Saturday, February 15, 2020

DemoTurd Activism: They even hate each other




For A While




  1. Mimi Mike Bloomberg is just considering Hillary after he didn't get higher than he expected in the polls. positive. He doesn't really give a damn about Hillary or her qualifications or ethics of the lack of them!. He will just do whatever it takes to help his ticket. BOO on you BLOOMBERG!

    1. All that's just a lot of conjecture to provide grist for the ENEMEDIA'S dark, satanic mills.


    2. Mini Mike has no idea the number of former Beast fans that got an education on the beast the last 3 years. Having that POS on board is not a positive.

    3. You're right, Kid, BUT having HILLACUNT as a running mate would do WONDERS for the Republican side.

      Bloomberg HAS to be very smart, or he couldn't possibly be worth more than FIFTY-BILLION bucks, but he's Deaf, Dumb and BLIND when it comes to political acumen.

      There are all kind of smarts and all kinds of stupids.

      Mini Mike could spend EVERY CENT HE HAS, and h STILL couldn't beat Donald Trump, who DOES have an ENORMOUS talent for political gamesmanship, thank God.

  2. Is Nutty Nancy Pelosi really Mentally Sound? Or is she ready to retire to the “Funny Farm”? A resolution to censure and condemn her has been submitted by Devin Nunes for violation of the Code of Official Conduct requiring Members "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."
    In my humble opinion Nutty Nancy Pelosi is no longer mentally nor emotionally fit to conduct her Constitutional duties. And it is time for her to go back to San Francisco and join her fellow constituents who are defecating in the streets.

    1. YES! A Reality Check jus MIGHT do the woman some good, though I tend to doubt it, DD.

      She too far gone –– MUCH too far gone.

      The witch ought to be forcibly EXPELLED from Comgress, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen, Alas!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.




  4. Today's Democrats are too embarrassed to admit they are Socialists. They know they would immediately be identified as the Communists that they actually are..

    1. All Socialists are MARXISTS, and as everyone shut know, Marxsm and Communism are SYNONYMOUS.

      It's pure SOPHISTRY to think otherwise.

  5. People love President Trump as I do because he stopped Obama's "fundamental transformation of America" dead in its tracks.
    And that's exactly one reason why the Socialist Democrats hate him.

  6. Boy all of a sudden there's a terrible Stench in this blog.

    Could it be from the guy above??

    1. What guy, DD? ;-)

      THAT one ALWAYS gets deleted as soon as I discover his putrid presence.

  7. Bloomberg’s considering have Hillary Clinton on his ticket as his Vice President!
    That may be more of a negative then a Positive.

  8. 6, 2020 at 7:52 AM
    Thank you, Franco-FreeThinke. As always your enlightened thinking and eloquent commentary make perfect sense. We're lucky to have you.

    Please keep up the good work, and never let that Fag bastard Rational Nation Lester get to you. He’s not fit to even clean your boots. But he is to Lick them!

    1. Thank you very much, Liz. I appreciate the show of support.

      BUT I figure since so many of the impossible shits who infest the blogosphere absolutely HATE MY GUTS, I know I must be doing SOMETHING right. ;-)

      Their hatred and incredible stupidity, irritating as they may be, are in truth a great COMFORT to me.

      But it's still awfully nice to see some say something GOOD about me once in a while, so thanks again, Liz.


  9. Slavery reparations in my humble opinion is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners and given to people who were never slaves. It was just too long ago. Slavery ended 150 years ago. The parallels might be the reparation paid to Japanese-Americans put in relocation camps in World War II. But those monies were paid to them who were victimized or to their legal heirs. Same thing with respect to [the] Holocaust. It's just too long ago.

    And what about intermarriage? What about people like Kamala Harris ? Her father is from Haiti, and he has admitted that in his family, his family owned slaves. So does Kamala Harris pay a check, or does she receive a check? What about Obama? Obama's mother -- her ancestors owned slaves. His father is from Kenya. That area of Africa was a hotpoint for slave trading on the part of Africans enslaved by other Africans, and then sold to European and Arab slavers by African chieftains. Does Barrack Husain Obama pay a check, or does he get a check? I mean, the whole thing is absolutely absurd.

