Sunday, March 8, 2020



Don't you think that instead of labelling the arriving ALLIGATOR as SOCIALISM 
it might have been even more approriate to identify it as the CORONA VIRUS?


  1. The carton itself seems a bit, shall we say, overblown. IMO democratically instituted socialism has both its negative as well as positive elements. There is this belief that we are all our brothers keeper. This is true when our brother is unable to care for himself. A truth Christ espoused. That and love they brother as thyself.

    But yes, those capable of doing so, the vast majority, should be taking care of and caring for themselves.

    1. Social scientists consider it almost axiomatic that the more homogeneous a society, the more collectivist people are willing to be.

      Think about it. In our own families, we are very collectivist. Also, in that conservative bastion known as the US military, we are "socialist" in many ways.

      It's about trust. The further outside the circle, the less trust.

    2. Hi, Silver, I think these newfangled "expanded versiions" of what "socialism" is and is not are dangerously misleading.

      Socialism is still the brainchid of Karl Marx, who admittedly STOLE much of his poisonous, invented ideology from Hegel, but of course PERVERTED it –– not that I am in any way a fan of Hegel.

      The CULTURAL MARXIST movement was really the brainchild of the Italian Troublemaker and Upstart Antonio Gramsci, but it was The FRANKFURT SCHOOL, –– Germany's 100% Jewish "StinkTank ––, "who'appopriated" Gramsci's seductive and corruptive ideas, then insidiosualy with extreme cleverness and guile introduced this MIND POISON into the mainstream of Western Society.

      Cultural Marxism –– a crafty method of "sugar-coating" the harsh truths about COMMUNISM to make it seem palatable to the relatively comfortable Middle Class ––, is THE primary reason WHY we are where we are today.

      The Labor Movement, Progressivism, "Liberalism," –– as it came to be defined in the 20th century ––, Statism, and this bastard, non-existent FICTION now called DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM (a deliberately misleading, contradiction in terms) are ALL twigs and branches of the SAME tree. ALL these cllectivist movements are rooted in MARXIAN Ideology, whether they choose o ADMIT it or not.

    3. Silver,

      Families, Private Organiztions, and the Military are not NATIONS.

      The military is, perforce, a hierarchical authoritarian DICTATORSHIP. T

      he FAMILY, if it is to function well, is of necessity governed by a Mother and Fa ather who MUST exert Absolute Authority over their children lest CHAOS ensue.

      Schools also must be governted similarly, because students at least ostensibly are there to LEARN, and lacaemic earning can NOT take place outside a highly structured, DISCIPLINED environment.

      GOVERNEMENTS however cannot and SHOULD o be run in a TOP DOWN fashion, because nations are comprised of myriad ADULTS each of whom has differing talents, strengths and capacities to contribute, so their INDIVIDUALITY must be respected and encourged IFsociety could even hope to function optimally.

    4. Sparta was socialist. The agoge was socialist. Leaving defectives to die at the base of Mt. Taygetus was socialist.

    5. I agree our taxonomy has been wrecked by the left, and I plead guilty to going along and using the sloppy definitions of the terms, so that those with that sloppy understanding can comprehend what I am saying.

      I also agree this is way too much government intervention in our personal lives.

      Sadly, subsidiarity sits on the junk pile, along with federalism, toleration, and the 4th Amendment.

      Making everyone responsible for every other person and thing on the planet is a surefire racket to keep us all perpetually anxious and clamoring for more government.

    6. Excellent point Silverfiddle. The really only logical position is that each individual is responsible only for him or herself and their minor children. And, parents who might be incapable of caring for themselves.

      If one CHOOSES of their own will to attempt to be their brothers keeper that is fine as well.

      I do believe we ALL have a responsibility to be good Shepherds of the planet given to us by the creator. I also think love thy brother as thyself is a what the creator intended for us to live by.

      Too bad humans have managed to f things up so badly.

  2. The sock puppets must have worn themselves out on the last post...

  3. What does that have to do with the topic of this blog?

    1. What IS the topic of THIS cartoon blog?

      Do you know?

