Thursday, January 2, 2020

Qassim Soleimani, blown to bits

What is YOUR opinion of the action taken at the direction of Presient Trump after the unprovoked attack on the American Embassy by 
hostile Iranian forces?


  1. A very bad actor is now taking a deserved dirt nap for eternity.

    Be very prepared for Iranian retaliatory strikes against American interests and personnell across the globe.

    Biden's quip that we tossed a stick of dynamite into a cinder box actually is an apt analogy.

    I fear an expanded conflagration in the ME that will span years. Or... perhaps the ultimate... nuclear confrontation.

    Humans...a sad lot indeed.

  2. The Terrorist General with the blood of THOUSANDS of AMERICANS on his hands Qassem Soleimani masterminded the killing of hundreds of American Troops, and helped Assad slaughter his people in Syria, and was an ally of Hezbollah.
    But Unfortunately the DemonRats, and the Re-Gressives
    hate Donald Trump more than they Love America, and our Troops.

  3. Ilhan Omar Attacks Trump For Killing Top Iranian Terrorist, Promotes Conspiracy Theory

    Now she is criticizing Trump for killing a Terrorist! Seriously? Poor Omar, another hero of hers fallen.

    Keep electing Islamist extremists to Congress and this is what you get. I am almost speechless.
    I have to wonder, just how did this person, and others like her ever get elected? She and the other assholes in Congress like her are anti-American and should have been booted out of Congress long ago.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. While I don't disagree with yr assessment of th party in question, I'd MUCH prefer you –– and eeryone ELS –– to talk ablt the sitation in the Middle east and the possible ramificatons of President Trum's decisive action to elimjnate the primary perpetrator of the unprovoked attack by IRAN on a U.S. Embassy.

      Please don't attack other posters or gossip about fellow bloggers when visditng here.

      If there are any derogatory remarks to be made, I will be the one to mae them.

      Piling on is rarely-if-ever a good idea.

  5. This was a good move... if there is strategery behind it and we are prepared to play chess.

    This dirtbag was responsible for thousands of US military casualties and deaths. Anyone crying tears over him is either an idiot or hates the United States.

  6. Expect cyber attacks here in the US...

    Public infrastructure disruptions, ATM network outages, etc

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Frankly I'm surprised that those undesirable things have not already happened long ago, aren't you?

      Violent cinfict in this benighted region has been going on for at least a THOUSAND years.

      There appears to be a FUNDAMENTAL FLAW in the PEOPLE of the Middle east. If that were not true,things would not be as they are.

      I believe the FLAW was created by the INSANE false religion we call ISLAM.

  7. Has everyone noticed that the most vile liberal trolls other than Pookie Toot Toot haven't stopped by in a long time? Dodobyrd flew south and nearly took a dirt nap when he nearly crash landed his carcass into his dirtnap nest. Rusty spotted slow Cray Cray getting his belly and ears scratched at Boston Piggy's dump. And Mystere cut off that retarded vile troll Buttstink Dervish when Dervish boobytrapped himself by spewing false accusations while admitting he stopped by here without leaving any condolences. It's been good not seeing the vile fleabaggers taking dumps here. I give RN a little credit; while he's far out in left field somewhere.
    RN is over at AOW’s place making an Idiot out of himself over the Presidents great move that killed the Iranian Dirtbag. And everyone there is laughing at him.
    Anyway, Happy New Year! May the year of the rat bring prosperity to everyone!

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  8. "It is better to be feared, than loved..." - Machiavelli

  9. Ooooh! The big bad orange man has angered the nice Iranians! He should have given them pallets of cash like Dear Leader Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner did!

    Planet go boom now!!!

  10. "Res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt molirir et late finis custode tueri." - Virgil, "The Aneid"

    A hard thing and novelty of the kingdom force me to contrive such things and to protect the far and wide borders with a guardian.

  11. Obama Strikes a Deal--With Qassem Suleimani snd
    According to the terms of the Iran deal announced in Vienna on Tuesday, U.N. Security Council sanctions regarding nuclear-related issues will be lifted on a number of entities and individuals—from Iranian banks to Lebanese assassins, like Anis Nacacche. The name that most sticks out is IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani. Administration officials counsel calm, and explain that Suleimani is still on the U.S. terror list and will remain on the terror list. But that’s irrelevant. The reality is that Suleimani is the key to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

    The White House’s so-called nuclear talks with Iran over the last 18 months were never about Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Like everyone else in the Middle East, the Iranians understood that when Obama failed to strike Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in September 2013 for crossing his redline against the use of chemical weapons, there was no way the president would ever order military action against Iranian nuclear facilities. When Obama took that option off the table, he signaled to Iran that he wasn’t going to stop them because he thought there was no way to do so. When he leaked information about the Stuxnet worm, he suggested that he could help with Israel, too.

