Saturday, September 8, 2018


Our Own Mr. Anonymous Makes 
A Rare Appearance

by Mr. X 

September 6, 2018
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It appears I have in Washington a kindred spirit, who has discovered the tremendous power of anonymity.

In today’s New York Times, someone claiming to work at the highest levels in the White House wrote a scathing critique of his (or her) boss, President Trump, and his amorality. The writer boasts of working with others in the administration to thwart the President’s worst instincts, of which, according to the author, there are many.

“Anonymous” has become the main topic of conversation on every cable channel, talk radio show, and the Internet. I understand this, having had to hide my persona for fear of being castigated for my beliefs. Trust me, though, the anonymous writer in the White House doesn’t know what real concern for your reputation is.

Try being a conservative on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Try being someone who believes we actually need a strong military to defend ourselves against real enemies ... who believes that Bernie Sanders’ socialism would work as well — namely, as little — as socialism always has in the past ... who believes the quality of life in New York City has plunged since Bill de Blasio was elected mayor ... who respects the flag and has stopped watching NFL football because of the whole kneeling thing ... who believes that if the Palestinians really wanted peace, there would be peace tomorrow and if the Israelis gave up their arms, they would all be dead tomorrow ... who believes that America is not a racist nation, but is, in fact, one of the most open and brilliant experiments in self-government, one that has freed more people and fed more people than any other country in history.

Try believing all the above while residing between Lincoln Center and Columbia University (or in the San Francisco Bay area or in Dane County in Wisconsin ... or in Cambridge, Massachusetts). This guy or gal doesn’t know the first thing about taking risks for one’s beliefs.

Allow me to give you some history.

Back in 2004, in the midst of the presidential election between the incumbent, George W. Bush, and Senator John Kerry, I finally got fed up with everyone assuming I despised George W. Bush because of where I lived, what I looked like, and what I did to make a living. So I wrote an op-ed about the daily indignities I lived with as a conservative in my neighborhood — and how I had to keep my thoughts to myself.

So much for free speech. I talked about the hypocrisy I encountered with people who consider themselves open to all points of view, but who were, in truth, close-minded to anything that did not conform to their belief structure.

I sent it in to the New York Times. After reading it, an editor got back to me and said, sorry, the Times never accepts anonymous articles. Would I be willing to use my name? Since I thought the anonymity actually added more power to the piece, I thanked him, but said no and sent it in The New York Sun.

At the Sun, which then had a paper edition, the editors got the point immediately and ran the op-ed with a large cartoon. I got a kick out of riding the subway that morning and seeing people reading it. I tried to imagine how they’d react if they knew that the author was standing right next to them. Back in 2004, of course, people actually read newspapers on subways, instead of zoning out on iPhones.

For four days, I looked at the paper hoping to see some reaction in the letters section. There was none, and I remember saying to my wife, “Gosh, I thought there would at least be some reaction to the piece.”

The next day, I opened the paper to see something I have never seen before or since – the entire OpEd page was devoted to letters to the editor in reaction to the piece. I learned something important that day. I learned I was not alone. There are others, many others, who don’t conform to the lock-step political beliefs of the Upper West Side.

Today I woke up to Anonymous’s piece in the Times and learned something else, something I should have known all along. When the writer is a conservative and castigates the Times’ reader-base, they stick to their rules. When the writer goes after someone the Times openly detests, as it does President Trump, well, that’s another story. The rules quickly go out the window.

So, here we are, 18 years later and not much has changed in Mr. X’s neighborhood. Some things have changed with Mr. X, though. I really no longer care what others think. When I hear people lamenting the fact that Donald Trump or the evil, racist Republicans are in power, I don’t just let them drone on. I speak up.

Along the way, I have lost many friends. I have been excluded from various events. But I have also found many like-minded individuals who don’t live and die by what the Times, MSNBC, and their neighbors think.

They, and I, think for ourselves. I’d sign this piece, but Mr. X carries more weight.
Image: A Roman fresco from Pompeii, 1st century AD, depicting a man in a theatre mask and a woman wearing a garland while playing a lyre (a Greco-Roman stringed instrument); it is now housed in the National Archaeological Museum (Museo Archeologico Nazionale) of Naples, Italy. Via Wikipedia.

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  1. The Statue of Liberty's creases
Have cracked, and she's now all in pieces,
'Cause her innate hypocrisy

    Rejects aristocracy
So the nation got flooded with feces!

    ... Anne Imus in Mourning


  2. ________ DEFINING the ENEMY _______


    When WE insult, deride, hector, badger, lampoon and defame The Enemy, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal WE can muster.

    HOWEVER, when The Enemy attempts to insult, bully, badger or LIE about US, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal WE can muster. };^)>

    The Enemy is either The Great Deceiver, Himself, or One of His Ardent Disciples. Therefore, The Enemy deserves NO Consideration, and must be shown NO Indulgence, given NO Quarter, NO Mercy, NO Tolerance, WHATSOEVER.

