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Get it? If not you must be either a leftist or a knothead |
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ReplyDeleteANY mention whatsoever –– pro, con or indifferent –– about "MISS SHAW" will be DELETED on contact.
DeleteWe do NOT indulge in petty-minded BLOG GOSSIP at THIS blog.
Pelosi's in a bind now after Iran fired all those missiles at our bases. Will they vote to restrict President Trump against Iran?
ReplyDeleteAlso, its disgusting to see the leftwing comment threads and the press.
Whatever is good for America is bad for Democrats.
Yes, indeed, Silver, only I would have put it THIS way:
Delete"Whatever is BAD for the USA is GOODfor Defecrats."
A difference without a distinction, perhaps but more pointed in its thust against the Left.
In truth there ARE no mpre "Democrats," thre are only vrulnt LEFtists and the todaying ignoramuses who mindlessly FOLOW them.
"DISGUSTING" may be accurate, but too mild a term. This faction has become ANATHEMA.
The press and Democrats' constant attacks on the president are playing into Iran's strategy. They know the Democrats and the press will slant everything to their side and against President Trump, so that is a force multiplier for them.
ReplyDeleteAll the diaper-pissing hand-wringing about ww III, etc also plays into their hands. They don't care how many of their people die. We do.
Europe is no help either. If we had had this low quality of weak sisters in the US and Europe in WW II, we'd be speaking German now.
YES. Why else do you think I've been labelling the so-called "press" as the ENEMEDIA for the past twenty-odd years?
DeleteYou didn't mention them, but I believe so-clled "acade ia" is as much or mre to blame as the ENEMEDIA.
That's why I now insist on referring to the Americ'as leading institutions of hgher learning as as THE POISON IVY LEAGUE.
And frankly bas as the Nazi's were, the MARXISTS have been a greal deal worse. I'd rather be speaking GERMAN than Russian or Chinese., wooden shoe? };^)>
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ReplyDeleteYou were told yesterday –– in no uncertain terms –– that we do NOT accept comments from the CRIMNALLY INSANE
DeleteYou are scared shi#less of the TRUTH. And you lack the balls to post truth. So, live your fucking delusions.
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DeleteWould anyone care –– or dare –– to hazard a guess as to what the featured cartoon signifies?
ReplyDeleteWe're ALL EARS!
Why is Frankie so willing to accept Trumps pathological lying and his disrespect for our Constitution and the democratic institutions of our republic is nothing short of astounding.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is, Trump.l won't be around forever. Real patriotic Americans are hoping he's gone in a year. Before he ruins the entire country. Eh Frankie!
If there are any "pathologicl liars" on the scene they are dangerous lunatics who inhabit YOUR camp and share the same warped, demented, destructive, frankly SUICIDAL view that has possessed your doomed soul.
DeleteIf you weren't such an aggressively hateful naysayer, I'd feel sorry for you, Anon, but instead I feel sorry that our nation has to be cursed and encumbered by people of your SPITEFUL, wretchedly STUPID ilk.
It signifies... Iran was shouting death to America and death to Isreal in 1978. Before the Suliemani assasination it was death to America. After his assasination it was death to America and Death to Isreal. Iran, since the Islamic Revolution has HATED the USA and has as Iran views Isreal as a USA proxy in the region wishes death to Isreal as well.
ReplyDeleteIt is helpful to understand the effect of the west creating the state of Israel following WW II and the USA support for the coup that overthrew Iran's only democratically elected government in 1953. Our support of the Shah is why America is on their shit list.
Religous faith plays on this as well.
tank you. Your reply shows you do have some capacity for THOUGHT.
Evidence ofhought is very rare here in Cyberpace –– as it frankly is in ALL venues of public discourse these days.
However, you missed a critical implication in the cartoon I'm still hoping SOMEONE will be bl to articulate for us.
[HINT: It as to do with President Trump's role in the ongoing saga of Western Civilizatin's ongoing conflict with the Middle East.]
I avoided making what will now follow because my sense visit would be deleted if I did. But, here goes.
ReplyDeleteI'm secure the peace ure President Trump views his posistion and response to Iran as the correct one that will, eventually, bring a VERY BAD actor (regime) to its knees. Preventing a nuclear Iran and thereby achieving peace through strength.
Personally, I understand his desires. I simply don't believe he, as well as he plenty who support his tactics, are right.
But someday we will know. As an aside Franco, we really have little if any real control over the ultimate outcome. Do we?
Hate the damned auto spell correct on cell phones. Not too smart I say. Anyway, excuse the auto corrections the damned cell made. I.p.o
DeleteNot to worry about spelling and typos, Anony. My typing has gotten so bad because of my legal blindness, if I tried to fuss over every error I make (PLENTY!) and insisted on correcting them, I'd be here all day.
DeleteIt's the SPIRIT behind the remarks that matters most to me anyway. If I sense MALEVOLENCE and a desire to DISRUPT and create ACRIMONY, I will DELETE that remark no matter how well it may be written.
