Friday, November 30, 2018

is DEAD at AGE 94

Apparently, he was the last Republican president to win in a landslide.

I believe he needed to thank Ronald Reagan for that.

I hate to say it, but I grew to despise George H. W. Bush for the careless, almost callous way he threw away the splendid legacy handed to him by Ronald Reagan.

I could never say I'm glad he's dead. I only wish I could have felt gladder that he ever was alive.

I do wish he'd been able to wait till after Christmas for this to happen.  After losing both Barbara, whom I loved, and George H. W. in the same year Christmas is bound to be dismal for the Bush clan, AND it puts a pall 
on the great holiday for the entire nation.

Bush did dedicate his life to serving the nation, and he fought valiantly as a fighter pilot in World War Two. For that we should give him credit and pay him homage, even if he turned out to be a globalist who destroyed Presdent Reagan's splendid legacy, and did a poor job as our president.

~ § ~

I've already said it all.
What do YOU have to say?


  1. Because the Clinton Political Machine is so powerful, the Clintons will never see jail time.

    BHO will never see jail time because he was the first African-American President.

    One set of rules and laws for these political elites, another set for us, the peasants beyond the moat.

    And this horrid fact: our judiciary is corrupted and now members of the political elite.

    20th and 21st Century have seen our nation drift far from the principles upon which this republic was founded.

  2. There is no doubt in my mind that the Progressive Socialist Democrats, aka the Anti-Americans, The “Resistance” in the United States, has virtually no respect for the United States Constitution, except when it can be interpreted to meet their Socialist-Communist agenda. And to Overthrow this President by ANY means possible.
    We are witnessing a desperate effort to remove President Trump from office.

    The unhinged Liberal/Democratic/Progressive politicians together with the media have formed a “Resistance” to prevent all efforts by President Donald Trump..

    When before in the History of the American Presidency have we seen, and heard talk like we do today, for example, when have EVER heard people like Snoop Dogg who wants to shoot an effigy of Trump in the head? Or a Comedian such as Kathy Griffin who says that she dreams of beheading him. A New York Shakespearean troupe in Central Park that stabs an replica of President Trump into a bloody pulp and then assassinates him, and then the audience. Cheers? Or a celebrity like Madonna who dreams of blowing Trump up, along with everyone else in the White House. Or an IDIOTIC Has-Been actor like Robert de Niro calling the President the “F” word on National TV, and saying that “I’d like to smack him in his face”? Mickey Rourke wanting to beat him with a club.
    Or the previous United States President put out such an effort to destroy him, and actually follows him around all over the world speaking ill about him, and actually forming a “Resistance”??
    I think that anyone, celebrities, and politicians, and journalists included, who talks about maiming or assassinating, or killing the president of the United States should be tried for TREASON! They are even worst than a terrorist in my eyes.

    This non stop attack on the President started as soon as Trump became a viable candidate. And multiplied 20 times as soon as he moped the floor with Hillary Clinton.
    And speaking of Hillary Clinton, where is the Special Investigative Prosecutor on her case? And how did she get off the hook with the laundry list of her crimes?
    Apparently no one was paying attention during all the years that she and her Husband were getting away with everything that they id from their days in Arkansas, with Vince Foster, to tje Benghazi disaster, and till now. All those Clinton's non stop lies about everything. That is all documented.
    What to they have on President Trump? Nothing but a Fake Dossier that's so full of BS you can smell it ten miles away, and that was paid for by Hillary Clinton!
    Donald Trump is going to be President until Jan 20, 2025., so either live with it or don’t you can always move to Cuba now that Obama opened the way!;


  4. Legalize all drugs. Criminalize all democrats.

  5. Former President George Herbert Bush who served our country well and deserves all the respect of any true American. Rest in peace.

  6. Dear Leftist Anarchists, Progressives, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:


    Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

    Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars in CASH in the middle of the night to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

    Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

    Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

    Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

    Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

    Is it Clinton accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

    Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

    Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

    Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

    Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring and downplaying "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?

    And as for “Russian Hacking”

    No one hacked the election., because nothing was done to change the results of the election! No matter what Hillary says!

    Not one Election terminal was hacked, despite Obama and his team of cyber security hackers trying to hack thousands of them.

    Not one vote was altered. The only people hacking or elections were The Democrats with their ballot harvesting schemes, and violations of election law when they tampered with provisional and absentee ballots.

    And since you want to talk about computers, why did Hillary Clinton have Cyber security experts on her staff who discovered a fake Beacon Ping on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank and then told The FBI about it? Why haven't you demanded that Clinton's private IT team be investigated for that?

    Why did she scrub her server out with BLEACH?

    Why was Classified E-mails found on that pervert Carlos Dangers computer?

    Why did Hillary smash her cell-phone to bits with a Sledge Hammer?

    Hillary Clinton LOST because she stunk as a candidate.... PERIOD!.. She Lied, She Cheated, She stabbed her opponent Bernie Sanders in his back, she received the debate questions ILLEGALLY in advance .. And she LIED about her implication in Benghazi!