    The negotiations were about something else entirely—they were about what Obama has described as a new geopolitical equilibrium, which would stabilize the Middle East and allow the administration to further minimize its role in the region. The way Obama described it publicly, this new security architecture was going to balance Iran against traditional American allies, like Saudi Arabia. However, it soon became apparent that the White House wasn’t really balancing at all, but had rather chosen one team over the others, Iran. Obama made his preference for Iran and its allies clear—in Lebanon, Syria, and most obviously in Iraq where the White House ordered air strikes on ISIS positions that allowed various Iranian-backed outfits, under the leadership of Qassem Suleimani, to take Tikrit.

    Obama likes Suleimani, and admires his work. As the president reportedly told a group of Arab officials in May, the Arabs “need to learn from Iran’s example.”

  12. Obama would have never protected American lives or the American embassy.

    That is just the kind of weak ass he was. And so were the Shitheads who elected him.

  13. We’ve been killing Iranian enemies for decades, Now suddenly that means something ? Why? Because the Democrats think it may be another way for them to hurt Trumps re-election.

  14. The Democrats feel neglected because President Trump left them out of the loop in regards to the whacking of Soleimani.

    Had Trump told them, they would have been able to get the word out to their Iranian friends , and it would have been an embarrassment to Trump. Gen. Soleimani would have been able to make sure that a kindergarten class was where he was supposed to be, and Trump could be charged with War Crimes for killing a Kindergarten class.

    Keeping this information away from Chuck and Nancy was an essential part of this tremendous plan to ensure its success. Remember that those 2 are hellbent to remove Trump as well as Pence from office by any means necessary.
    I don’t know why ANY American should mourn the bastard known as Qassem Soleimani’. He deserved what he got for his crimes against American troops and thousands of innocent people throughout the world. He was one of the world biggest terrorist, and was responsible for Hundreds, or maybe even Thousands of atrocities, and brutalities.

    Between what he (Trump) did to el Baghdadi and Soleimani his approval should be should be going thru the roof.

  15. Soleimani taunted Trump personally, suggests sleeper cells in chilling speech,
    ‘We are near you in places that you can’t even imagine’

    BizPac Review

    by Vivek Saxena

    Prior to being eliminated like a pesky cockroach, Iranian military general and terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani repeatedly taunted President Donald Trump and tried to wage a meme war against him. But in doing so, it appears he signed his own death warrant.The two’s beef reportedly began in July of 2017 when, in response to pressure campaigns from the U.S., Iranian President Hassan Rouhani issued a warning.“[Americans] must understand that war with Iran is the mother of all wars and peace with Iran is the mother of all peace. … [D]o not play with the lion’s tail, . . .

  16. I don't see any upside to a long history of destabilizing and and destroying countries in the middle east. Both Iraq and Iran have suffered the effects of this outrageous "protecting democracy" in their countries.

    I bought into the bee ess about WMD in Iraq even though it was just another big lie. The history of undermining Iran goes back further.

    Trump has spoken about binging the troops home. That is what I agree with. There seems to be a rogue element pulling in the other direction here. Especially obvious in Syria.

  17. Happy New Year to you, sir:

    Here's one for you:



    1. Good point, Liz.

      being a Democrat these days is tantamount to having serious, suicidal a mental disorder.

      Rotten Leadership is the culprit, of course. Too bad we've been "dumbed down" –– a deliberate strategy deployed our corrupt educational system working in conjunction with the ENEMEDIA and OOP KULTCHAH to such an extenet that few are capable of thinking for themselves.

      That's because The Establishment has refused to deal honestly with REALITY, and has fed the multitudes a fantastic issue of LIES, HALF-TRUTHS and DISTORTIONS.


  19. Provoking a war against the US should never be viewed as smart, or even clever but only as Stupid, and Idiotic. Those of you will remember what happened on December 7th, 1941.

    The consequences of attacking our country, our people, our embassies our installations and or our troops should be real, and immediate an act of WAR!

    And that’s why the Iranians , should rethink their position.

    When we are willing to stand by and watch, the consequences of your foolishness, you may actually learn that your decision WILL lead to something that you will regret for the rest of your life, or the remaining days.


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