You have not been obnxious about your distrust of the wisdom of President Trump' s decisions, so it's all right with me, even tough am quite sure you are probably wrong in that regard..
Ths may not be true of you, but from what Iv observed over the last three-and-a-half years the leading figures in the Democratic party are SO incensed, SO resentful, ad So filled with WRATH that Mr. Trump DARED to WIN the election over Madam Clinton they've become patholgically obsessed with trying to DISCREDIT nd OVERTURN the results of the 2016 election.
There's nothing in their neverending claims against President Trump but sheer SPITE.
It's nearly impossible to think sensibly when we let ouselves be BLINDED by pure RAGE.
I agree Franco.
DeleteJust so you know, my distrust of President Trump's decisions are NOT do to spite. I bit my tongue when I voted for HRC (HARD) because frankly I do not like her, and, I questioned at the time if actually had what it takes to be an effective leader. But, after observing candidate Trump's rhetoric and what I view as unacceptable character traits in a president I AGAIN voted for what I believed was the lesser of two evils.
And Franco, thank you for your response to my prior comment.
BTW Franco... Top of the morning to ya laddie! And a mighty fine morning it tis that God has given us this day!
The D☭mocrats are on auto pilot. Whatever Trump does or says they oppose. Franco, if you can't quite see it, that's the hammer and sickle symbol in place of the "e".
ReplyDeleteThe dems are walking puke on a stick.
I think of them more as TURDSICLES, myse;f, Kid, but your heart i in the right place.
DeleteDefinitely WASTE PRODUCTS te lot of them, but s are the RINO'S for whom I have even LESS respect if that's possibe.
“As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.”
ReplyDelete- President Donald J. Trump, January 8, 2020
DeleteExcellent Job Franco
ReplyDeleteMorgan Freeman was right when he said.. said : “Jailing Hillary Clinton Would Be The Best Way To Restore Public Faith In Our Government”!
ReplyDelete“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while promoting National Geographic’s new documentary -series The Story of Us.
Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”
After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again, saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“
“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.
Hillary's finished –– a real DEAD DUCK if ever there was one. What I object i the brzen DOUBLE STANDARD applied by the Defecrats.
DeleteIf MIKE FLYNN deserves what HE has received so far, then HRC deserves nothing less than to be DRAWN and QUARTERED –– after being dipped in a vat of boiling hot wax.
I've never been partial to Roger Stone but HE's not guilty of anything but flagrant and persistent Political Incorrectness Since when has THAT warranted LIFE SENTENCE?
Paul Manafort too has suffererd FAR more than he ever should have for whatever it was HE is supposed to have done.
The president MUST grant a FULL PARDON to EACH of these three unlucky victims of circumstance who's only REAL offense was ever having tried to serve th best interests of DONALD J. TRUMP..
The Defecrats are vicious, intolerant, unprincipled, crooked THUGS –– nothing more –– nothing less.
The whole thing is SO outrageous it's a wonder I haven't suffered a STROKE.
I'm so damned mad I could SPIT.
Orange Yew?
By the way, Her Heinous is WAAAAAAAAY beyond being able to benefit from "help" of ANY kind. It ir were up to me, I'd drop her into an OUbLIETTE and walk jauntily away whistling a happy tune.
When YOUR PARTY is against Killy a Terrorist, then it’s time to change your party!
ReplyDeleteDebonair Dude January, 2020
As they say, do into others as you would have them do unto you.
DeletePowerful and positive energy.
Both government and religion are about control and POWER over others.
True God centered spirituality and energy is about pure LOVE. Islamists and someso called Christian Evangelicals, like the Islamists, fail to grasp true God centered spirituality and PURE love.
We are in changing times. Those born after 1980 will change the face of the geopolitical world.
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Delete_____ I REPEAT: _____
Those who post where they're not welcome
Must be demons who from Hell come!
In short:
Yes, DD, I would agree, but there is NO party today who is absolutely trustworthy.on ANY of the major issues. In my never humble opinion
ReplyDeleteThe Demnrats are IMPOSSIbLE, of course, but the Repukicans are so divided Heaven only knows WHAT we may expect from them. Too many RINO's too many egomaniacs who think of temselves a "pure," "Principled," and "idealistic," when in fact they are more deadly dangerous than the out-and-out MARXISTS who now hide themseves behind the pseudo-respectable labe "PROGRESSIVE." .
So True
ReplyDeleteBefore the deposing of the Shah of Iran in 1979 did anyone have Islam or Muslims on their mind? Not that I can recall. Sine the USA and the CIA has been involved in several regime changes in Iran over the last several decades why is it not likely that the regime of the mad mullahs wasn't just another in a line of regime changes in Iran?
ReplyDeleteIt introduced onto the world stage a primitive mentality that most sane people would completely abhor. What if the regime was controlled opposition and the assassin general that was killed by the drone strike was a player for the globalist cabal of Deep Staters?
