Tuesday, March 31, 2020

.~.~. § .~.~.

What Do YOU See? 

In This Looking Glass?

.~.~ § ~.~.


  1. I see cats pushing stuff off of the counters.

  2. I see us giving a big USA BITCH SLAP to the Chinese communists who unleashed this death on the world!

    1. That would be more of a "Vision" or a "picture," Chuck.

      Isn't a mirror supposed to provide a reflectiin of OURSELVES as individuals?

    2. Signor Franco's interrogative is quite apropos: "Isn't a mirror supposed to provide a reflection of OURSELVES as individuals?"

      I would reply that in Chuck's case, perhaps it has!

      Buona giornata!

    3. Yes t probably des in the sense that We learn more about "PETER" from what he says about "PAUL" than we do about Paul.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. What saw in this rejected post was the usual formulaic, platitudinous, self-serving BILGE we have consistently gotten from a fatuous, tedious, chronically unwelcome source for years.

      Sorry, but we don't suffer hypocrites anymore gladly than we do utter fools.

  4. ______ FRAMED ______

    What is this bewhiskered face I see 

    Looking up at me from the bottom of the well?

    Wreathed in glowing green ferns

    It might be that of a Faun –– a Satyr ––
Perhaps the Devil, himself?
    t couldn't be me. I don't have horns,

    And besides, I never have looked well in green.

    ~ FreeThinke

  5. A face devoid of love or grace,
    A hateful, hard, successful face,
    A face with which a stone
    Would feel as thoroughly at ease
    As were they old acquaintances,—
    First time together thrown.

       ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)    

  6. _____ MIRROR _____

    I am silver and exact.
    ___ I have no preconceptions.
    Whatever I see
    ___ I swallow immediately
    Just as it is,
    ___ unmisted by love or dislike.
    I am not cruel,
    ___ only truthful‚
    The eye of a little god,
    ___ four-cornered.
    Most of the time I meditate
    ___ on the opposite wall.
    It is pink, with speckles.
    ___ I have looked at it so long
    I think it is part of my heart.
    ___ But it flickers.
    Faces and darkness
    ___ separate us over and over.

    Now I am a lake.
    ___ A woman bends over me,
    Searching my reaches
    ___ for what she really is.
    Then she turns to those liars,
    ___ the candles or the moon.
    I see her back,
    ___ and reflect it faithfully.
    She rewards me with tears
    ___ and an agitation of hands.
    I am important to her.
    ___ She comes and goes.
    Each morning it is her face
    ___ that replaces the darkness.
    In me she has drowned a young girl,
    ___ and in me an old woman
    Rises toward her day after day,
    ___ like a terrible fish.

    ~ Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)

  7. _________ TEACHER ________

    Constructive, yet corrosive all at once ––
    Evoking doubt and fear along with wonder ––
    Contemptuous of each and every blunder ––
    Intolerant of all who play the dunce ––
    Looking zealously for what was lacking ––
    Exacting in extracting each detail.
    Such microscopic vision’s bound to fail
    Grandeur stifled ‘neath minutiae stacking.
    Each atom seen as a totality
    Never helps to grasp interconnection. Then
    Hovering high above, the Majesty
    Appears. It’s image clears as atoms merge
    Revealing more than mere minute inspection. Then
    The Wonder and the Glory soon emerge.

    ~ FreeThinke

  8. Obama contacted Foreign Leaders to be against President Trump.
    This is an issue the Democrats do not want discussed about Barack Obama, who has worked feverishly to get the friends he made in Canada and other foreign countries to go after and hurt President Trump using lies and extreme collusion to take down a sitting President. Meanwhile, a smug Nancy Pelosi is daily discrediting the President with lies and innuendos, and even seditious and criminal acts against a sitting President with her power abuses going to smear him almost constantly in her devious works.

  9. ary Shelley said

    I don't see anything.

    Does that mean I'm a vampire?

  10. I can see us Americans who have VERY short memories going back to buying all that Chinese CRAP again.
    And forget what they did to us, causing Death, effecting our Health, and bringing down our Economy!

  11. Replies
    1. That indicates a severe lack of IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY, CL, –– either that or simple LAZINESS on your part.

      Now, don't you want to take time to consider how OTHERS have responded, and then see if your mind is not as empty as you had presupposed?

  12. At first glance, I thought it was toilet tissue.
    What will become of me?

    1. Not a bad guess, Andie, but a more thorough look at the TEXT would have told you it was a MIRROR.

      NOW what do you see? ;-)

  13. I find this article absurd.

    1. The eitorial staff here gave you an excellent chnce to look at YOURSELF, and, apparently, what you nave seen strikes you a absurd.

      That is sad. I'm sorry for you.

      Perhaps you ought to take a cloer look.


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