  10. A Campaign Valentine
    __ from Bill to Hillary __

    Your voice is shrill
    Your ass is wide
    It sways and slaps
    From side to side.
    Like sails it flaps,
    Then droops where it divides.

    You’re losing big
    To my chagrin,
    You drooling pig;
    Losing's a sin.
    Your campaign's a form of cruel harassment
    Sure to lead to my embarrassment

    I'll take a pill;
    You run and hide.
    I feel quite ill.
    Time to play Taps
    For you, my bride.
    I've had my fill
    We both need naps.

    Once in the White House
    Full of Power
    I'll play the louse
    At the midnight hour
    You, my dear shall have a fall
    Down the staircase in the hall
    And never rise again at all,

    And then I'll summon Bettie Currie
    To take her job back in a hurry
    There'll be no need for me to worry
    Bettie's warm and wet and furry.
    Monica was just HER cover.
    Bettie's always been my lover.

    So gnash your teeth and snarl and whine
    Next year you'll be no Valentine,
    Just rotting flesh beneath a slab
    Of marble, icy cold and drab.

    And when they ask, "Who lieth there?"
    I'll say, “Not one for whom you'd care.
    Her mind was warped by bad tuition;
    She was wretched at coition;
    Poor thing had nothing but ambition.”

    ~ Anne Animus

  11. A LeftRino of stunning opacity
    Once thought he'd acquired sagacity.
    They examined his mind,
    But all they could find
    Was a great lack of mental capacity!

    ~ Anne O. Ridgenal

  12. Lets not lose sight and forget why President Trump was elected!
    We must keep Trump in office to bring jobs and manufacturing back here where it belongs. “America first” is not a dirty slogan. And to keep sanity in the Oval Office.

  13. Nancy Pelosi and the Demented Democrats were forged in my bowels!

  14. Bloomberg’s latest Gaffes, are even Worse than Biden’s. – “Farmers are Dumb’ and Death Panels Are Good”

    Michael Bloomberg sure knows how to increase his number of his potential constituents. So we already know how he feels about pregnant women… and women in general, and about Minorities, “Throw then against a Brick Wall and disarm them” . Sunday he tells us let’s kill off the “Elderly.” Bring in the Death Panels”
    WOW, then I guess that Ruth Ginsberg is in big trouble!
    His stop and frisk policies and Blacks in general was bad enough.... Whose left?
    And What’s Next? Poor people should be sterilized?
    Statements like that from that idiot is exactly the reason we should never let another Democrat become our President!

    Let’s go after the “low information” voter. The one’s with the low sloping foreheads. He refers to it as a “gray matter issue.” You know, the ones we count on feeding us and making things. Let’s turn them off too.

    Bloomberg calls our Farmers “Dumb”: He said...“I can teach anyone how to be a Farmer.

    When actually, Farmers are some of the smartest & most hard-working people out there. How many Farmers does Mickie know? I’d say NONE!

    Does Mickie really think that these remarks would make Trump’s deplorables swing his way? And lets not forget the Senior Citizen crowd. The ones that are most likely to come out to vote. I’d bet that the Death Panels remark are a real selling point!
    Spoken like a true, and heartless Socialist. And the Democrats think that he’s not a dictator?
    What an Idiot the Billionaire turned out to be. .Anybody got a cure for terminal mental illnesses? I guess that Mini Mike is already To Far Gone! Makes me feel that a Bloomberg/Hillary ticket fits their picture perfectly.

    And by the way... why aren’t the Democrats / Liberals demanding to see Bloomberg’s Tax returns? What's holding them up?

  15. "Farmers are Dumb" Is he Kidding?????
    This just goes to show you just how STUPID Bloomberg really is.
    Farmers need to be electricians plumbers, mechanics, scientists,veterinarians, engineers & H2O/soil experts, conservationists; they take care of the crops, care for the animals, and provide vegetables, dairy & meat forus.

  16. Saying it like it is is your best quality

  17. Our nation is being flushed down the shitter by those who refuse to uphold traditional western values that built this nation. large urban swathes of this great nation now look like Calcutta, Haiti or other third world shit holes. Worse, suicidal progressives have elected third world women to congress who have the temerity to hold up their foreign fingers and scold us. Shame on them. They should be whipped and sent back to the toilets they and their families crawled out of. We are a nation of immigrants that have ASSIMILATED. People who bring their third world bullshit here and preach it like its the gospel need to be deported.

