Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Champion Bastard Beater 
All Time

Viva! Viva!
El Donaldo!

The bells rang wildly in the town
To greet The Man of high renown.
As Trump came striding in
The pealing clanging, booming sound 
Filled the air with fearful din

And when the president arrived 
and strode into the room
The clanking from his dangling balls 
resounded through the halls
Sonorous enough to drown 
the dreaded Crack of Doom.

Before the brazen bonging's end 
had finally came to pass
Trump had torched the premises 
with lightning from his ass!


Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! And a couple of Tra la las!



    Praise Wealth from which our Blessings flow
    May God send Marxists down Below
    Where they may writhe in dreadful Pain
    While we our Sanity regain!


    ~ Tantalus

  2. A leftist of stunning opacity
    Once thought he'd acquired sagacity.
    They examined his mind,
    But all they could find
    Was a great lack of mental capacity!

    ~ Lime Ricky

  3. A show of things worthy of pride

    Will attract those compelled to deride

    Any person at all

    Who has more on the ball

    Than those who enjoy being snide.!

    ~ Lime Ricky


    We Hail Thee, Savior of the Nations

    As everyone among the Democratic
    ___ minions surely knows,
    Barack will overcome
    ___ our bitter nation's fears and woes
    By waving at our enemies
    ___ his awesome thick black hose.

    And just one artful flash
    ___ of his white enameled smile
    Dissolves in Islamaniacs
    ___ their every trace of bile.
    And of his excrement the world
    ___ can’t wait to eat a mile.


    ~ Anne Animus

  5. Between thinking and talking the distance is vast.
    Between talking and doing is vaster.
    Leftists love to confuse then conflate
    The three, for then they feel free
    Most self-righteously
    To accuse, then contuse, and berate
    The people they hate so much faster!

    ~ Hottophta Press

  6. Breathes there a soul who's so naive
    That he would truly e'er believe
    A politician's solemn word
    When we all know that's quite absurd?

    ~ Tantalus


    From near and far
Burn the Bra

    Ban the Car
Eliminate all trace of tar.

Cleanse the earth
Of all Mirth

    Live with Dearth

    It has great worth.

    The Rule by Ass
One day shall pass
Oil is crass,
So just smoke grass.

    Set the tone

    Whine and moan

    Frown and groan
Cut to the bone

    Traces of Modernity
Let's return to Savagery
In that way we shall be free

    To serve The Earth eternally.

    Utter no ifs, ands or buts

    Salvation lies in Going Nuts!

    ~ Tantalus


    _____________ I _____________

    Obama gonna pay my bills
    Obama gonna cure my ills

    Obama gonna give to me
    Everything I want for free.

    On me and mine Obama dotes
    Dat's why he's gonna get our votes.

    We's gonna suck da white man dry
    And laugh to see him sit and cry.

    We laugh and laugh 'cause its so funny
    Dat our bills be paid wiff white man's money.

    ~ Ima Mauron

    _____________ II _____________

    Once "The Rich" have been unseated
    ALL of us will be defeated,
    'Cause once "The Rich" have been destroyed,
    Naught will be left, except a Void ––
    A Bottomless Pit –– A Big Black Hole 
    Where everyone lives on the Dole,
    And I don't mean ol' RINO Bob,
    Who’s just a lackey to Those Who Rob.
    I'm talkin 'bout The Oligarchs,
    Whose money once created parks
    And handsome universities,
    Built hospitals to fight disease, 
    Palaces where Opera's housed ––
    Places at which no one's groused,
    Libraries and Railroad Stations
    Fit for endless celebrations,
    Until that old New Deal was struck.
    That changed the rules and killed Good Luck.
    Since then "The Rich," forced to connive
    To find a way they might survive,
    Have joined with Statists to despise,
    Deter, discourage those who'd rise.
    We call it Crony Capitalism,
    And it has caused the mammoth schism
    Yawning now twixt rich and poor,
    'Cause we let Marxists in the door.

    ~ FreeThinke-


  9. Contrarian antagonists
    ____ care rarely for what’s true.
    They’re far more eager to denounce,
    –––– so here is what they do.
    Their purpose is to denigrate,
    -––––– belittle and defame.
    Their wish is to humiliate
    –––– in hopes of fixing blame.
    The truth too easily is lost
    –––– in battles of this kind.
    Hectoring and badgering
    ––––– abuse the human mind.
    Instead of curiosity
    ––––– we often find expression
    Of little but indulgence
    ––––– of a passion for aggression.
    When avidness appears
    ––––– to open Vitriol’s loose spigot,
    The one who twists and turns the tap
    –––– is apt to be a bigot.