    All you Progressive Witch Hunters have is a Big Pile of Red Herrings, and the Stench is not enough to do anything to the President with...You Liberal/Progressive corrupt Trump Haters need to stop trying to destroy America by hurting Trump, and stop your Lies, Crimes, with your whines, and your mysterious "Collusion" BS. Because it’s not only hurting the country, but it’s getting BORING ..Your Clown Car Has Reached the End of the Road.

    Want More?

    And if you don’t believe me, just wait til your Mommy gets home and she’ll explain it.

  7. The Bush political machine lives on.... in the Deep State.

  8. Mr. Bush was a gentleman, a statesman, a hero and professional man. He is perhaps the last of his breed.

    Our politics is now spilling over with amateurs, braying asses, hooting loonies and PT Barnums huckstering the snake oil to the rubes.

    George Bush's generation went to work every day--whatever that work was--with a serious sense of purpose.

    Rest in God's peace, Mr. Bush.

    1. YES ––– and NO, Silverfiddle. George, the First, was a man of many parts, some of them good, but I will never be able to forgive him for

      A) Betraying Ronald Reagan by trashing reagan's splendid legacy.

      B) Not taking advantage of the opportunity to vanquish Sadaam Hussein during the First Gulf War when it would have been relatively easy,,and FAR less costly. That was no time to be wishy-washy let lone downright PUSILLANIMOUS and labl it "PROPER RESPECT for INTERNATIONAL LAW."

      C) Having globalist sympathies and ambitions which I believe compelled him to take that weak position vis a vis the brutal villains of the Middle East.

      D) I did NOT like his buddy-buddy posture with the SAUDIS after the horror of the WTC and Pentagon on 9/11/01. I liked his SON DUBYA'S mild and gentle tpost 911 reatment of that despicable element even less.

      E) I despise the Bush family's ultra-friendly treatment of our mortal enemies aka Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their cordiality oward the Hayseed Grifter and his evil Lady Macbethian wife wa frankly NAUSEATING.

      F) I will never forgive and never forget the Bush family's callous betrayal of the Republican Party –– and the freedom-loving i[nterests of its conservative-libertarian bench –– when they let their petty personal feelings of animosity toward Donald Trump compel them not only to VOTE for the Abomination known as Hillary Rodham Clinton, which would have been bad enough, –– but to openly ADMIT it in PUBLIC was absolutely UNFORGIVABLE.

    2. Well, when someone dies, especially someone who had dedicated his life to his country, I try to find nice things to say.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I have always been conflicted.

  11. I'm not sure I'm able to discern any deep fundamental difference in ultimate aims of the last few Presidents: the Bushes, Clinton and Obama and the most would be candidate, Hillary Clinton. They all seemed to have gotten away with something while guiding the nation and the world down a garden path leading to a very frightful end of a global police state.

    George H. W. Bush and his phony vision of " a thousand points of light" eventually merging into one complete narrow focus on "one world government" should disqualify him from any respectful consideration for anything but a tribunal for treason.

    His boy George W. has the stain of 9/11 and the WTC fiasco that needs the bright light of cleansing sunshine shone on it, and Godspeed, ASAP.

    Next Barry Obama, whoever the hell that he really was and who was behind installing this abomination upon the country and the world. Who was behind paying for his American education and then having his records sealed to keep inquiring eyes from looking too deeply into this chameleon.

    So Idon't really think that George H. W. Bush would withstand a deeper penetrating look at what his whole politcal life would exactly be any sort of exalted human being other than in the feverish fiction of the political elites striving to bring to reality a strict "prison planet" that would ensnare the neck of humanity into its absolute control.

    1. Hi, Waylon! Long time o see! The bes of The Sesin to you.

      I believe I acknowledged many of the criticisms you made rbfore yiu made them in my hastily written post mortem commentary published at the top of this post, BUT, when a national figure dies, I think it poor taste to harp only on his faults.

      GHWB seemed all right to me, until he became president. Almost immediately after he was elected I knew he as going to betray Ronald Reagan, and that turned me against him.

      i DID vote for him when he ran for a secind term, but only because I thought the alternative notably unworthy.

      I was right too, wasn't I? };^)>

      Nothing seemed right since Ronald Reagan left office, UNTIL we elected DONALD TRUMP –– and didn't HE trun out to be an astonishing surprise?

      I had always though Ttrump a brash, vulgar intellectua lightweight, UNTIL he started to campaign in earnest for the presidency.

      Too bad at least half the country –– maybe more –– is so BONE STUPID or so PIG-HEADED they are either unwilling to look –– or incapable of seeing –– the many great virtues Mr. Trump does, indeed, possess.

      +... M_E_R_R_Y ...+.. C_H_R_I_S_T_M_A_S ...+

    2. Waylon,
      George H. W. Bush and his phony vision of " a thousand points of light" eventually merging into one complete narrow focus on "one world government" should disqualify him from any respectful consideration for anything but a tribunal for treason.