  18. How is it that EVERYBODY knows that if Bloomberg picks Hillary Clinton as his running mate that could actually destroy his chances of winning. But that maybe exactly what he wants! Personally, I'm not sure that he really wants to be bothered with being President. My guess is that he might really be looking for an excuse to get out of the race completely. So after Hillary agrees to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy so badly that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. And she wouldn't have to knock him off. . She could just withdraw along with him. Also the DNC would be thrilled to death to get her off the ticket as well.

    Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far, and it isn’t nearly close to the election. :

    He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
    He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, and putting the seed in the hole, and then just covering up the hole.
    He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
    He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
    He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift.
    He set his own rules by changing the rules and ran for a Third Term when term limits for only 2 terms was in effect.
    He talks about Death Panels for the elderly which must thrill .Ruth Bader Ginsberg who is 86, George Soros who is 89, Orrin Hatch who is 85, Dianne Feinstein, and Chuck Grassley who are both 85.
    He made his own law that BANNED large sized soft drinks.
    He claimed he was a Republican.....screwed up the city...left office to make himself billions helping China....and now he declares he is really a Democrat.
    He also is responsible for UNDOING all the great things that Rudy Giuliani did, who reduced crime rates, cleaned up Times Square, and that's just for beginners, and he brought back great pride to the NYPD

    And now out of the blues he’s talking about having Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Two Peas in a Pod. They both are ego maniacal douchebags.

  19. Lets take a Good,Hard, and Serious look at the Democrat Presidential Ticket for November. And afterwards, I’ll give my Prediction.
    To tell you the truth, right now they all give me the creeps. Those wacky Democrats are doing just about everything they can do to lose again. But however someone’s got to get the nod.
    It can’t be Mini Mike, because if it is,. Bloomy will have an "accident" and BOOM 1 Just like that, Her Thighness becomes the President.. So lets rule that one completely out.
    And from what I am hearing .....Bloomberg is even a bigger idiot than I though he was..

    It all depends upon if anyone can win the nod on the 1st ballot, and if not, it depends on who is in the lead! If Bernie win or in the lead, and if he gets 60% of the vote, then Bernie’s supporters will accept nothing less than a Bernie nomination. That is why the DNC needs to, push Mini Mike or someone else into the lead before the primaries are over!
    The DNC has new problems with Mikie Doomsberg, every day ther are new things coming out that should bury him, but so fat he’s getting stronger. It must be the Billions that he’s pouring into the campaign.
    So who’s left? Mayor Pete? No, he’s not going to go the distance. Biden is already history, Sanders? Could be but not if the DNC could help it. Pocahontas already had her 2 weeks of fame and she blew it.
    Hillary don’t stand a snowballs chance in Hell. Besides, she couldn't stand or walk up stairs, or stop coughing four years ago, what makes you think she’s going to do any better this time around?
    What's Mini Mikey gonna do, push her around now in a wheel chair?

    I never thought that Michelle Obama was going to be in it, she would be eaten alive by Trump if she ever got on the same stage with him.
    So who’s left?
    That leaves Amy Klobuchar as the Democrats "Dark Horse, And who is Amy Klobuchar you may ask! Well as you may, or my not know she finished in third place in New Hampshire last week. Klobuchar is highly educated , Klobuchar has contributed to society via her multiple careers as a private practice attorney, prosecutor in Minnesota, she has been an active US Senator with a very successful legislative record, and unlike most Democrats, she typically conducts herself in a very respectful manner.
    So MY prediction is that I think theres going to be a big swing toward Amy Klobuchar in the next primary. She’s gonna get the votes from every Democrat who doesn't want to see Bernie in the general election. So, if you're not a Communist or a Socialist, Amy is the Lady for you. But, and that’s a big BUT, If Pete comes out of South Carolina alive and well, he will be able to declare a victory. And where does that leave Bernie? Up Shits-Creek without a paddle.

