those right wing trolls actually believe Suleimani's death will stop the killing of Americans? If they do and if they think this assassination was a vidtory for peace, they're even dumber than we know they are.”

    Hey nut/bag Shaw what would you have expected him to do? Just let him be, and allow him to just go on and kill our Troops? Maybe then you would write about all the Gold-Star parents briny angry about St best doing? You certainly are a mixed up screwball.

    1. While I may agree with the sentiments BOTH of you have expressed in the main, I do NOT appreciate your indiscrimnate use of vulgar names, and I PARTICULARLY do not want either of YOU –– or anyone ELSE –– to use the specific NAMES of fellow bloggers when making disapproving, insulting, derogatory or defamatory remarks.

      Usually i DELETE such references. In the future PLEASE respect our RULES, and abide by our STANDARDS. What you do elsewhere is strictly your own business,of course

      ... H_A_P_P_Y ... N_E_W_ . y_E_A_R_! ...

  8. How in the world is killing a KNOWN terrorist with plans in the works to target American Ambassadors a bad thing? SHAW KENAWE posted that this was an act of terror on our part. That is beyond absurd. As a matter of fact, everything that she says is Absurd. We didn't target anyone that was innocent. This POS was a Murdering Maniac.

    It was about time that we put our foot down and did something about it! Nor like Obama who was Playing footsy with Iran and giving them money on pallets is idiotic and only emboldens them. The people in Iran are slowly becoming more Westernized, however, the leadership absolutely is not. They are as radical as ever and no amount of kisses the Democrats want to blow their way is going to change their hatred toward the US.

  9. It was really HILARIOUS watching those Progressive retards tie themselves in knots all week over the Presidents perfectly Correct decision to wack away that Iranian Killer. I totally agreed with what he did , and anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves. It was a good hit, and it’s hilarious to see any Americans act any other way than to be happy.


  10. An Recent news report claimed that in 2015, Israel was “on the verge” of killing Iranian General Qassem Soleimani but President Barack Obama’s administration leaked details of the plans to Iran.

  11. Can you provide verification of your claim?

    1. You might want to check this link to the Liberty Daily, O ye of little faith.

      "the liberty daily" (

      Copy & Paste into your browser, and let 'er rip.

  12. I stand by the Presidents decision. How quickly we forget that it was Bush that gave the order to kill Osama Bin Laden. It was Obamas Administration that captured and killed Bin Laden...Our country have history of taking out high profile targets. So why all this nonsense about put ANY blame on Trump?
    Killing that SOB was a good thing, so just be great full that he did.

    1. Surely you knw that the ONLY reason the Libastards ar eall riled up is because it was President TRUMP who took the initiative and made the decision to eliminate the murderous Son-of-a-Bitch?


  13. When Biden paws over strange women, and strokes their girl children, sniffs their hair he is indulging in a very strange, and UNACCEPTABLE behavior. He is making a disgusting display of himself. And these Democrats talk about Trump? How HYPOCRITICAL!

  14. Black Racists execute a cop and Jews. Obviously this is the fault of BLM and Linda Sarsour. Every time a mental health defective kills blacks or Muslims the same crew blames Trump. This is inane when the media blames Trump for every nut off his meds. Yes Blacks and Muslims commit hate crimes.

    The Black Hebrews are on a roll. They racially taunt school kids. Then the media blames the kids for remaining silent
    When a deranged fake Vietnam veteran lies again and get in their face. Anyone familiar with this crew knows they are prone to hurling all type of verbal abuse at anyone in proximity.

    Now we have a tangible crime.The crime is the responsibility of the criminals not connect the dots to whomever.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. WE DON'T PERMIT the CRIMINALLY INSANE to post here.

      D_O_N_'_T ... E_V_E_R ... C-O-M_E ... B_A_C_K_!

  16. The So Called Women of the Squad are TRAITORS and need removed from our Government!

    1. They need to be disappered permanently.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. We already announced our complete intolerane toward the CRIMINALLY INSANE at ths blog, Anon.