    ~ FreeThinke

  10. __ OUR FIRST LADY __

    She doesn't shout.
    She doesn't pout. 

    She doesn't whine.
    She doesn't pine. 

    She doesn't simper.
    She doesn't whimper.

    She doesn't accuse.
    She doesn't excuse. 

    She doesn't seem to have an axe to grind.
In short she's really a great find.

    How could we all not love her
    When only God, Our Lord, sits above her,
    And all her lovely, fast-diminishing kind?

    ~ FreeThinke

  11. They got the orange hue right at least.

  12. Well, I already knew you were a pathetic old fool, but this little display of yours more than proves it. You really should be embarrassed but I'm sure you don't have the mental capabilities to self-realize something like that, Roger. If you did, you'd stop making up your stupid names so you can pat yourself on the back. Pathetic - like you've always been. No wonder your mother was such a drunk.

    1. I' glad to see your are filled with the Spirit of LOVE and JOY that only CHRISTMAS can bring to grateful, cheerful, generous hearts such as yours, Pat Riot.

    2. A form of OCD no doubt. More to bepitied than despised. A very sad case, indeed!

    3. ___ MIGHT THIS BE IT? ___

      He soars so high above the crowd
      Onlookers claim they're bored,
      And so, instead of being wowed
      His feats remain ignored.
      But he would tell you I am sure
      They cannot kiss his hem,
      And so, instead of being floored,
      He merely pities them.

      ~ M. Doyen de Bongout

  13. Hey there! Great post! And it's a Pookie Toot-Toot Fartbreath Free Zone. Is that funny donkey cartoon the thing that caused Quackobyrd to go south and nearly crash land into the dirt nap nest? One of the Boston Piggy worshippers came by Donkey's Revenge to pass gas. I kicked that flatulent flea ridden Tennessean mutt off the blog. He tried to convert me into joining his snake worshipping cult.

    Well, that's all for now. I'll try to stop by again.

    1. Well yes, but I'd MUCH rather you to share words that praise and support President Trump ––and ALL the good things we could hope to find –– than to denigrate the poor misguided blighted souls who do nothing BUT cast aspersions at nearly everything in range.

      When we mock, scorn, deride andn show our contempt for THEM we are in grave danger of becoming just LIKE them.

      I'm sure you wouldn't want THAT, would you?


  14. It’s much too bad that folks today
    Seem eager to be furious.
    The world would be more fun, I say,
    If they, instead, were curious.

    ~ John Greenleaf Wittycur

  15. _____ HILLARY'S LAMENT _____

    My party's over, it's time to call it a day
    They've burst my pretty balloon
    And taken the moon away
    It's time to wind up the masquerade
    I've made my mind up
    The piper must be paid

    My party's over, the candles flicker and die
    I screamed and dreamed through each night
    It seemed oh-so right as I told each lie.
    Now I must wake up, my dream must end,
    Remove the makeup, my party's over
    I now am empty with nothing to spend .

    FACE it. I am KAPUT!

    ~ Yubin Kahned - selection from the D'RAT FOLLIES of 2016

  16. ____ BIBLE LIBEL ____

    Quite honestly, polygamy
Is all over the Bible.
To say the ancients lived like beasts
Isn’t any libel.

    There's little thought or talk of love, 

    Since women were just chattel.
Men were free to fornicate, 

    While girls were bred like cattle.


There is no way that we can say 

    What's best for everyone.
What's right for me might poison thee

    Or take away your fun.

    Oh how I wish we could be free

    To live life as we choose,

    And cease all consternation

    Over other peoples' views!

    ~ FreeThinke

  17. I cheer the way Trump flouts P-C
    His brazen, bold Effrontery
    Gives hope that we may yet break free
    From vile, coerced Hypocrisy
    And thus regain or Liberty
    Return once more to Sanity
    Profit from Productivity
    Midst Cultural Vitality.

    ~ Tantalus

  18. Wheenever a brave White American marches in favor of preserving his cultural identity and rightful heritage ...

    I do NOT SEE a NAZI.

    When leftist agitators march hoping to upset the Nation's Apple Cart ...