  20. Dr. David Scheiner, a former personal physician to former President Barack Obama for 22 years, recently spoke out about 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's health, stating that he is worried Biden may soon suffer from a stroke.

    The physician said that although Biden is "not in bad shape for his age," he isn't in "outstanding health. Could I guarantee he won’t have issues for the next four years? He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.”


    Boy Scouts of America Files for Bankruptcy after Sex Abuse Lawsuits

    Fox News

    by David Aaro

    The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early on Tuesday after decades of sexual abuse claims within one of the country's largest youth organizations. The move filed in Delaware bankruptcy court halts the hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is facing that allege sexual misconduct by people within the 110-year-old organization over the years. Sexual abuse settlements had reportedly strained the Boy Scouts' finances, with states passing laws last year so victims from long-ago abuse can sue for damages. . . .

  22. Well, like the priesthood the BSA has its share of perverts as well. Violation of anyone's right to be left alone and not abused is sacred. The scout leadership just as the Church leadership brought this ALL on itself.

    Engaging in morally repugnant behavior usually renders unpleasant consequences.

    1. If so, how come YOU are still alive and able to stink up the blogosphere with your sour, stupid, depressing, evil smelling, always unwelcome pronouncements, RN?

  23. Barack Hussein “Delusional” Obama is running his mouth again claiming credit for the Trump’s economic boom, and Creepy Uncle Joe. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also giving Obama credit for it. .

    Both of these Looney Tunes conveniently forget that the Obama recovery was below average and most expert economists were predicting another recession when President Trump took over.

    They all conveniently forgot that Donald Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

    How pathetic the left has become, it’s only been 3 years into the Trump economic boom and they try to steal the credit. And Why Am I Not Surprised.!!
    This Is A Fact That Is Not Even Debatable. And Not Open to Debate, or Discussion. . Facts, are Facts, and Numbers or Numbers, and That’s is Why We Call Them Numbers!

    And That’s EXACTLY Why I Call Biden a “Delusional Retard” He's Both Claiming Credit for the Booming Trump Economy While at the Same Time Claiming Trump Is Wrecking It. He Can’t Have It Both Ways!

    President Trump warned the Obama worshipers that he would make Obama look like the amateur that he was, and he did exactly that! And on top of that he re-negotiated Obama’s bad trade deals into level playing fields showing that Obama didn’t have a clue how to do what Trump did. after Trump dismantled his legacy built on nothing more then executive orders.
    But that's what pathetic losers like Obama do...they take credit for the hard work of others.
    Remember when Barrack said there was no way Trump could create the number of jobs he said he would, that there was no magic wand for him to use to do it.....
    Well Trump did it, so get used to it, he’s going to be doing it for another 5 years.

  24. A new Gallup poll just gave Trump the highest economic approval rating of any president in the last 20 years

    1. YES, DD! And George Gallup as never been known to favor the more conservative side of the aisle.

  25. So the Socialist party has had their phoney impeachment charade to blow up in their faces. Their entire parade of Losers that they have gathered to run against President Trump can't even draw flies to their rallies. We saw the same thing in 2016 when the Hildebeast had a very disinterested fan base that couldn't come and show support in numbers. So what are lefties throwing up as potential opponents to Donald Trump this time? One is a young Socialist and the other one is an old socialist. It seems to me that I’ve hear this song before..

    Good luck with all that.

  26. Leftist Activists tend always to be loud, ferociously insolent and obnoxious. They don't really give a rat's rump about Trees, Animals, Children, Clean Water, Conservation, or Public Health and Safety. If they did, they'd turn their attention to finding and implementing effective ways to provide good alternatives for the Homeless in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and elsewhere.

    This growing population of derelict drug addicts, alcoholics, gang bangers, and chronic ne'er-do-wells are literally making our cities UNINHABITABLE by reducing the local standards of living to ThirdWorld levels –– often harking back to the horrors of mdern day India, or Mediaeval Europe, and worse.

    Terrible, of course, but these loud, aggressive "activist" types are simply ADDICTED to the unlimited expression of NOISY, ABRASIVE, ACCUSATORY, SELF-RIGHTEOUS expression of RAGE and CONDEMNASTION.

    Their only tangible accomplishment is to make a bloody NUISANCE of themselves often while provoking sensless VIOLENCE.

