Thursday, January 23, 2020

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  1. Replies
    1. Spoken like the true wise man you are, Kid. Thank you.


  2. Replies
    1. Certinly an accurate assessµent of their interinsic VALUE at least, wooden shoe say?

  3. The Democrats' Disgraceful Hail Mary\

    PJ Media

    by David Limbaugh

    I don't know about you, but I'm a little tired of Rep. Adam Schist and the Democratic horde's portraying every charge against President Donald Trump as Trump's effort to interfere with this or that election. In his opening statement at the Senate impeachment trial, Lead House Impeachment Manager Schiff, puffed up with false indignation, did it again. President Trump made an "attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election," said Schiff, and he must be impeached. He's claiming that the 2020 election, which won't happen until November, will be illegitimate because of Trump's dastardly telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. . . .

  4. A Troll whse name wewill NEVER permit to be mentioned here in ANY context DARED to write the following earlier today:

    What IS disgraceful is the eager willingness of Trump's cultists to accept, without so much as a question, his multitude of lies.

    1. Silver Fiddle, whose views I respect, even though we don't always agree, made the mistake of responding directly to the filthy bastard, but Silver's response was worth noting, so we are taking the rare step of republishing it here.

      SilverfiddleJanuary 25, 2020 at 8:32 AM

      The question at hand is, was it an abuse of power for President Trump to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate Burisma and the Bidens' role in that company's corruption. Clearly, it is not.

      "Obstruction of Congress" is also a bogus charge. The President does not work for congress. Congress can demand information and compel witnesses in their narrow oversight role of executive operations, but this buts up against executive privilege.

      Schiff and Pelosi's fatal flaw was not pursuing their subpoenas in the courts. Most likely, they knew their demands were a wild overreach and they would lose. Better to press on, and scream bloody murder to propagandize and enrage their base.

      Worked perfectly on you, didn't it?

    2. I ask you PLEASE in future NOT to address ANY troll, but PARTICULARY the one in questin here.

      Usually, because we will NOT permit his name to be published here –– EVER –– when the bastard's nettlesome remarks are deleted, the remarks f those who've troubled to RESPOND to him ALSO get deleted AUTOMATICALLY.

      We don't care whose "Side" you support flouting or disregarding OUR rules will result in DELETION.

      As we've written many times:

      "We'd much rather be ALONE than in BAD company."

      THIS blog is NOT a PUBLIC TOILET.


    Once convicted the Pop-Eyed, Pencil-Necked Twit will be stripped naked in public, impaied on a meat hook placed on a specially constructed scaffold in front of The Capitol Steps and subjected to The Death of a Thousand Cuts. Each Republican member of the House and Senate will be lined up. equpped with a pen knife or a razor blade and permitted just ONE swipe at Adam. This will continue unabated to a martial drumbeat by the U.S. Marine Band till the little turd finally stops screaming and gives up the ghost.

    All-You-Can-Eat Hot Dogs and Eskimo Pies and a hnc to piss on the bloody corpse will follow [but you'll have to take a number than get in line], then a spectacular Fireworks Dislpay over the Mall after dark.

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    1. Do NOT names NAMES, Steve. PLEASE!

      Why would ANY right-thinking person such as yourself want to give FREE PUBLICITY to nettlesome, destructive elements?

      Think POSITIVE, and life will seem much safer, saner and more pleasant.

  7. What If They Gave An Impeachment And No One Came?


    by John Hinderaker

    The Democrats are desperately trying to flog their impeachment show, but so far both the ratings and the reviews are bad. Ratings fall flat as the vast majority of Americans tune out impeachment trial. Only 3% of Americans tuned in across all the major networks and cable news combined. — Ted Davis (@tedsthetruth) January 23, 2020 You’ve all seen the headlines: Impeachment trial gets lower ratings than Jeopardy! on a bad night. Ratings Show Americans Don’t Care About the Impeachment Trial Enough to Watch It. To be fair, I can’t imagine how anyone could stand to spend hours watching Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. . . .


  8. All we get, and hear from the PROGRESSIVE LEFTIES IS Lies after more Lies....
    There isn't a shred of evidence, not even a HINT of fact from these vile scumbag

    1. Yes, yes, of course, but why not tell us something we haven't already known for the past three and a half years?


  9. Today's rant.
    I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

    Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

    Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

    The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

    These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpers.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Thanks, Mac. I see you are a THINKING person. That's a great rarity in these parts, so even though I am wildly enthusiastic about President Trump for hudres of reasons soon to be publised in detail at this blog, I respect the attitude you've shown, because it's not just the usual blind, unthinking partisan drivel.