      Yo should have known better than to try to spread your poison here.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Contrary To Iran Deal Talking Points, There’s Something Between Appeasement
    and War

    The Federalist

    by Erielle Davidson

    Erupting first with concerns over an imminent “World War III” and a fast-impending military draft, social media reactions to the killing of Quds Force Commander Qassam Soleimani last Friday have looked like a funhouse of hysteria. The media appears to be leading the charge, frantically egging the Iranian regime to retaliate through utterly fantastical predictions of what comes next. Much of this hyperbolic reporting stems from the fact that the very thesis of the Iran Deal — and years of Ben Rhodes-generated talking points — are being thoroughly tested. (Snip) our media shows scant interest in the massive area that lies between all-out-war and appeasement and surrender. . . .

  19. Iraq Votes To Kick U.S. Out, Trump Drops The Hammer In Response

    Daily Wire

    by Ryan Saavedra

    President Donald Trump leveled new warnings to Iraq and Iran on Sunday in response to increased threats from Iran and in response to Iraq’s parliament voting to expel the U.S. military from its country. “The nonbinding resolution – passed with the backing of Shiite politicians – urges Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to rescind Iraq’s invitation to U.S. forces that helped rescue the country after Islamic State overran about one third of its territory in 2014,” (Snip)In remarks to reporters while on Air Force, Trump slammed Iraq over their vote, saying that if U.S. troops are forced to leave the country, he will hit Iraq with “very big” sanctions. . . .

  20. Thanks to Trump, the Forty-Year Appeasement of Iran Is Over

    American Thinker,

    by E. Jeffrey Ludwig

    The assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani is an unusual, possibly aberrant, event. The killing of this individual leader of a sovereign state may lead to all-out war between Iran and the U.S. — or, on the other hand, the assassination may bring an end to the cycle of Iranian violence countered by U.S. and world diplomatic flatulence and appeasement. (snip) the Iranians have been in an undeclared war with the U.S. since the ayatollahs and their religiously inspired and power-mad henchmen took over the reins of government from the despotic but pro-American Shah in the seventies. . . .

  21. Iran: ‘Death to America!’ MSM, Democrats and Hollywood: ‘How can we help?’

    American Thinker

    by M. Catharine Evans

    The successful U.S. drone strike against a top level Iranian enemy combatant responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans has roused the Democrats, their media mouthpieces and Hollywood haters to defend the terrorist and vilify President Trump. With their responses to the annihilation of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the Trump haters have officially joined Iran's "Death to America" war against the United States. For the record, Soleimani wasn't in Iraq last week to take in the sights or recite his poetry. President Trump made it clear in a post-strike address to the nation, the target was there coordinating a military operation against American troops and diplomats. . . .

  22. Tucker Carlson’s Inane Claims About the Soleimani Raid

    American Spectator

    by David Catron

    When the news broke about the death of Qassem Soleimani in an American airstrike, it was inevitable that the Democrats and the media would denounce the action and once again declare President Trump unfit for office. More surprising was the opprobrium heaped on the raid and its underlying rationale by Tucker Carlson. The Fox News host is usually fairly sensible, if given to the hyperbole and simulated indignation required by the talking head genre. Moreover, he tends to be supportive of the President and his policies. Carlson’s response to the Soleimani killing, however, was uninformed, uncharacteristically hostile to Trump, and generally unhinged. . . .

  23. Trump: If Americans Are Targeted US Will Send ‘Beautiful’ New Military Equipment
    Iran’s Way

    Cybercast News Service

    Patrick Goodenough

    (Update: On Sunday afternoon, President Trump tweeted again: “These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United States Congress that should Iran strike any U.S. person or target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back, & perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is not required, but is given nevertheless– President Trump warned the Iranian regime overnight that in the event of an attack on an American base or an American national, some of the “beautiful” U.S. military equipment acquired over the past three years would be sent its way, “and without hesitation.”In a tweet a few minutes after midnight, Trump said, . . .