    1. You sure got that right, Franco. Very well said. Thanks.

  27. Mini Mike Gloomsberg is just pissing off farmers Miners,Old Folks, Mexicans and Blacks now they're working on the Women too. A brilliant strategy for success if success is measured by how big you lose.

  28. Word has it that even slime bucket Barrack Hussy Obammy and Caitlyn Jenner were lovers until Moochie got in the picture.

    1. PLEASE! We don't need irresponsible assertion of that kind of SMUT here.

  29. Someone that doesn’t give a shitFebruary 19, 2020 at 12:38 PM

    Bernie Sanders (Communist-Vt.) leads the Democratic primary field in California by 18 points, according to a survey released Wednesday.

    In the poll from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) first reported by the Los Angeles Times, Sanders has the support of 32 percent of likely voters.

    Joe Biden registered support from 14 percent of poll respondents, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) trailed the former vice president by 1 percentage point in the survey. Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (D) were tied at 12 percent each.

    1. If you are in fact fact a PERSON nd not a THING, you should call yourself

      "Someone WHO Doesn't Give A Rat's Rump.

      And in future please do your best to avoid using the all-too-common Anglo-Saxon vulgarisms. I'm certainly no prude but resorting to four-letter words shows either a lazy mind or a spaucity of imagination.

  30. Mayor Mike Bloomberg you are the only guy that can save us from Trump, so on the debate stage I want you to say the following:

    Every time they attack you with all the shit you've said over the years against women, blacks, fags, wage earners, the poor, the elderly, kittens, and bunnies, all the shit you put down, say the following:

    When you are of the mind and beliefs of Republicans, your gut forces you to go in deep and stay there with all the negative baggage you can inflict. You are there to inflict harm, cause chaos and to dismantle what is right and just. That was me. I am guilty and I am humbled by that guilt. But my eyes and my heart has opened and I have seen for the last 3 years a party that I once embraced, become something I am now ashamed of. If we are not allowed opportunity to change, to redirect our focus for what is right and just, to extend an olive branch and want better for ourselves and this nation, than we are just as corrupt and unjust as Trump. I am here to beat Trump, to give us back a country that is slowly slipping into the darkest days of our history and I believe only I and I alone can do that. I know Trump and Trump knows me...Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the one person Trump won't fuck with, Give me your votes and I'll take back this country, lock that motherfucker up and bring us back to

    1. I leave these malicious remarks intact only to demonstrate how incredibly warped, bigotted, demented, and completely divorced from Reality your typical Leftist Termite really is.

      This comment is also an excellent example of the way misdirected passion so often reduces a stricken individual to resorting to the almost exclusive use of witless, obscene rhetoric –– the language of ignorant, uneducated peasants , gutternipes, and raving imbeciles incapable of critical thinking, and well-onsidered analysis.

  31. what a beat down Warren gave him!!
    He is done. He cannot possibly recover from such a disaster

    1. Yes, but that shrieking harpy Lousy Lizzie-HaHa is by far THE worst of that entire gaggle of rabble-rousing idiots, Alinskyites, feeble-minded Has -Beens who were never much to begin with, Hypocrites, and garden-variety, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Capitalist Reprobates.

  32. PépéleMoko@gamil.comFebruary 20, 2020 at 6:31 AM

    Warren actually DESTROYED Bloomberg, and that's putting it kindly.

    1. Perhaps but as tone-deaf and uncharismatic as Mini Mike certainly seems to be, I' MUCH prefer o see HIM in the White House than that screaming bitch "Lie-a-Watha Lizzie," wouldn't you?

  33. As for a winner?... Was there a winner last night?
    Bernie was the delusional Commie that he always is....; Lizzy was the opportunist jumping alover Mini Mike, Buttjudge was a failed Mayor of a failing smallsized city; Gaffe-Meister Joe Biden is simply another declining septuagenarian who fails to see that his mind has gone the way of Rubik’s cubes and Pet rocks; and Mini-Mike was no different from every other day. An Arrogant Jerk !
    I don’t think that Mini-Mike even smiled once throughout the entire night.

