Wednesday, January 15, 2020

René Descartes (1596-1650)

Who Needs Descartes?

Presdent Unohoo
Our Greasy Spoon’s a good, old-fashioned place ––
No frills, no fuss, no bother –– just good food ––
A refuge in a fancy neighborhood
Where snobbish affectation runs a race

Betty Friedan
To prove discrimination should be wooed,
So idle women may feel set apart ––
High above the class that needs Head Start ––
Pretend concern that lacks life’s vital blood.

Shirley Chisholm
Our Greasy Spoon has all the warmth and heart
Missing in Society’s poseurs
In whom emotion seethes, but never stirs ––
Who cannot think, and never read Descartes.

Pandora Vandogooder
The peasants rightly hate the ruling classes,
Who mostly are a bunch of horse’s asses.

~ FreeThinke


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, OaR, but that qualified as BOILERPLATE, was entirely negative snd discouraging in tone. Even worse it in no way a response to the material posted today.

  2. T_H_I_N_K ... BEFORE ... YOU ... S_P_E_A_K

    Does constantly cataloguing the Sins, Faults and Offenses of Others do anything to improve the world?

    Think of something charming,
    ___ think of something bright ––
    Don't join the gang of pessimists
    ___ who live in Endless Night!

    Think of something funny,
    ___ think of something gay ––
    Embrace what's vivid, –– colorful ––
    ___ reject the dull and gray!

    ~ Jupiter

  3. That's quite a roques gallery you have there Franco! Democrats are National Embarrassment. Just listen to the things said by Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler, not even mentions the worse of the worse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, otherwise known as “The Squad”, a group of four Disgusting, and Repulsive women elected to the United States House of Representatives that seem to constantly support Iran and keep blaming President Trump and America for everything but pulling the fur out of kittens. And the Democratic leaders keep pandering to them, and echoing their rhetoric. It’s a sad day when you need to stand up to the Democrats in our our own country who are choosing to stand with terrorists because they hate our President more than they love our country, a very sad day!

    1. Hasn't this largely been OBAMA'S doing, DD?

      Haven't he and most the DemonRats who plague us today and in ecdes past been striving to DERACINATE the American Caucasian majority for many decades?

      The only way the bastares could hope to get the upper hand would be to discredit and destroy OUR culture, denigrate and disqualify our roots, defame our RELIGION, make us objects of Guilt Shame and Embarrassment, and then KICK US ASIDE, STOMP all over us, then TAKE OVER?

      That IS what's happening, isn't it?

      And it didn't START with The Squad. They're mrelt the End Product of a long campaign of Subversion, Alienation and Sedition.

      The POISON IVY LEAGUE is as much to blame as anything else. Look what they've been churning out since the 1930's.

  4. A face devoid of love or grace,
    A hateful, hard, successful face,
    A face with which a stone
    Would feel as thoroughly at ease
    As were they old acquaintances —
    First time together thrown.

    ~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

    How could Emily Dickins have known the dreadful people depicted so well in today's post when she died long before any of them were born? Interestng question, isn't it? ;-)


    DOWZUP 267.42. WOO HOO!

    29,297.64 +267.42 (0.92%)

    Jan 16, 4:20 PM EST

    Just thought you OUGHT to know.

  6. There may be more driving the Dow up than what is hyped in the financial media. I'd like to pretend all is well and happy days are here again, but there is a lot of FED money flowing into the Wall Street banks which obviously drives the stock prices up as they are doing at present.

    Greg Hunter is a former MSM person who now speaks independently
    about financial matters. He has had an interesting take on this for a time:

    1. Well, Waylon, those arguments may have merit, but since my portfolio has made spcacular gains by leaps and bounds –– almost since the very MOMENT President Trump took office, __ and –– IF statistics mean anythng at all, our overall economy has neer been in better shape –– lowest unempoymnt rates in DCADES for every demographic segment –– especially Negroes, Hispanics, and Women –– I don't feel any urge AT THIS TIME to find reasons to vilify or discredit Donald Trump.

      Of COURSE, the stock market will experience a serious downturn again, and of COURSE we will have to endure a recession. the DemonRats would just LOVE for that to happen before the 2020 election. DemonRats ALWAYS work towards and pray for major increases in hardship, suffering, and deprivation, because THAT is how they achieve greater POWER and CONTROL –– always their most earnest objective, and all they REALLY care about.