  24. Portrait of a General

    The Intercept

    by Murtaza Hussain

    In the four decades since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, few Iranian leaders have achieved the global profile attained by Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the military commander killed in an American airstrike on Thursday. After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Suleimani emerged as the United States’s most capable adversary in that country. His American counterpart at a key point during the occupation, Gen. David Petraeus, described Suleimani as “a truly evil figure” in a letter to Robert Gates, then the U.S. defense secretary. Over the years, Suleimani gained a reputation as a fearsome military leader who controlled a network of ideologically driven militia proxies across the Middle East. . . .

  25. Mar-a-Lago in the firing line: Iranian presidential adviser posts list of Donald Trump's properties in chilling hint of an attack on his real estate empire - after Iran put an $80million bounty on his head

    Daily Mail (UK)

    by Tim Stickings

    An adviser to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani last night dropped a chilling hint of an attack on Donald Trump's property empire in revenge for the death of military commander Qassem Soleimani.Hesameddin Ashena shared a link to a Forbes article listing all of Trump's properties in New York, his hotels and resorts across America and golf courses in the US and Britain.The list included the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where the president was staying when he ordered the hit on Soleimani, as well as the Trump International Hotels in Washington and Las Vegas and his New York tower with its Fifth Avenue entrance. . . .

    1. This speaks volumes of the Iranian mullah terrorist regime.

      Soleimani was an enemy combatant. Iran carries out asymmetrical warfare by targeting civilian non-combatants. They are a terrorist regime, and the f***ing western powers need to start treating them as such.

    2. I'm very glad you see th NECESSITY of Standing Up to these Vicious Savages, Silver. Forty years of Patient Indulgence and Fawning Appeasement has resulted only in their having grown stronger, more resolute, more formidable and more rRECALCITRANT than ever.

      President Trump may seem "uncouth" and more than a little rough around the edges [H's not but he's marvelous at playing Character Parts when it suits our political needs], but I believe he is EXACTLY the man we need in the White House at this time.

      Unfortunately, I have too many conservative and traditional Republican friends who just can't stand Mr. Trump, because they can't get past his decidedly down-to-earth, pointedly inelegant use of the language, and can't see past his departure from "norms" that long ago ceased to have any worthwile effect on political affairs either either domestic or foreign.

  26. The INNATE viciousness, savagery, barbarity, and general WORTHLESSNESS of peoples forced by circumstances to live their lives laboring under under the yoke of the Satanic, pseudo religion called ISLAM is nakedly apparent in the way these bBACKWARD, PRIMITIVE, UNCIVILIZED, VENGENFUL, SPITEFUL people respond to LIFE, to the WOLRD, and to EACH OTHER.


    1. Yes. Biden show himself to be a thoroughly disingenuous political prostate who never has had and nver will have a shred of Integrity. At this point it's even worse because it's obvious the man is either impaired by the overuse of powerful drugs or he's in the early stages of Senile Dementia –– possibly even Alzheimer's.

      Why anyone would even DREAM of voting for Biden I can't imagine –– especially as he appears today.

      Always a MEDIOCRITY at best, poor old Slow Quid-Pro-Joe is obviously a SPENT FORCE.

  28. While most Dems acknowledge Soleimani was a monster many can't help but criticize Trump for killing him. From Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) complaining he wasn't notified in advance so he could leak it to the 2020 Dems all seemed more concerned that Trump acted than they did for the crimes committed by the monster. Worse still, behind the scenes Dems have been colluding with Iranians and offering a new phase of appeasement for Iran if Trump is defeated in the election.

    Democrats in the Obama Administration who gave Iran billions to fund Soleimani's terror spree are naturally upset:

  29. Biden, was a useless politician back in 1996 and still is today. And he wants to run for president/ Are you kidding?

  30. Unhinged Progressives Mourn Over The Death of Top Two Terrorists

    Canada Free Press

    by Andrew G. Benjamin

    Abu Bakhr al-Baghdadi of DAISH (westerners call ISIS), commanded 40,000. Barack Obama called ISIS a JV Team in his rush to cover for Islamist butchering across the globe, and for Islamic terror at Fort Hood he called “workplace violence.” Predictably, as the Trump Deranged do today, Obama’s DIA James Clapper said al-Baghdadi’s killing was a bad thing. We presume it was bad because the wrong president accomplished the killing. In perspective the killing was far more consequential than . . .