    1. It was a fun night for a change…we got to see the commies in action.. Bloomberg was a deer in the headlights. Old Creepy Sanders was typically waving his arms and pointing his fingers in the air.

    2. FAUXCAHONTAS does the same thing –– only WORSE.

      Haven't you noticed the way she can't seem o avoid PUNCHING the AIR high above her addled head neraly every time she shrieks out a phrase or a sentence?

      That woman is a classic example of a SCREAMING BITCH on the RAMPAGE.

      Her rise to prominence on the national scene is nthing less than an INSULT to WOMANKIND.

      Not only that,she's a complete HYPOCRITE.

      Bernie Sandrs may be a Crazy Commie – I happen to agree with that assessment –– but at LEAST he's SINCERE, poor fellow!

  34. The only POSSIBLE winner" from last nght's Dembarrassment HAS to be President DONALD J. TRUMP.

    Every time these Demopricks and Democunts open their mouths PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP gets more and more ATTRACTIVE to greater and greater numbers of disgusted, discouraged, infuriated soon-to-be-EX Defecrats.

    Unless the vast majority of our people have become as completely insane, as DemonRat-Professoriat-ENEMEDIA Entertainment-Complex the DemonRats have been methodically committing SUICIDE for the past three years.

    My fondest hope right now is the they will COMPLETE the PROCESS before the November Election –– just eight short months away.

    Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking
    What a grand world this would be
    If the 'Crats were Dead and Buried
    In a far off cemet'ry!

  35. Pocahontas practically scalped Mini Mike all by herself last night!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Yes, DD, but Lousy Lizzie-Ha-Ha is FAR worse than Mini Mike

      Lizzie is an OUT-and -OUT C_O_M_M_U_N_I_S_T. Mini Mike may be the most poorly dsguised HYPOCRITE in this gaggle of Hopeless Cases now stumbling for the Defecrat Nomination, bu at LEAST he's a highly-sucessful, unrepenetant CAPITALIST.

      That counts for a lot with me.

      But let's no t worry DD. President Trump is a virtual SHOO-IN for reelection, IF the DirtyRat Party doesn't ficommit FRAUD in counting the votes in heavily Dictocra areas –– as they've done many times in the past to our detriment.

      The DemonRats don't BELIEVE in FAIRNESS., DD They are perfect lywiling to I, CHEAT, STEAL, an robably KILL to gai npolitical advantage.

  36. Rodger Stone got 40 months in Prison, if Stone’s crime is worthy of 40 months, Hillary should get 400 months.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I am all-but CERTAIN that Roger Stone WILLreceive a full Presidental Pardon soon after President Trump is reelected. I'm hoping the same will be given to Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort.

      I hope too that the viciously corrupt DemonRat operatives in the FBI, CIA and State Department will receive CONDIGN PUNISHMENT for their flagrant misdeeds, but Alas! I don't think Ican afford to hold my breath till that happens.

      The Deep State is SO overwhelmingly Powerful and so deeply Corrupt I have serious doubts ha i could ever be unseat without a BLOODY REVOLUTION.

      It's a crying shame at this particular juncture that President Trump has no power over the JUDICIARY.

  37. THIS SHOCKER JUST HIT THE FAN:..Obama Granted Amnesty to Soleimani as Part of Iran Deal

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Saying out loud what you may be thinking February 20, 2020 at 12:39 PM
    THIS SHOCKER JUST HIT THE FAN:.."Obama Granted Amnesty to Soleimani as Part of Iran Deal"

    That is a FACT. no matter how the Lefties TRY to deny it, or Spin it!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    1. Wis that were a LIVE link, Steve.

      As it is, I can't make head or tail of it.

  42. Oh Wow! another report on Trump being a crooked lying p.o.s. corrupt pig.

    Who's surprised?

    And his supporters will kiss his ass because theyre as corrupt as he is.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. It took Mickie Bloomberg 2 to 3 months to realized he wasted a hell of a lot of money only to be embarrassed on National TV. It cost him over 500 Million Dollars to get a Ass beating by a fake Indian.
    So what happens now? Does he give his donators a refund? Does he ask for a Re-play?
    He must be thinking.... What the Hell did I do?