    Never –– EVER –– forget what The Enemy did to Czar Nicholas and His family in the basement of "The House of Special Purpose."

    The ENEMY still eagerly makes EXCUSES for the Savage Bolshevik Beasts.

    The ENEMY is The BEAST –– the Servant, the Handmaiden, the Henchman, the Toady, the SLAVE and ASSKISSER to everything VILE.

    The Enemy is AWAYS on the attack –– no matter what. The Enemy NEVER approves, affirms, finds Satisfaction, or takes Delight in ANYTHING. The Enemy never Laughs, because “IT” is incapable of appreciating the HUMOROUS side of life. The Enemy can only MOCK, SCORN, DERIDE,COMPLAIN and ACCUSE.

    The Enemy cannot be treated diplomatically; "IT" must be DESTROYED.

    Just be sure you identify "IT" correctly, and know who "IT" is before you start pumping bullets into "IT." };^]>

    The ENEMY is ever the one to sneer the loudest at every opportunity to denounce, magnify, distort, and condemn even the slightest flaw in others. His high and mighty insolence and perpetually sneering posture betrays a pathological penchant for placing his imaginarily august SELF high above US "The Common Crowd," doesn't it? His Sado-Masochistic relationship with the rest of humanity reveals him to be a pathetic, very LITTLE person. Most Scoffers, Scorners, Debunkers, Deriders, Contrarians, Refutationists and other Devotees of Negativism are.

    People of this despicable ilk should be welcome to our pity, but should never hope to win our respect.

  3. Our society, with all its comforts, safety and luxuries, is becoming a victim of those very same successes.

    We have raised whole generations full of people who have a Disney cartoon fantasyland view of the world and life. They have no idea that society is a thin veneer, and life outside this comfy safety bubble is "nasty, brutish and short."

    Blissful idiots lounging in safety and security here in the west romanticize Che Guevara and his modern-day ideological progeny, but have never had to live under the results of those horrible ideologies. They make fetishes of poor Third World souls, and sing their virtues, but they have never seen those places, horrible, disease written, crime infested, squalor. They have no idea that all of this could happen here.

    Our society is full of people who have no idea the hard work and sacrifice that it took to build what we have. They also display a nasty disdain for those unseen hard-working men and women who keep all this functioning. A functioning sewage system is critical to public hygiene, as is clean water, dependable electricity, a safe and adequate food supply. Unglamorous laborers bring us all these things, and the arrogant cognoscenti haven't a clue. They take this all for granted.

    1. You're correct, of course, Silver, but I believe this is not the result of oo much luxury, comfort and ease, but rather because of a ruthlessly deliberate campaign over many decades to MISINFORM our younger generations by first infiltrating the universities with Cultural Marxists, who's perverse, demented influence then SPREAD to ALL levels of Education, Mass Communication, Entertainment, Publishing, and Jurisprudence. Every ONE of these highly significant fields has long ago been TAKEN OVER by Cultural Marxists and the toxic "philosophy" they spread glefully with wicked, demonic zeal.

      We are what we are today, because we have permitted Inertia, our natural Laziness and a profound literalistic MISUNDERTANDING of the FIRST AMENDMENT to subvert, pervert, ridicule and MAIM every ideal and principle which made us great in the first place.

      Our historic treatment of "The Negro," of course has functioned as the ACHILLES HEEL which made it possible for these FIENDS to INFILTRATE, POLLUTE and TRANSFORM American CUlture to the point where older people like myself can no longer recognize my country as AMERICAN anymore.

  4. ___________ DIAGNOSIS ___________

    Stopping Racism today is now believed
    No harm, but only good could ever do ––
    Of Paramount Importance. –– We’ve deceived
    Innumerable millions, brought them to
    The point where kicking over all the traces
    A counterfeit Altruism now prevails:
    Zig zags must be viewed as straight, so races
    Ill-informed may proudly fill their sails ––
    Reject all hope of Mental Elevation ––
    Enjoy, instead, White Perquisites unearned ––
    Given –– by “The Rich,” whose education,
    Goading them to see all Privilege spurned,
    Informed them they should not be what they are.
    Now, Prehistoric Depths loom not so far.

    ... FreeThinke

  5. Today I woke up to Anonymous’s piece in the Times and learned something else, something I should have known all along. When the writer is a conservative and castigates the Times’ reader-base, they stick to their rules. When the writer goes after someone the Times openly detests, as it does President Trump, well, that’s another story. The rules quickly go out the window.

    I've reached the point that I'm tuning out all the Anti-Trump Derangement Disorder tosh.

    As for having people droning on around me against President Trump, I'm lucky that I'm not surrounded by them where I work. Elsewhere, though....

    1. Yes, and if you remain silent in the presence of The Enemy, they assume you are ONE of them. That forces you to be a HYPOCRITE.

      If you speak yoor mind, and tell what-you-believe-to-be the TRUTH, you're likely to be OSTRACIZED and may even LOSE your JOB –– depending on where you work, –– and for WHOM –– of course. };^)>

      "Mr. X," did say, however, that now that he no longer pulls his punches he has found many to be more sympathetic to hs views than they generally dare to admit.