      Cartoons are intended to stimulate the imagination, and provoke personal thoughts and opinions. That's all.

  4. Franco, this is for you as I do not know if you ever stop by to read my posts. I just wanted you to know that your last two posts have had an impact on me. Frankly they changed my mind about you. While I still do not agree with much of your positions (I simply find them a bit too extreme for me) I have a greater respect for you.

    I hope you will take this in the light I mean it. Both your community and Shaw's have apparently, for the most part, failed to understand why you posted what you did.

    Do not post this unless you feel it appropriate... Thank you


    1. Good morning, Namaste,

      I acknowledged your ot on the receding thread with gtatitude and praise

      I do plead guilty to being "theatrical" much of the time which often makes m appear more extreme than i really am. I do this –– not because i am a "hypicrite" as many of my eemies want to believe –– but hopes rather of stimulating livelier, more interesting, more fruitful conversation.

      As far as I am concerned, there is NOTHING more deadly than RITUALIZED exchanges of either INSULTS or PLATITUDES both of which I regard undesirable.

      Pleas return to us often. It would HELP, however, if you posted under your name, instead of anonymously, because we get a great del f GARBAGE for annymous powers, nd my poor eyesight makes it difficult to separate the anonymous "wheat" from the aninymous "chaff."

    2. It's Rational Nation. He linked to his blog.

    3. Oh well! He said nothing either chracteristically stupid, vitriolic or vindictive, and my response to those remarks do nine of us any harm, so I'll let it stand.

      By the way, there really WAS a sane, benevolent godly person who called herself "NAMASTE." We crossed paths years ago.

      It's hardf or me to believe my Pet Enemy could possibly know about that, but ANYTHING is possible in the "Bogusphere," I suppose, ;-)

      Thanks for theheads up, but I'm not fazed a bit by the deception.

      Funny! I thought Les had closed his "bog."

    4. Franco, I was just providing you information. I certainly wasn't calling for you to delete Les's comment.

      "Namaste" has become the trendy thing lately.

  5. Donald Trump could cure Cancer, AIDs, wipe out
    the Coronavirus, and the Common Cold and Flu, destroy every Nuclear, bio and Chemical weapon on earth, establish an abundant food supply for twice the population on earth, so that we used potatoes to supply the whole world with electricity, stopped using fossil fuels and the Progressive bed wetters would still hate him if Shaw Kenawe, and her puppets told them too.And still would not get the Nobel Prize.

    That's how stupid the left is, and the left awards Nobel Prize's to terrorists like Arafat and bullshit frauds like Al Gore, and Barrack Obama

    1. Whle yur language is extreme an more vugar than I would like to see, I cannot help but AGREE.

      The tendency in politics to put the gaining and retaining of POLITICAL POWER over and above working TOGETHER to help make GENUINE IMPROVEMENTS to the qualty of life for our citizens is both LAMENTABLE and DEPLORABLE.

      But, as the corny ol song says, "Let there be peace on earth –– and LET IT BEGIN WITH ME.

      In other words FORGET what OTHERS do, when you don't like it, and just do YOUR best to behave BETTER than THEY do.

  6. There’s only one way to decide who is wrong or right in this matter
    I say we start out the debates with push-up competition followed by the remainder of the debate being done on an ever-increasing speed treadmill. And if there isn’t a clear winner at that point. Then Franco should take Shaw behind the barn and beat the shit out of her.

    1. I sincerely hope, Moonie ,that your intent there was to be HUMOROUS and NOT serious.

      Please retun and tell me I'm right.


  7. Replies
    1. I was pretty sure of that, Moonie, which is why postede my signature smile icon


      In case you don't yet know it I'm ANTI-LITERALISM as well ANTI-POLITICAL-CORRECTNESS.

  8. Make NO mistake about it, the lefties like "Miss Shaw" have all but destroyed this country with the assistance of Obama. And yet they are pissed at the current President? A President who is only trying his best to "Make America great Again" and is succeeding

    1. Yes, of course, but haven' we already covered that –– DOZENS of TIMES in the previous blog?

      Why keep harping on negatives?