  45. Pocahontas burnt Bloomy at the stakes, and then she Scalped him like the Apaches do to their enemies.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Is Bernie Sanders a socialist, or a communist?

    Here is what New York Post has to say.

    "He’s not a socialist. He’s a Communist.

    Mainstreaming Sanders requires whitewashing his radical pro-communist past. It won’t be easy to do.

    Rewind to 1964.

    While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

    After graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.”

    This subversive hero of Sanders, denounced even by liberal Democrats as a “traitor,” bashed “the barons of Wall Street” and hailed the “triumphant” Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

    “Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on Earth,” Debs proclaimed. “They have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world.”

    Sanders still hangs a portrait of Debs on the wall in his Senate office.

    In the early ’70s, Sanders helped found the Liberty Union Party, which called for the nationalization of all US banks and the public takeover of all private utility companies.

    After failed runs for Congress, Sanders in 1981 managed to get elected mayor of Burlington, Vt., where he restricted property rights for landlords, set price controls and raised property taxes to pay for communal land trusts. Local small businesses distributed fliers complaining their new mayor “does not believe in free enterprise.”

    Sanders took several “goodwill” trips not only to the USSR, but also to Cuba and Nicaragua, where the Soviets were trying to expand their influence in our hemisphere.

    In 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a “heroic revolution.” Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan administration’s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the Sandinistas.

    Sanders also adopted a Soviet sister city outside Moscow and honeymooned with his second wife in the USSR. He put up a Soviet flag in his office, shocking even the Birkenstock-wearing local liberals. At the time, the Evil Empire was on the march around the world, and threatening the US with nuclear annihilation.

    Then, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.”

    Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

    For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health care system and putting private health insurance and drug companies “out of business.” He also wants to break up “big banks” and control the energy industry, while providing “free” college tuition, a “living wage” and guaranteed homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects. Price tag: $18 trillion.

    What about those communist sister cities he adopted? “Bernie established them to support people-to-people exchanges which might support peace in the long run,” said Bruce Seifer, who was one of Sanders’ central economic planners directing Burlington businesses to “reinvest their profits in the community.”

    In an interview, Seifer claimed that it was “no different than President Nixon opening relations with China.”

    Please. Sanders and his Sanderistas are all still pining for what Debs called “the Greater Revolution yet to come.”

  48. He claims to be a "Democratic Socialist", however a "Democratic Socialist", is STILL, a SOCIALIST!
    But he’s even worse, he's a phony. He lectures others on climate change and wealth, and on redistribution of wealth while flying around on private jets and becoming a millionaire who owns 3 houses. A "Democratic-Socialism" is a way of sugar coating what the hell he really is and making it sound better.

    But Who Really Cares What he Is Called?
    His bottom Line Goal is to destroy our great country and he has no chance of winning the Democrat nomination much less win the presidential election. NONE whatsoever!

    And the REAL Bottom Line is that I believe he's actually BOTH and that he’s not fit to be the President.


    Surprisingly I'm really beginning to warm to Mini Mike.

    Anyone who calls "Fat Broads" and "Horse-Faced Lesbians" exactly what they ARE is man after my own heart.

    It might be a good idea for President Trump to name Mini Mike as his RUNNING MATE in the Big Election.


    Vice President Pence could do as well or better as Seretarty of State or some other high cabinet official.

    Down with bossy DemoBitches and aggressive Horse-Faced Lesbos everywhere!

    1. Yes. I burst out laughing when the scolding shrike hurled that at Bloomie. I was thinking, so? What's wrong with that? The candor is refreshing.

  50. __ PLEASE SAY IT ISN'T SO! __

    Although I share your avid thirst
    To see the Party of the Ass
    From our country finally pass
    It's far more likely we'll go first.
    That would be no big surprise
    Since D'Rats long for our demise
    Their schemes will bring about the worst.

    ~ Cassandra Wales

  51. Republicans will be responsible for the party's demise.

    That's how it works. In business. In politics. In life.

    1. You may be right for once, –– you fatuous, contemptible, shallow-minded JERK ––, but hasn't it ever occurred to you that the EXACT same thing could –– and SHOULD –– be said about your beloved DemonRATS?