    1. What a loss to culture these Terrorists are, we peasant deplorables have no idea how cultured, well educated and talented these terrorists were, why can't we be able to live a more sober existence, much like Pelosi? Well wait perhaps that should be Schumer or Schiff, well at least you understand the concept of sober yes?


  31. #2: Not unhinged. America-hating traitors.

    #3: Anti-Americans of a feather flock together.

    #4: The Iranians are publicly stating that they intent to kill the President of the USA, attack the White House specifically, and the USA generally, along with killing and wounding large numbers of US military personnel, and the leftist Democrats in response say they intend to pass legislation stripping the President of his constitutional authority to respond militarily against those Iranian attacks until after the Democrats in Congress debate those issues and decide what actions that they are going to allow the President to take against Iran. I don’t know but outside the DC beltway in the past, such a cowardly political position would not have been a winner in US General Elections.

    1. #5: You have to wonder if today’s leftist and liberal Democrats were around espousing such positions during the Second World War, if President Roosevelt would have ever been able to get such large military undertakings as the Normandy Invasion under way, without dissident Members of Congress leaking operational information to the enemy for partisan political purposes?

    2. Ocasio-Cortez Accuses ‘Monster’ Trump of Engaging in ‘War Crime’ over Iran Threats

      Breitbart Politics

      by Hannah Bleau

      Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accused President Trump of engaging in a “war crime” for responding to Iran’s threats with forceful warnings, referring to him as an “authoritarian” who wants to “erase history” and calling him a “monster” over the weekend. The New York lawmaker doubled down via social media on her opposition to Trump’s decision to eliminate Iran’s top terror chief Qasem Soleimani. “This is a war crime,” she tweeted in response to Trump’s threat to target 52 Iranian sites in the event that the nation strikes Americans or American assets. “Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children – which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites – . . .

    3. eply 1

      Her stupidity was kind of funny at first, making comments about things she knows nothing about, but it's getting tiresome. I hope she gets her old tip stealing bartender job back, and the sooner the better!

      Reply 2

      Will this fucking bitch ever shut her goddan piehol;e?

      Reply 3

      Um . . . would AOC prefer targeted strikes or carpet bombing? Targeted sounds like fewer innocent people would be hurt or killed. If there aren't strikes against Iran when warranted, what would AOC prefer be done?


      Give peace a chance?

      Oh puh-lease. We've been giving peace a chance when it comes to Iran since I was in grade school. They stormed our embassy and took our personnel hostage, holding them for 400+ days.

      They have never been nice to us since Carter stupidly engineered the end of Shah Rez Pahlavi.-- actually quite the opposite. BOO Jimmeh!

      Reply 4

      Did AOC complain about Obama's 2800+ drone strikes?

      Reply 5

      She and the rest of her insane party should go live there if they think it is so preferable to the US. I have had it with these America haters that will side with the devil himself instead of anyone or anything good for America.

      Where was all their concern when Obama was hitting terrorists with drones without due process? Lest we forget, Obama could do no wrong in their eyes. I'm still convinced he's an Iranian plant,

      Reply 6 -

      She is WAY past her 15 minutes of fame.

      Just stupid hysterics these days from Sandie O'Casey O'Kotex, the tip-stealing barmaid.

      Reply 7

      She is so far beyond stupid. it can't be measured..

      Reply 8

      Oy! what maroon!

  32. Great News For New York Residents.
    New York City Crime Statistics Have Gone Down In 2019
    The NYPD in Coordination with the Mayors office announced today that in 2019 the City experienced the lowest number of reported crimes of any past year. on record.