      What do you think of the CARTOON at the head of THIS post?

      Wat do you think of th way the Left is USING the Coronavirus to try to make Presient Trump look bad in every cinceivable way?

      What do you think about the horrific downturn in the Stock Market, and what THAT may imply for PresidentTrump's chance of victory in the November election?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It irks me how they want to blame everything bad on President Trump. He tried right up front to stop the virus from coming into the country and it pissed me off when Bloomberg said he should have had a plan in place. I think he has improvised a great plan. I thank God everyday for our president and as long as election is handled legally we will take the house, hold the senate and re-elect our president..

  11. If you have ever read anything on the Progressives blog in subject, you will know that they love to hate over there...! They even love their own hate. They revel in their hate. You can only belong to their little cliche if you hate the same way they hate. They write their hate on their posts, on their blogs, and on everyone else’s blogs.. They insult you only because they don’t agree with you . That’s real hate. That’s their way to hate! They hate everyone who does not think the way that they think. If you are of another way of thinking, or of another political persuasion, then they will hate you! .

    Bitterness belongs to those who write negativity and hate everyday. Being close minded is the trait of those who can find no fault in the person, or thing they support. Humans are not perfect, but they write their leader (Obama) can do no wrong. He is like their Messiah . They believe that one person is a political messiah. They are bitter, hate filled, and wrong. Wrong about their leader. Wrong about their behavior to protect their leader. Truly, politically immature and personally immature. And therefor they Hate our current President. Yes they Hate Donald trump and they can not wait until he is either impeached or overthrown. They tried to Impeach him for NO reason, with NO evidence and they may have surceased, but they didn’t win.
    It seems the followers of “hope and change” have no hope and expect no change. Of course not, they are to wrapped up in their hate. If you have ever bothered to read the crap, and filth that is on the Progressive Eruptions blog, you will wittiness the real meaning of Hate! It’s like stepping into a Horror show.
    You just can’t imagine the vile comments written there by the author of that disgusting blog. And the comments written by the few readers that are left there.

    And SO WHAT if Hillary won the popular vote! ... So What?
    We hear this from leftists all the time. But It's irrelevant because that ISN'T how Presidential elections are run according to the United States Constitution. It is still irrelevant because: The Lefties Know it, The Progressives Know it, and even the Socialist’s know it.... The Voters know that if their candidate has a chance in their State. There are tens of millions of Republicans in California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and other deep blue States who knew Trump had no chance. And there are millions of Democrats in deep red States. Three million is a small margin, there is no way to know who would have shown up or how they would have voted if we had different rules.
    So Democrats, you damn well know it, but you are so stupid to believe that we don’t know it, or are you just acting that way?

    1. This is NOT a respnse to the material posted in THIS Blog. It qualifies as BOILERPLATE, which we noramly don' allow.

      Wha d ou get out of szying he SAME things over and over and over?

  12. There ARE no "Liberals" left anymore not as far as I’m concerned, at least not where I can see them there are only those FILTHY LEFTISTS who can only Hate, Hate, and Hate some more. , Yes we have CONSERVATIVES, - and MUSHBRAINS that are aka LIBERALS, PROGRESSIVES and MUSHBRAINED SOCIALISTS! . Who are full of stupidity and moral cowardice..

    The New Lefty Democratic Socialists have become "Progressive fundamentalists". Progressive fundamentalists are the "true believers" and "evangelists" of the Progressive cause. Their religious institutions in the Ivy League are the premier "safe spaces" for progressive ideological conformity... sacred spaced that must be kept pure and protected from "conservative thought" and dedicated to producing the "pure activists" needed to further advocate and promote the Progressive cause.

    As long as the Liberal/Progressive party has people as Dumb, and Idiots like Biden, Sanders, Hillary, Pelosi, Waters, Wasserman Schultz, "Pocahnatas", etc, etc, etc,.they may as well add that Arrogant, Ego-maniacal Big Mouthed, Attention Whores to their heap of morons.
    When the democrats are full of people like Comrade’s Ilhan Omar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, who seem to be the New Faces, and Darlings of the Left.