Could the light at the end of this tunnel be that President Trump struck a blow against the CIA Deep State by offing one of their undercover assassins?
...just a theory.
Breaking News Story ...
ReplyDeletePresident Trump provides some insight into the recent downing of the Iranian passenger plane after takeoff from Tehran airport. Being that the plane was relatively new, 3 years old, with no reported problems from the crews that had flown the plane, President Trump leans toward the theory that the plane was shot down. He is a great detective and is in a position to have more info than po' folks like us.
Doubtful that Iran would shoot down one of its passenger planes, but possible. Who else may be on the list of suspects?
Recall the debacle of Flight 800 of the coast of Long Island in July of 1996. Just a reminder that these lying bastards could claim that black is white and up is down and get away with any BIG LIE.
There's always dirty work afoot, Waylon. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to prove conclusively who is responsible for perpetrating it.
DeleteI wish you had named your source.
Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) has confirmed that he is voting against the partisan push for President Donald Trump's impeachment.Speaking to a reporter from The Globe on Saturday, Peterson, who is the House Committee on Agriculture chairman, says he will vote against impeaching the president.Peterson said he cannot support the Democratic campaign to impeach Trump over his contacts with Ukraine unless, in the unlikely event that, any actual evidence comes to light.
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DeleteIran is using bulldozers to move around the debris from the crashed Ukrainian passenger jet, potentially destroying any evidence which could help determine exactly what happened to it.
ReplyDeleteThis is the Iranian Bleach Bit!
Where did you get that information, Pepe?
DeleteNaming sources is always one of the best ways to bolster credibility.
Who was it that first brought up the illegal bathroom server and her mishandling of classified info? I’ll give you a Hint: It was Not Trump or the GOP, it was James Comey
ReplyDeleteIt was Hillary's campaign who colluded with Russians to fabricate the Steele Dossier and interfere in the 2016 election. It was Hillary who bought and pa for the Fake dossier that was given to the FISA court.
How did Comey give Hillary a pass on her apparent "crimes"? He declared her "lack of intent".
So stop bragging about Hillary's "innocence". People are in prison for doing less than her mishandling of classified information.
Durham has better cases against the deep state conspirators who illegally spied on the Trump campaign by falsifying FISA warrants. The biggest scandal in US history is the Obama admin's "break into" the Trump campaign using foreign intel assets. I wouldn't be celebrating just yet.
Trying to reason with a defecrat is like trying to reason with a 3 year old spoiled brat while "she" is having a bi-polar event.
ReplyDeleteI mean this literally.
AGREED in spades, doublbed and redoubled
DeleteThanks, Kid!
Nancy Pelosi's vote on a war powers resolution to rein in Trump on Iran is strictly hypocritical
ReplyDeleteDemocratic leaders didn't act against Obama's military overreach as he launched attacks across the Middle East and North Africa.
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ReplyDeleteLove ya, MA, but w do NOT name the names of fellow bloggers, especially those we find hateful, depressing, degrading, and disgusting.
It only gives them more unwarranted PUBLICITY, and thus helps to SPREAD their POISON to greater numbers.
If the Democrats try to impose the worthless War Powers Act, and try to restrict President Trump from attacking Iran, it's simple. Trump will simply ignore them and order the attacks anyway.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Democrats know they have ZERO power, but their voters don't all know that. So, just like with the Kavanaugh hearings, the phony Russian collusion farce, and the impeachment hot air, and now blaming the downing of the Iranian Air Plane the Democrats will put on a big act, so as to not lose votes.
All through it, these charlatans will put on acts worthy of academy awards. Hopefully, the Iranians will be a bit smarter than Democrat voters, and will be aware of the danger
We can take it for granted that if a TORNADO were to wipe out Topeka, Kansas, the DEFECRATS would conjure up some way to BLAME President TRUMP.
DeleteOn the other hand, if President TRUMP were able to dive into a raging STORM at SEA, and SINGLE-HANDELY manage to STOP a TIDAL WAVE with his BARE HANDS, the ENEMEDIA would either IGNORE it - or - loudly proclaim that TRUMP is GRANDSTANDING AGAIN.
Mayor Pete is facing sharp criticism after suggesting the innocent civilians killed in a plane crash shot down by Iran's military died in a 'unwanted tit for tat' between Washington and Tehran.
ReplyDelete??? What the hell does he know about tits?
Don't be silly, Billy.
But as to the more serius implications in your post I can only repeat what I just said to NAM directy above.
To the LEFT President TRUMP can do NOTHING RIGHT. In this thy ar ADAMANt, even thugh they must know themselves to be nothing but a lousy stinkin' bunch of FUGGIN' L_I_A_R_S.
By killing one Man, or should I say “Animal” , Our President Donald J. Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran by sending them the message that he, nor the United States of America is not to be messed with!