Sunday, September 2, 2018

________ PRIMARY SOURCES ________

Look well upon the men who dig in mines,
And work machines in mills and factories grim.
Be aware that those who tend the vines 
Or till the soil give much for wages slim.
Reaping sowing, weeding, hoeing make
Full the nation’s store of nutriment.
Overland the burly truckers take
Rich provisions and accoutrement
Coast to coast. The teamsters load and haul
Enormous hordes of stuff that we’ve empowered,
Shipped in freighters, stored in silos tall,
Delivered, well-displayed, and then devoured.
Awards are due the goods and who supplies ‘em,
Yet the wise despise the guys who advertise ‘em.

~ FreeThinke - The Sandpiper (1996)


  1. ______ TO THOSE WHO HELP ______

    May God bless the practical women and men,
    Who rise from the hay every day, and then 
    Produce what we need 
    Without rancor or greed, 
    Make things run, 
    Get things done, 
    Keep things clean, 
    So they're fit to be seen, 
    And continuously smooth the way 
    So that we may live comfortably every day.

    ~ FreeThinke

  2. Hope it is a good weekend for you sir. I noticed the White House has an initiative to get people educated in the trades as opposed to paying 100 grand to learn how to be a democrat butthead.

  3. Hell, a good plumber can make 100 grand a year

  4. Go Nike!! The sport shoe of champions.


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...