      I think we should find that encouraging.



    More and more these days
    ___ I find myself sincerely wishin'
    Our kids would aim to be a builder,
    ___ plumber, or 'lectrician ––
    Or groundsman who trims hedges, bushes,
    __ mows and eeeds the grass).
    Better that than Jewish, Black,
    ___ Female or Queer Studies
    Is the gal who cooks and cleans
    ___ while her mate drinks with his buddies.
    After he works his butt off collecting
    ___ other peoples' trash
    He deserves a nice clean home,
    ___ good food, and a place to crash,
    An eager warm wet pussy there
    ___ to meet his carnal needs,
    And kids he loves and cares for
    __ striving even if he bleeds.
    Better to be a farmer milking cows
    ___ and cleaning stables
    Than to study at a college where each course
    ___ your mind disables.

    ... FreeThinke


      The University Is Ripe for Replacement

      PJ Media,

      by David Solway

      "The hands that wield the power of edcuction, determine who is to be struck down."

      ~ Joseph Stalin in an interview with H.G. Wells

      Beginning in early K-12 and continuing to the highest levels of university education, Leftist indoctrination is the gravest dilemma that afflicts education in North America, rendering it perhaps the most powerful instrument of anti-Western bias and socialist propaganda of the modern era. Here my concern is with the abandonment of genuine scholarship, fact-based historical research, familiarity with the “Great Books” and the development of critical thinking habits, particularly in the humanities ...

    2. Critical THINKING has been supplanted by "Critical THEORY" –– a very different, highly dangerous, ferocious animal.

      The pernicious influence of Cultural Marxism mya have made it impossble for us to preserve our sainted First Amendment, if WE are to survive, because THEY have succeeded in perverting its intent, and hsve perpetually abused it, thus making ait mockery that works to SUBVERT and DESTROY the very FREEDOM the are ABUSING to aid and abet THEIR treacherous purposes.

    3. There is anecdotal evidence that worthless college degrees are falling out of favor and more college age people are going into the trades. Why not? An apprentice welder (graduated trade school, but still doing on-the-job training) can make $40/hour in Seattle.

      It always cracks me up when a Harvard grad with a worthless degree whines about how they graduated from an Ivy League university and cannot get a decent paying job...

    4. Sure, Silver, but even so we shouldn't lose sight of the difference between beig TRAINE, being EDUCATED, and being INDOCTRINATED.

      The first is a good alternative –– for those with a level of aptitude suitable for highly skilled jobs.

      The second may be the best –– for those with Intellectual Curisoity and a mind equipped to handle the discipline required to become GENUINELY learned.

      The third –– which is ALL most universities seem to offer today –– is ANATHEMA.

    5. The Higher Education Bubble Is Bursting — And That´s A Good Thing

      Investor´s Business Daily, by Staff

      Useless Degrees: A good indication of a tightening labor market is the fact that several major corporations have dropped their college degree requirements. College just became an even bigger waste of time and money for many. Job recruiting site Glassdoor recently reported that companies like Google, Apple, IBM, Bank of America no longer require that applicants have a college degree. Neither do companies like Costco, Whole Foods, Publix, Chipotle, Home Depot, Starbucks. (Does it really take a college degree to know how roll a burrito, pour coffee, or stack giant jars of mayonnaise?)

  7. _____ A Wry Memorial _____

    The Swarthy Ones took over;
    And made weapons of four planes.
    The riders had no cover;
    They suffered dreadful pains

    That ended once their deathtraps
    Burst into roaring fires
    Turning instantly to mere scraps––
    Cinders––made of former flyers.

    The burning towers crumpled,
    And fell into the street.
    New York was more than rumpled;
    Briefly, it knew defeat.

    The nation drew together;
    We felt collective grief.
    Anger broke its tether;
    To express it gave relief.

    But just a few years hence
    We're at each other's throats;
    We've built ourselves a fence
    Over which the Devil gloats.

    We've failed to give the orders
    To build a proper wall
    Sealing off our borders
    To the fiends who’d have us fall.

    Instead, we've made division––
    Went to war against ourselves––
    And are mired in derision
    Sparked by partisan elves,

    Who forget this blessed land
    In pursuit of powers lost
    In close elections manned
    By fraud. So, tempest-tossed

    The country is in turmoil.
    The enemy's our own.
    He says it's all for Big Oil,
    And he'll soon usurp the Throne.

    The heap of twisted rubble
    Raising toxic fumes for weeks
    No longer gives us trouble
    Because of media leaks

    Designed to throw us off the scent
    Of whom we need to blame
    And encourage ruinous dissent
    That hopes to break the frame

    That holds us all together
    And preserves our liberty,
    So many now doubt whether
    We really should be free.

    And each rabble rousing louse
    Should 'neath these words be pinned:
    "He who troubleth his own house
    Shall inherit–––the wind"

    ... FreeThnke


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...