    I smell a Commie PLOT, SEE?

    ~ Justin Thyme

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Don't push your luck, Pat. We don't permit NAME-CALLING her, unless someone elegantly denounces DEFECRAT bastards and Bitches.

      By the way I love your avatar! Very handsome. It couldn't possibly be you, could it?

      Please don't forget: "Handsome is as handsome does."

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. PLEASE! when visitngTHIS blog we INSIST you keep yur remarks POSITIVE or HUMOROUS.

      The whole stnkin' word is SUFFOCATING and DROWNING in should-deadening DENIGRATION, DEROGATION and DEGRADATION.

      PLEASE don't ADD to it.


  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. A government that’s run amok
It's citizens will surely fok.

  22. God has chosen Donald Trump to fight for us and k/o the den of thieves. He has the whip in his hands, ready to knock over the tables, but is being patient. He will crack the whip when God Almighty tells him to.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. John 2:13-16 King James Version

      13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

      14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

      15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

      16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

    3. Not sure how this passage from Jon applies to Pat's always untoward remarks, but I would drive out CALUMNY, gratuitous INSOLENCE, witess VITUPERATIN and ILL WLLfrom these precincts, myself, and I'm sure Jesus would approve of my policy.

      'Tis the SEASON to be JOLLY, not insolent, mendacious, obnoxious and exoriative –– except to vacuous, misinformed, DemonRats. And even THEM we should pray for, since they ARE fellow human beings after all.

    4. All hail The Great, The One and Only, the Huge Orange Blob!

  23. He is going to take them all down or at least remain untouchable, and I LOVE how the enemedia keeps all the tards on the edge of their seats.


  24. We are living in incredible times folks, we read the news and yet we just cant believe what we read!!
    When we have 99% of the media bashing President Trump with false information!

    We have 99% of these so called Professors in our Universities and Public Schools bashing President Trump, and Brain Washing our Kids from First Grade to their Collage years! And yet the majority of America loves Trump!
    The past 3 years has been a living Hell for the President and yet he has succeeded in mostly ALL of his endeavors
    Everyone in America knows that the Democrats, the Media, the the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Political Establishment, Never-Trumpers, Mueller, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, and the entire Left Side of the Aisle, especially Hillary Clinton have all been against Trump since 5 minutes after he was elected.
    And yet, here we are with no laws broken, NO crime was committed, and there is zero proof trump did anything for political gain. In fact the only Crime committed was done by his Political Opponent Joe Biden! So how do you impeach him for crimes done by Democrats?
    . As everyone slowly realizes that the propaganda has been wrong, that Trump is actually doing a good job, and they see the Democrat Presidential candidates all proposing radical changes like Socialism, government run healthcare, etc. that another Trump term is the right option. The Democratic Front Runner Joe Biden appears to me to be suffering from an early form of dementia and the rest of them are sad sacks, and either Socialists or just plain born losers who want to destroy the things that made this country great at one time. For example Cory Booker is Pissed off that Kamala Harris dripped out NOT because she didn’t have the support, or the funds, but because now there are is one less Black person running!
    And ask the average Democrat on the street how they feel, and you’ll hear them ranting about SLAVERY AND TRANSGENDER TOILETS , lets see how many people consider those to be policies worth voting for compared to record LOW unemployment in November!
    Who’s going to beat him? Elizabeth Warren? Pete Buttigieg? Crazy Bernie Sanders? Cory “Spartacus” Booker? “Spartacus” will be lucky if he regains his Senate seat in the next election!... Certainly NOT Joe Biden, he might be in the Looney Bin by next November. By the way, what ever happened to Black Lives Matter? Apparently so many Black folks now have jobs now, that they stopped rioting. Lets not forget that Latinos, and Blacks are at their HIGHEST rate of Employment ever!
    So If Markets are still as high as they are, or even just stable, 401k’s are strong and it there are no major attacks or wars then Donald J. Trump win the Electoral College again, and depending on the lefties Candidate he might even win the Popular Vote..

  25. A Kommie Kreed

    I Love Minorities

    I Hate Majorities
I Love Our Enemies
I Want the Reds to Please

    I Deify Disease
    Hope No One's at Ease

    All People Should Have Fleas

    When Our Sad Species

    Kills Superiorities

    We'll Have Equalities

    Charting Our Destinies

    And No I Do Not Mean to Tease

    These Comments Are Sincerities

    Now, Will the Good Lord Help Us, Please?