      A strong statement, but I fully understand why you made it. I despised GHWB the moment I understood that he desired a new world order.

      Utopianism -- which is always and always will be a consummate failure and the road to serfdom.

    3. Merry Christmas to you, Franco and AOW, as well!

      Franco, it's nice to think we are right as long as it conforms with reality.

      The opposition to President Trump in the media is obvious to even the most casual observer but I believe his most serious opposition come from those within and closest to him. Sometimes he appears to be backing away from his campaign statements against the tyranny of globalism, even most recently pointing the finger of blame against President Putin and Russia when the Ukrainian coup was a CIA venture to remove a duly elected President a few years ago. There are serious warlocks within his administration.

      Those are the ones to be wary of. Some source have spoken of the unbelievable number (12 or 13) assassination attempts on President Trump but none reported in the communist news media.

      Here's a link to a recent David Horowitz sponsored Restoration of Freedom talk by Dan Bongino, the frequently appearing guest on FoxNews speaking about the treason committed against the Trump campaign unleashed by the Obama administration using the full weight of the security apparatus of the government against a duly elected American citizen:

      I was a bit disappointed at the end after all his outspoken passion he ultimately feels that no action will ever be taken against the perps mostly because the media today would rather rail against Trump for some crime like tearing the tags off a pillow or mattress than going after serious crimes committed by the Clinton Foundation crime syndicate.

  12. I appreciate your magnanimous statements about GHWB, Franco.

    But I must say that if I don't much like a person in life, I have that same attitude about them upon their passing -- particularly a POTUS who wrought as much damage as did GHWB.

    The above said I don't resent the lowering of the flag and all the upcoming services. GHWB was a POTUS, after all.

    1. i shll hv to repeat my statement to Silver Fiddle's unabashed encomium for your benefit, AOW, though I posted it at your place as well as here.

      "George, the First, was a man of many parts, some of them good, but I will never be able to forgive him for

      A) Betraying Ronald Reagan by trashing reagan's splendid legacy.

      B) Not taking advantage of the opportunity to vanquish Sadaam Hussein during the First Gulf War when it would have been relatively easy,,and FAR less costly. That was no time to be wishy-washy let lone downright PUSILLANIMOUS and labl it "PROPER RESPECT for INTERNATIONAL LAW."

      C) Having globalist sympathies and ambitions which I believe compelled him to take that weak position vis a vis the brutal villains of the Middle East.

      D) I did NOT like his buddy-buddy posture with the SAUDIS after the horror of the WTC and Pentagon on 9/11/01. I liked his SON DUBYA'S mild and gentle tpost 911 reatment of that despicable element even less.

      E) I despise the Bush family's ultra-friendly treatment of our mortal enemies aka Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their cordiality oward the Hayseed Grifter and his evil Lady Macbethian wife wa frankly NAUSEATING.

      F) I will never forgive and never forget the Bush family's callous betrayal of the Republican Party –– and the freedom-loving i[nterests of its conservative-libertarian bench –– when they let their petty personal feelings of animosity toward Donald Trump compel them not only to VOTE for the Abomination known as Hillary Rodham Clinton, which would have been bad enough, –– but to openly ADMIT it in PUBLIC was absolutely UNFORGIVABLE."

  13. President George H.W. Bush was one of our most underrated Presidents. A genuinely good and decent man with the ability to make tough decisions. Even when they weren't popular. A man who put country ahead of party and ideology. A true leader that served his country and it's people with courage and distinction.

    Rest in peace Mr. President.

    1. Very nice, but GHWB, like all men, was a complex individual whose kind, generous, exceedingly polite nature caused his presidency to self-destruct.

      I believe what you said to be true, BT there was a bizarre kind of NAIVETE about GHWB –– and his ons Dubya and Jeb ––, that renders them vulnerable to wily,insidiouss forces that bore down upon them constantly in the dog-eat-dog world of American politics.

      The Bushes play by Marquis of Queensbury Rules in an arena dominated by Savage Beasts.

      In short the bushes ae prone to Standing in Line to wait their turn not realizing that THERE IS NO LINE.

  14. What you say rings true Franco. Hence the perception by many GHWB was infected with a "wimp factor". Although I for one am not convinced he was a wimp at all.

    1. He certainly was no wimp, ARP. He was very brave very disciplined, very intelligent man, but but he was not really fitr to function in the political arena of the late twentieth and easy twenty-first centuries.

      He was a remarkable, very good person, but he forgot that he had a duty to his CINStitUEntS to fight like hell for what THEY elcted him to do.

      As i sad above the Bshes liv by a code of conduct that no longer commands respect from the pubic, and CERTAINLY not from the DEMONRATS who are acting more like BOLSHEVIKS today than anythng resembling AMERICANS that I could recognize.

      Bush never understood that sometimes you have to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE.

      War is not a Tennis Match or a Game of Croquet. ;-)


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