      The GOP may have to put up with feeble-minded weirdos and egomaniacs like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins and the purblind, visionless, disloyal Never Trumpers like George Will and Bill Kristol in the once-reliably conservative media outlets, but YOUR party is so fragmented, an din SUCH pathetic disarray that i tseems far more likely that the DEFECRATS will go the way fo the WHIGS than the current Republican Party which under our magnificent President DONALD J. TRUMP is picking up more and more support from previously unimaginable constituencies.

      The trsitionlly underserved Black Community, thebetrayed Blue-Collar Workers, and most of the OTHERS who produce the Goods and Services that make life POSSIBLE in these United States are WAKING UP at long last to the hideous REALITY of what The PARTY of the ASS has done to keep them deprived, depraved, defeated, and dysfunctional for at least t ast EIGHT decades.

      The times they are a-changin,' INDEED, thank GOD!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Always you delete truth. Which is what cons and repubs work to avoid.

    4. Good mawningk, Les Lee, dawlingk!

      You are sadly deluded and manifestly iINSANE, if you equate "TRUTH" with the stupefyingly PREDICTABLE , intensely BORING , chronic NEGATIVITY and ill-natured BILGE that repeatedly oozes out like unwelcome doses of putrid SLIME from the depths of your ALLEGED mind.

      I delete YOU, only because you are a worthless piece of LEFTIST TRASH and frankly you STINK OUT LOUD.

      I don't welcome PULLUTANTS to this blog.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. LES LEE aka The Thing That Will Not DIE.

      Truly a MONSTER but TOTALLY N_U_G_A_T_O_R_Y.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. Bernie will either be the Dem nominee OR run on a Third Party ticket out of spite.

    Just my two cents.

  53. Lestard leads the Horse Faces Lesbians and Fat Broads for Bernie!

    1. PLEASE allow ME to handle the chronic IRRITANTS and malevolent TROLLS, Dick

      The less said about polluting elements, the less influence they are apt to have on the qualiity of our discourse.

      If you want to play in a LETTERBOX, go visit Who'd Your Daddy? Lisa is a good friend of mine, but she has radically different ideas from me about controlling the content of her blog.

      Apparently, i tdoesn't faze Lisa a bit to find herself armpit deep in poop, but then she has a true laissez-faire approach to blogging, and rarely makes an appearance at her own blog.

      Flinging dung may be fun, but IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN HERE as long as I have breath in my body.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Can you imagine a U.S. President, a Senator, a Representative, a Supreme Court Justice –– or your children's Schoolteacher for that matter –– performing their duties unshaven with unbrushed teeth, and uncombed hair in baggy, threadbare jeans and a dirty T-shirt after not having bathed for a month? That's exactly how it's going to be with a Democratic Socialist in the White House.

  55. Knock Knock!

    Who's there?


    Kerry who?

    Kerry me back to ol' Virginny!

  56. The hate of the Left will be the demise of these Democratic Socialist Pigs. Normal people, people who understand the efforts of President Trump, people who a disgusted with these Progressive Blog writers, people who are living from pay check, to pay check, are sick tired of hearing their constant bitching, and moaning, and complaining about the Presidents constant winning. And writing those disgusting things about the President, and his family. Especially now when the President is up against one of the most horrific circumstances than a President has ever faced through NO fault of his own. . The Left is ignorant and they will just shoot themselves in the foot instead ofjoining the cheering squad of the President. . These crotchety TDS members will never be satisfied until they regain the power of the Presidency.

    As for Madam Pelosi who seems to be completely deaf of realit , and demonstrates her loathing of the President and all Republican Americans. Is singlehandedly responsible for stalling the relief for working Americans by opposing Donald Trump in every way shape and form in his quest to help America, and Americans through this crisis.

    She’s despicable! She’s a real piece of, work. She claims that she’s a woman of the people, while she stands in front of her $5,000.00 Refrigerator, inside her gated Multi-million Dollar Mansion. And shows the American people who are forced out of work the Gourmet Ice Cream that she is eating while standing in front of her $5,000.00 Refrigerator, and guzzling up a $300 per bottle Dom Perignon that she most likely buys by the case
    Hopefully, the Democrats will have their asses handed to them in November, and throw out the likes of these Mental Midgets!


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...