    ~ Tarantella

  26. __ A TrUMP SONG __

    I love to bait the Left
    If just to prove the rumor
    They want to commit theft
    And have no sense of humor.

    They love e'er to accuse
    While exacerbating woe
    It gives them an excuse
    To rob others of their dough.

    I love to bait the Left
    To show how very dense
    They are, and how they are not deft
    Just tediously intense.

    ~ Anne Animus

  27. I truly love my enemies;

    They make me look so good,

    But they squirt venom with such ease

    They can't stay in my 'hood.

    I love my friends too much

    To let each virulent ejection

    Maim or blind or kill and such

    Those from the RIGHT direction!

    ~ E. Ruditer

  28. ________ CONSIDER THIS ________

    If crewmen kill the Captain,
    ___ the Boatswain and First Mate,

    Who'd be left to guide and save them
    ___ from a dreadful fate?

    Who would know how to pursue
    ___ their proper, urgent goals?

    Who'd prevent the ship from breaking up
    ___ out on the shoals?

    ~ Solones von Wissenschaft

  29. Is Turnabout Fair Play? __
    Was there ever a society
    In all of human history
    Where women were allowed to be
    Free in promiscuity,
    And a wife to many men?

    Imagine then what life would be
    If men were ignominiously
    Kept in rude captivity on stud farms
    Guarded by Lesbianic gendarmes
    Like bulls held in a pen!

    Is turnabout fair play,
    Or only one misguided way
    Of lousing up the day
    By insisting things be equal?

    God only knows for sure,
    So we must then endure
    Whatever status quo
    Saddles us with woe,
    Until He writes the sequel!

    ~ Tantalus

  30. We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch President Trump on the Economy. He has brought those no-paying UN members and the other World organization to their knees. And how about the fact that we have the Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years. More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history. The Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades. African-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
    And the same is true with Hispanic-Americans. Women’s and Youth’s unemployment has reached the lowest rate in 65 years! He withdrew from that horrible Obama, one-sided Iran Deal. Manufacturing jobs have been coming back to the USA by droves. Did I say that the Stock Market is at record highs?
    He has reduced our Taxes and regulations due to his Tax cuts,, Rebuild our military, Avoided Wars, He has had the greatest Economic Growth in History. And as promised We have begun BUILDING THE WALL, despite how much he needed to fight for it.
    So for God's sake what more can we ask of a President???

    Those are the FACTS . And I'm sure that it will annoy the Trumpsters, and that they will find some way to spin it, as they ALWAYS seem to do. And they want to Impeach this man for a Phone call? Are those people Crazy? Don’t answer that, I already know the answer! But Go A head all you Shit for Brains Go ahead, all you experts, lets hear what you got! Russia? A Porn Star? A two-bit TV actor from "Empire"'s Hoax about an “alleged” assault? The long awaited,10's of million dollars wasted on a report from a senile old man who didn’t even know about what was in it?
    A phone call to the President of Ukraine, about investigating a CROOKED Crazy, Grouper who’s Son was fleecing, and swindling Billions from. That’s the best that they’ve got!

    You have to take anything a Democrat says with a grain of salt. They still believe that this is Obama’s economy!
    And I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with China ripping us off.

    And the bunch of Cry Babies on the left really still don't get why they lost in 2016. They won’t believe that it was because of a LYING, CHEATING CROOKED DUMB-ASS was running against Donald Trump! And NOT because of Russian “COLLUSION”!
    So they’d rather Impeach the president and Replace him with who? With Elizabeth Warren? With Crazy Joe Biden? With some Jerk known as “Mayor Pete? Are you really serious? You can put the entire bunch of them together and you still would get a bunch of incompetent Morons! And the DNC knows it, that’s why are bringing in that other PC Policeman Mickie Bloomberg the Banning King! Mickie Bloomberg who already “BANNED” Bloomberg News from writing ANY thing derogatory about ANY Democrat!
    So get ready all you Progressives If Bloomie wins AND HE WON’T but if he does get ready to become a Vegetarian, or better yet a Vegan. Yes, get ready to wear Plastic Shoes. .

    1. This qiliies as BOILERPLATE, and so by ur oft-stated rules I should remove it. But since you speak the truth I won't But please in future SPACE between your paragraphs.