    1. True enough, but it's NOT a response to the POSTED MATERIAL.

      Instead i's a kind f BOILERPLATE.

  13. DOWZUP 1,168.13 –– a nice rebound from yesterday's ALL-TIME-RECORD ONE-DAY POINT DROP

  14. What does it mean to me? Gators can make some mighty fine pets.

  15. I put that scrawny, scowling, pasty-faced little punk Dave Miller, the Mexican Preacher in the same boat as "Miss Shaw! They are two of a kind, Tow peas in a rotten pod. He has a long way to go before he could ever even pretend to think of himself as a man. "NASTY and VILE" doesn't begin to cover what he truly is in my humble opinion.


  16. Hillary Clinton is at it again. the bag lady has been recalled back up into Satan’s word. My God, you’d think that she would have learned after the first 25 times!
    But this time last week the “Smartest women in the world” once again gave her Worn Out List of several factors that contributed to her List de Jour for her loss to that “Business Man” Donald Trump, and she once again showed her Sore Losing Side telling us, or sound I say Scolding us when she said that America is in a "Really Bad Spot" with President Trump in the White House, and that Every day that goes by there’s more, and more evidence and more proof of Russia and fake news and Cambridge Analytica and misogyny and sexism," she said. "I mean it’s hard, it’s very hard."

    Note thatshe said this, but failed to show any of the “Evidence or the Proof”

    She also said the "Lock Her up" chants that Trump led during the election and other protests around her were signs of misogyny! .
    Adding that "Some of you probably remember when Kathy Griffin held up the head of Trump," she said. "What you may not remember is they were selling Trump holding up my head at the Republican convention and nobody said a word."

    Hillary also said her claim that she would have won her race against Trump if former FBI Director James Comey hadn't said publicly that he had reopened his investigation into her use of a private email server.
    And that if “Weren’t for the letter he wrote on October 28th I would have won," she said.

    And then she repeated that it was Russia, who contributed to her loss for Influencing the Election.

    Never mentioning the DNC ‘s part in trying to FIX the election, or Her OWN emails or stealing the primary form Bernie Sanders, or having recieved the debate questions in advance, or having James Comey giving her a Free Pass even knowing that she was as Guilty as Hell in that whole e-mal shebang. Or Benghazi!
    Only all those woulda, coulda, shouldas...nothing about the fact that she was the worse candidate that the Democratic party could have possibly run. I would love to see Hillary run , one more time, in 2020. We could use some good entertainment for a change. But we’ve got to face it, Hillary's days in politics are over. Any way, she couldn’t “RUN” if she wanted. Waddle maybe, but not Run!


    It was announced several minutes ago that the November Presidential Election has been canceled because of the Coronavirus situation.
    Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders seemed to be very relieved by the announcement, as they’re both very tired and worried about getting sick. Sanders was especially happy, telling the press, “You know, for a few moments there, it really seemed like I might win, and I didn’t know what was going to happen if people actually expected me to follow through on all that free stuff.” Sanders is now deciding in which of his three houses to self-quarantine himself.

    1. BRILLANT SAtTIRE, DD! You and KID ught to get together. The two of you would make a grea team.

      I'm so glad SOMEONE still has a lively sense of humor!

      Too many of us take all this BILGE far far FAR too seriously.

      Without humor we'd be better off DEAD.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Yesterday,President Trump said he will seek financial relief for workers and businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak, as new cases were reported across the country.
    Concerns have grown that a prolonged outbreak may bring on a recession. The total of confirmed cases neared 120,000, with more than 80,900 in mainland China, where the virus has killed more than 3,100 people. The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. surpassed 1,030 as of early Wednesday.

    1. As Stocks fell another 950 points.

    2. Yes. It's certainly not GOOD situation, but I'm morally certain it's being tremendously OVERHYPED by the ENEMEDIA in the hope of spoilng President Trump's chances for reelection.


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