Friday, April 17, 2020

_____ AMERICA _____

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From ev'ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills.
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God, to thee,
Author of liberty,
To thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light.
Protect us by thy might,
Great God, our King!

~ § ~

Text: Samuel F. Smith, 1808-1895
Music: From Thesaurus Musicus, London, 1744 
[known in England as “God Bless Our Native Land
 and in the United States as “America”]

Jun 30, 2015 - Uploaded by Hillsdale College
America the Beautiful By Katharine Lee Bates, 1913. O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of ...

Lest we forget ...


  1. ___ America the Beautiful ___

    O beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet
    Whose stern impassioned stress,
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!

    America! America!
    God mend thine every flaw,
    Confirm thy soul in self-control,
    Thy liberty in law!

    O beautiful for heroes proved
    In liberating strife,
    Who more than self their country love
    And mercy more than life!

    America! America!
    May God thy gold refine
    Till all success be nobleness,
    And every gain divine!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years,
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    Oh beautiful for halcyon skies
    For amber waves of grain
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the enameled plain!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till souls wax fair as earth and air
    And music-hearted sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet
    Whose stern impassioned stress,
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till paths be wrought by wilds of thought
    By pilgrims foot and knee!

    Oh beautiful for glory-tale
    Of liberating strife,
    When once and twice for man’s avail
    Men lavished precious life!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till selfish gain no longer strain
    The banner of the free!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years,
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till nobler men keep once again
    Thy whiter jubilee!

    ~ Katherine Lee Bates; (1859-1929) Inspired by a trip to Pikes Peak in 1893, Katherine Lee Bates wrote the poem America the Beautiful.It first appeared in print on July 4, 1895 in The Congregationalist, a weekly journal. Ms. Bates revised the lyrics in 1904 and agin in 1912

  2. I love that video by Hillsdale College! I've used it for July 4th posts.

    We live in the greatest country in the world, yet many Americans want to destroy her. I don't get it!

  3. It will be interesting to see how quickly we can get to economy cranking again.

    How many businesses will be lost? How many lives wrecked?

    I got carryout from a humble little place I go every so often. Its run by a nice Vietnamese family, and they're trying to stay hopeful, but business isn't going well.

    Do the politicians in DC and in the state governments realize how many people in this nation make their daily bread by their small business?

  4. How much longer will our President, and we Republicans be suckers? And just how much longer will we allow these PIG to say, and do what they say, and do. I know that this is America, and we do have a “Free Country, and we can say whatever we want to. But what has happened to our respect? What are we teaching our Children?
    It started WAY back when President Trump was first elected and the Ladies march with those disgusting hats, and costumes on the streets of our city’s.
    The Morons from Hollywood, and TV made those filthy speeches, and threats, and used that foul language, and guess what?
    What would have happened to Madonna when she said that she wanted to bomb the White House, if Barrack Hussain Obama was the President at the time?
    What would have happened to Snoopy Dog with his “Fake” Gun saying that he was going to Assassinate the President?
    What would the entire Country have said about Robert Di Nero when he said F. Y. to the President?
    And what would have happened to Ilhan Omar when she called the President A Mother F–ker?
    And that’s why I say that it’s our Fault, for allowing all that to happen in the first place.

    1. What in the hell does this rant have to do with this beautiful blog post?

    2. It shows how far we've strayed from the Founder's Sanguine, Heroic, profoundly Humane, ... P_O_S_I_T_V_E ... VISION for the BRIGHTEST POSSIBLE FUTURE, FRIEDA.

      I've recived any number of depressing, disparaging comments in even more bilious rhetoric to this post, and has either DELETED them or stopped them from being published since I was forced to go on Moderation.

      My SPAM box has far ore remarks tan the comments section, and THAT is the way i's GOING to be, until readers get the idea that WHINING, MOANING, NETTLESOME SNIPING, SNEERING, JEERING, SCOLDING, PETULANCE and REMONSTRANCE ARE ... N_O_T .. WELCOME HERE.

      As a once-popular T-Shirt Slogan said:




      Capiche? ];^)>

  5. I'm really tired of the negativity and this helps! Thanks, :-)
    I refuse to think it'll be the calamity so many's TOUGH, it's going to be almost impossible but if people truly DO work together, forgiving rents if the landlord can afford to, giving loans, reducing interest...whatever. It WILL work because Americans want it to. I foresee amazing acts of kindness and sacrifice ...people flooding places to help their favorite restaurant, etc....God help us all. Because He DID shed His grace on us.

    1. I am too, Z –– MORE than tired of it.

      That's why I DELETE most of the irrelevant, depressing, insulting ,raging fiercely indignant TIRADES too many people insist on dumping here.

      As I've said many times, "I'd rather be ALONE than in POOR company."

    2. Oh JEEPERS! I forgot to say, "I'm very glad YOU came here, and hope you will try to make it a habit. We need your bright spitit to help cheer us on."


      ~ Soprano aria from Handel's Messiah


  6. Housekeeping note to Franco,
    You might try again to embed the video. A few days ago, Blogger had a glitch with uploading videos and graphics, and that glitch seems to be resolved now.

    1. Thank you. AOW. I'll try it again soon, but I get awfully sick and tired of Blogger's nasty little tricks.

      These electronic malfuncions take most of joy from posting.

      How I long for a STABLE medium –– like the print journalism at which iI happily excelled for a significnt part of me life.

  7. God Bless America!

    This nation has been through worse than this. We will come back stronger than ever.