      There are plenty who purport to be on "MY" side whose standardized boilerplate rhetoric frankly embarrasses me.

      I do hope you will come to understand, however, that –– given our present circumstances and the hghly flawed nature of the Opposition –– Mr. Trump is our ONLY possble choice if we don't want to be turned into yet-another Socialist Worker's SHITHOLE..

  10. According to Saturday morning's impeachment hearing ....

    The people are finally letting Schiff have it ..The will of the people is what matters much for the half of America that wants to impeach Trump ..Vote ALL Democrats OUT..shut down the DC swamp once and for all. Let's show those creepy liars that we aren't going to tale their BS any longer!

  11. Our President has been so successful that the United States no longer needs to import energy from there hostile nations that have been holding a gun to our heads all these years.

    The United States is now, by far, the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world, by far. It’s not even close.
    He has done more in 2-3 years than the Previous “Occupant” of the Whit House had done in Eignt!

  12. After spending about $40 million dollars of our taxpayers money, and having employing 20 Democrat lawyers )many of who of whom had previously worked for the Clinton’s) , and taking two and a hlaf years to do an investigation that anyone with half a brain could have done in one week, the Mueller “Witch Hunt’ (the report that “Mueller” himself had absolutely nothing to do with) found absolutely no evidence of Russian Collusion or Obstruction .

    Now it turns out, former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch who I had always suspected to be a fake, and a phoney was Adam Shiff’s Prize Witnesses is again a Shill for The Obama Administration, and is a bought and paid for by who else but George Soros.
    The fired prosecutor of the Ukraine controversy said during a private interview with Rudy Giuliani that he was told to back off the investigation involving Joe Biden’s son Hunter.
    It was the Stinking Leftist George Soros who used a powerful FaceBook social media tracking device to unlawfully monitor U.S conservative figures, journalists & persons tied to Donald Trump
    WHY IS IT that Rudy Giuliani is being vilified for protecting his client (the President of the United States) and yet that scumbag George Soros can run around trying to buy elections and apparently the oil and gas sector in Ukraine hence why he was being investigated and the sudden drop of the case the same day as Bidens son?

    The whole Whistle blower who everyone know is “Eric Ciaramella” was a scam, that’s why they wanted to hide his identity, because he was involved with Joe Biden, and Adam Schiff had not only known him, but had discussions with him and had advised him .
    Eric Ciaramella the “Whistle blower”, with other individuals played key roles in planning the famous anti-Trump Dirty Dossier that was produced by Fusion GPS and financed by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee...

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  16. I honestly have never seen or known a Bernie Sanders supporter. They must be some kind of a mythical creature

  17. Have you ever met a Bernie Sanders supporter?
    I honestly have never seen or known a Bernie Sanders supporter. They must be some kind of a mythical creature!
    Or for that matter, I’ver never met a Biden, or Elizabeth Warren supporter either.
    Though I must admit that I’ve met loads of Hillary Supports and I’ll have to admit that I also thought that they were escapees from a Loony Farm.
    Maybe I don't travel in the same circles as they do. For example I’ve never been inside of a McDonald’s, or a Popeye’s.

    1. You apparently live under a rock then Mista Anon.

  18. Obama spent his days as President working on March Madness College Basketball playoff brackets, Hollywood Parties, and Hob Nogging with Celebrities. .The Democrats are so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome (hateful, irrational and unhinged) to even understand what is going on

    Trump works his ass off every day for America. Going to Rallies, meeting with the people. Brokering deals with other World leaders, Today he is brokering a peace deal in the Middle East. RWS, that's Right-Wing Syndrome

    Good Luck to you Mr. President.

  19. Adam Schiff has been show up to be a congenital liar, his previous work as a prosecutor must be called into question. He is a complete psychopath.

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  21. Donald Trump said: "Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country."

    And Bernie Sanders looked like someone
    who forgot to use his stool softener !

  22. Obama should be subpoenaed in The Impeachment if there are witnesses.

    1.) He knew what was going on in The Ukraine with The Bidens

    2.) He gave the order to Joe Biden to get The Ukraine Prosecutor Fired

    3.) He gave the order to take out Trump
    with The Russian Propaganda he purchased.

    Biden should be called as a witness.

    1.) He extorted The Ukraine with a Quid Pro Quo to Fire The Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son.

    2.) His family received millions in benefits from China and Ukraine simply because Joe Biden was head of Ukraine and China initiatives for The Obama Administration.


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...