      No one's going to want to plow through dense blocks of windy prose like this, unless oyu format it intelligently –– and even then, such heavy doess of verbiage are still apt to repel potential readers.

      I know you MEAN well. I'm only trying to help you communicate more effectively.


      <);^}> HO HO HO!

  31. " ... I knew that druggie’s disgrace was the product of Joe Bite Me's loins from the get go."


It isn't only Biden's son

    But also that of Gore.

    Raising kids is not well done,

    When you're a political whore.

    Poor Dubya Bush was once a lush

    Jeb's daughter was the same

    The rush to push each Bush's tush

    Led oft to grief and shame.

    Then, all of Lincoln's children died

    Save Robert, who grew fat,
And when his grieving mother cried
Showed such compassion that

    He put her in a madhouse ––

    The dirty, stinking rat!

    And don'tt forget the Kennedys
    Whose name rhymwa with disease
    Each vain pretentous Kennelout
    Taught from birth by Joe to flout
    Time honored bonds of Decency
    With every breath met only Death.

    Life marred by high ambition
Is rarely very pleasant,

    So stay home, enjoy coition,

    And live well as a peasant!

    ~ Solones vn Wissenschaft

  32. Replies
    1. I beg your pardon?

      Please try to avoid making cryptic remaarks in future, Juanita.

      Isn't life confusing enough already?

  33. Why do so many
    ___ avoid their best goals

    By choosing, instead,
    ___ to swallow live coals?

    What is more dismal t
    ___ han worthy endeavour?

    Why carping, of course,
    ___ and complaining forever!


Why consume precious time
    ___ on others reviling,

    When you might, instead,
    ___ make yourself more beguiling?

    ___ is good for your soul,

    But captiousness ruins
    __ your chance to be whole.

    Swallow live coals,
    ___ and cause yourself grief.

    'Tis from your own store
    ___ that you play the thief.

    The passing parade
    ___ exhibits much folly.

    Don't add to it, Bub,
    ___ instead try acting jolly.

    ~ Minerva la Seer

  34. ____ On Deficit Financing ____

    We may be likened unto snakes

    Who when their bodies ail

    Feel prompted to relieve their aches

    By chewing on their tail.

    But though that will not ease their pain

    They chew, yet fail to thrive,

    Till by the terms of this murrain

    They cease to be alive!

    ~ Minerva la Seer

  35. After the stunning new report that was announced by the Department of Labor last Friday and showed that 266,000 new jobs were added in November, the undistinguished Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Left did not even dedicate ONE sentence of approval to the exciting news
    and the incredible new jobs numbers.
    In fact when she fillary made any statment at all several days late she said the following:

    ““Despite the numbers, the November jobs report offers little solace to the farmers and hard-working families who are struggling to stay above water with the costs of living rising and uncertainty surging”

    “We must take action to strengthen the health and financial security of America’s seniors and families. Next week, the House will pass our transformational Lower Drug Costs Now Act to finally stop Americans from having to pay more for their medicines than what Big Pharma charges for the same drugs in other countries. When we lower out-of-control prescription drug prices, we deliver huge savings for patients, employers and taxpayers – which we will reinvest in the search for cures and historic new vision, dental and hearing benefits for Medicare beneficiaries,”

    And that FILTHY LYING POS had the NERVE to say this... “While Senator McConnell and the GOP Senate refuse to act, House Democrats will continue to work relentlessly to deliver progress For The People: lower health care costs, bigger paychecks, cleaner government,”

    So while Americans are finding jobs and celebrating great economic success under the Trump administration, Pelosi is going off on tangents about drug costs ! Well what the HELL! How is the President supposed to do anything but defend himself day after day with the CRAP, and nonsense, and LIES by Nancy Pelosi ahd her Puppet Masters Nadlar, and Scheff?
    So while our Economy is booming. The Democrats are Impeaching.
    And as for the Phone Call....There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance when investigating corruption. The fact that Biden is an opponent is irrelevant. Biden is a criminal. Trump can ask anybody he wants for assistance in investigations .
    You Democrats haven't got a clue about the Constitution

    1. Pace, pace. figlio mio!

      Take a deep breath, calm down, and start to think of LOVELY things.

      Incessant negativity can make a person seriously ill, unless its generously laced with tongue-in-cheek humor.

      If you can't laugh, you're not really living.



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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...