  8. Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed? I don’t know of Any!
    The Socialist Democrats have tried to push one Hoax after another, one jackass, after another has come forward with some nonseasonal accusation after another from Russia, Russia, Russia, the the Jessie Smollett Hoax and it seemed to do was to strengthened the Presidents base.
    I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and Bunper stickers before in years. ....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion allover is all about the ass-whooping Trump will give to the Senile Groper, “Creepy Uncle Joe.”in November.
    The Dimsocialist’s may refuse accept it but they pulled out ALL of their front runners so as not to waste them on a sure Republican Victory, and put a sure loser in there instead. Like they were already accepting to lose.

    1. Yes, but can you connect all that to the Spirit of '76, which is what this post i UPPOSED to b celebrating.

      If we don't rregularly remind oursleves where we came from, and why our nation waswere founded, we will lose our sense of direction, and end by betraying and defiling the Founders' Vision.

      I don't think you WANT that, do you, Sam?

  9. Patriots Day, April 19th – Mr. Paul Revere Explains The Battle of Lexington and Concord in His Own Words….

    Conservative Treehouse

    by Sundance

    Representative Doug Collins asked today: “How do you celebrate Patriots Day”? Which, perhaps, should spur me to share my own thoughts on this day of consequence. Many are familiar with the poem Paul Revere’s ride; however, far fewer know that Paul Revere actually memorialized the events of the April 18 and 19, 1775, in an eight page letter written several years later.

    Each Patriots Day I remind myself to read his letter from a copy handed down; and I think about how Paul Revere was really just a common man of otherwise undue significance…. yet capable to the task at hand. To me everything about the heart of Revere, which you can . . .


  10. On another note!
    Joe Biden says he would take Michelle Obama in a Heart beat, to be his running mate for the 2020 presidential election.

    I guess to the Democrats it makes more sense than Kamala Harris, but as Presidential material? She CERTAINLY IS NOT!
    And of course if they were to win, Barry would be pulling the strings instead of The Groper.
    We’ve had MORE than we need to have in those 8 years, so let’s not even go there because it wont be Biden. He is toast! He’s got nothing left in the tank..

    Besides, what makes Michelle Obama qualified for the Presidency? Just because she’s a Black Female? She ever ran for office, she never served this country,she has absolutely no accomplishments other than being the World Champion for doing more Jumping Jacks on late Night TV shows than any other First Lady in the history of this Nation.. .

    1. Joe Biden is has been who never was very much to begin with. He's a mountebank –– a buffoon –– and more than a bit of a horse's ass.

      Anyone who would support his candidacy is guilty of a serious lack of good judgment.

  11. Mr. Franco Aragosta
    Your blog has always attracted me and this particular post left me absolutly speechless. It is one of the best pieces of writing I have seen Very useful post with lots of information on search jobs. Your blogs have always made me either laugh, or captured my interest with your never ending knowledge. This is very important to know. Thanks a lot for sharing.
    And by the way, I loved that "Hate Week" and the comments from your readers about it.
    Looking forward to be reading more in the future.

  12. A Note to John Kerry:
    You are no longer Secretary of State., you are no longer relevant, You had no authority, you are just a little ordinary citizen just like I am .
    So, shut up, go home, close your big mouth, stay out of President Trump’s affairs. He has accomplished more, in the year and a half that he has been in office, then you and the entire the Obama regime did, in the past 8 years.
    So crawl back under the rock that you came from . No one cares what you think!

    1. All right, but your scolding, negative tone is not in harmony with what-I-had-hoped would be a HAPPY CELEBRATION in REMEMBRANCE of the noble, vigorous courageous ,selfless,entirely POSITIVE sentiments that gave our Foundng fathers the impetus to WIN our independece from Mother England and found a NEW NATION vonceived in LIBERTY and dedicated to the propstiin tat all men are created EQUAL, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights among them Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness."

      This tendency we have today to SCOLD, DEBUNK, CONDEMN, VILIFY and ABUSE those with whom we disagree s NOT healtny, and does a great DISSERVICE to our Founding fathers who sacrificed more than most of us will ever know to give us a splendid legacy.

      Negativity and ill temper will only serve to LOSE us that legacy. and cast us into the Slough of Despond.

      We were not founded on ANGER and RESENTMENT, but high, noble ideals and hopes for glorious, limitless future.

  13. The PatriotApril 23, 2020 at 8:50 AM
    I am simply amazed that so many Democratic-Liberals are carrying water for the Chinese, especially the Lame Stream Media right here in the USA,.
    I would have spectated to see that from CNN, but not from the many other news stations here in America.
    Many of them are too blinded by hatred toward Donald Trump to even notice that China is killing us, slowly but surely.
    They seem to be so obsessed about getting rid of Donald Trump that they will appease and capitulate to China and even to the UN at every turn. We saw that starting when Barack Obama turned his back on Israel. .The real question is why does Trump continue to be fooled by them?

  14. The Leftist’s Idol Bill DeBlasio says he will PERMANENTLY shut down churches and synagogues who do not comply.
    But didn’t mention the Mosques!.... How Come?


  16. In 194 days Americans will be voting for OUR next President, WHERE IS THIS GUY??? Everyday OUR President holds hours long press conferences, where he stands an answers questions, mostly from a hostile press. Governor’s also hold daily pressers and take questions as do some County executives. SO WHERE THE HELL IS PROFESSOR BIDEN?? My guess is Democrats are scared shitless to have him out in public, let alone answering questions. YET THEY WANT YOU TO VOTE FOR HIM

  17. It saddens me deeply that given a good opportinity to praise our country and recognize the tremendous legacy our Founding Fathers gave their all to bequeath to us, most would much prefer to COMPLAIN, MOCK, and VILIFY anything they find distasteful instead.


    God will only bless AMERICA as long as she remains GRATEFUL for her many blessings and aware and appreciative of her splendid founding principles.

    1. Then stop allowing slobbering idiots to publish their raging buffoonery on your good pages!


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