    The Only Crimes That Were EXCLUDED From This Survey were The Following:
    Assault Against Police Offices
    Gang Violence
    and Hate Crimes.
    Other Than That It Was A Very God Year For New York

    "Every New Yorker Deserves to Feel Safe in Their Home. While Crime Is at a Historic Low Across the City, We Are Working to Make this a Reality in Every Zip Code," Said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

  33. Did you read that the people that refused to attend Soleimani's funeral were shot and that the regime also had bribed others to attend by giving them free food...yeah, the Iranian people are really broken hearted over the death of this POS

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. ________ N_O_T_I_C_E ________

      ANY mention of "MISS SHAW" in ANY context is grounds for IMMEDIATE DELETION on SIGHT.

      We ABHOR Tattlers, Trublemakers and Nasty Blog Gossip.

  35. The bottom Line is that the Iranian Monster Soleimani is Dead!
    Yes, Biggest Killer since Osama Bin Laden is no longer walking the face of this earth!
    With one strike our President Avenged the deaths of Thousands of American Troops .
    And naturally, the Socialist Democrats are all upset! They can’t and won’t ever give one drop of credit to President Donald J. Trump. They would much rather impeach him that praise him.

    The monster of the Middle East is dead. Thanks to a U.S. drone strike directed at Iran's top General “The enforcer of death” Qassem Soleimani as he arrived in Baghdad Iraq... And by the way! What was he even doing in Iraq? Causing trouble? Planning more attacks on Americans? He just has attack on our embassy! And he just Killed an American Contractor last week. Was he back for more Collateral Damage?

    Yes the Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Murdering General Qasem Soleimani’s death, some of them are even calling it a “War Crime” and Speaker Nancy Pelosi is looking into restricting the President’s powers, and trying to tie his hands so that he can’t hurt anymore of our Enemies.

    My mind seems to fail me, but is that when she or anyother Democrat said when FORMER President Obama used his executive powers to strike and kill U.S. citizens in Yemen in 2011, including a 16-year-old boy?. Did those Hypocrites try to tie Obama’s hands? We have been killing Terrorists since September-11th, 2001..I can also remember Their Dear Leader, Mullah Barry, taking out a wedding party in Yemen, killing over 20 people. CIVILIANS may I add! Yes, their hypocrisy is mind-numbing
    Taking out Iran’s number one Terrorist is a no braine! But when the Obama administration killed Bin Laden it was the Greatest thing that happened since Ronald Reagan Tore down that wall.

    The Secretary of Defense was on TV saying that Soleimani was a known threat and a proper Military Target. But, hey, if you Socialist Democrats want to put your hatred of Trump and your appeasement of Iran above the USA, go ahead and charge the President with your “War Crimes”. My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome of the next election anyway, so be my guest!

  36. Most of all of this is because of Obama’s stupid deal of the century with Iran.
    Not only did the sonofabitch give the Mullahs billions of dollars with that stupid deal but he also allowed thousands of those blood sucking Iranians to come into this country. With Sleeper cells and who knows exactly what else!
    And hoe many of you stupid Moon Bats voted for that worthless POS Obama?

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


      ________ N_O_T_I_C_E ________

      ANY mention of "MISS SHAW" in ANY context is grounds for IMMEDIATE DELETION on SIGHT.

      We ABHOR Tattlers, Troublemakers and Nasty Blog Gossip.

  38. Joe Biden lied thru his teeth about not knowing about Burisma - there are photos of him with them & his son golfing.
    - Schiff's State Department 'witness' testified he warned Joe several times about the Conflict of Interest but that Joe blew him off, that if anyone needed to be investigated and brought to testify it is Joe and hunter...

    Oh, and let's not forget Joe Biden’s video-taped confession....

    So, if you can't see or smell the criminal BS here you are a combination of Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson

  39. “Ricky Gervais delivered a glorious kick in the globes to Hollywood’s woke virtue-signalling hypocrites — and exposed them as a bunch of shameless two-faced charlatans.”


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