      The Left, as I'm sure yu know, is all about obtaining and maintaining a DTHGRIP on DICTATORIAL POWER.

      And that is why I will always aid and abet ANY force that even PRETENDS to oppose the Left.

      To embellish the words of Shakespeare's Hecate a bit: [Government-Mandated] "Security is Mortals' Chiefest Enemy/"

      Put another way:


      If Mr. Trump proves himself to be nothing more than yet-another venal, insolent dagogue, I'd be among the first to do everything possible to pull him down from his high seat, and turn him loose in the streets to be torn limb from limb by the rabble.

    2. Franco, There is no argument from me that President Trump has not been a boon to the stock market and I'm not attempting to diminish the wealth effect he has presided over by the new highs being made in the stock market averages.

      I was only trying to post something that might rein in some robust over the top enthusiasm that I thought I detected. All the same good for you and your soaring portfolio.

  7. People have to STOP voting for the Democratic Socialist Radicals and perhaps this Country might get back on the right track to being the Greatest country in the World again.
    These Idiots who are trying to stop our President from making it as great as can be are so Hatful, resentful, and jealous that they are actually becoming as bad as our enemies are.

    If there's ever a Democrat President elected in the future we need to start the impeachment processes the day after he or she or “IT” is sworn into office.
    And let me add that Nancy Pelosi the lunatic of the Democratic Party. Is one of the most pathetic figures ever elected in American politics

  8. Replies
    1. Er. yes, FJ!

      But as the header says, "WHO NEEDS DESCARTES?

    2. A noted penseur named Descartes
      Once laid an indelicate fart.
      it tore throng his pants
      Put a cloud over France,
      But did raise the State of the Art!

  9. What's this digging up dirt bullcrap on a political rival, when Biden has been found alledgedly to be corrupt beyond anyone's imagination, and therefore should be disqualified maybe even jailed instead of freely running for any position in our government going forward ?? Biden, the hopes and dreams of the Democrats was caught red handed by his own boasting of a Quid-pro-quo, and now it's cover up time with all the spin and bullcrap wording to attempt to clear him.

    And as far as the Dingbat Lefties new “Star” and PHONY witness Lev Parnas..
    Nobody with an ounce of brains believes anything Lev Parnas has to say. The guy is even a bigger phony than Michael Avenatti.

    1. Parnas will say anything to save his ass! He's under indictment. Put that fat bagoshit under oath and see what he says.

    2. Yourr nam is Teutonic in origin, Jack. Therefore, the proper way to spell it would be SCHITTHAUS. That way looks more plausible and authentic. So in way comes across as FAR less VULGAR and OFFENSIVE.

      I've never seen a SHITHOUSE in a phone book, have you? but you COULD find any nubmer of SCHITTHAUSES in areas settled by German Immigrants.

  10. Black people are waking up to the fact the democratic party, and especially Hillary Clinton is exploiting black Americans for their own political and possibly financial gains.
    There is a movement out there called #walk away.
    It shows why the democratic party has been always exploiting black Americans and why they should leave the democratic party plantation

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. SNIPING at fellow bloggers is FORBIDDEN HERE.

  11. I must confess your meaning is opaque to me. Democrats are the embodiment of departure from reason, but I fail to grasp the meaning of your verses.

    1. The verse may be a bit subtle, but in essence it's a clear indictiment of self-righteous well-to-do hypocrites, professional "victims," and pretentious, conceited academics who love to swan around with their noses e;ld ostentatiously high in the air imagining themselves to be so high-minded, so noble, so pure in heart, so ideologically sound and so "Above It All," as to be rempt from critical analysis when in truth most of them hsve less socially redeeming value than your average GUTTER RAT.

      The PICTURES ought to have made that clear, I should think.

      I write in complex, stylized verse forms, because I am frankly SICK to DEATH of the vulgar, standard, cliché-ridden, witless rhetoric we get from the ENEMEDIA and the sadly ignoranticized mrmbers of our hopelesly debased society all of whom are products of our thoroughly corrupt. subversive, wickedly inept eucationl system.

      Orwell explained this far better than I could in Nineteen-Eighty-Four.

  12. I don't get it Franco. What does the French guy have to do with those ugly women?

    Donald Trump is under attack! Democrats can all go to hell.

  13. Lady Ashtoth Crumbly-BaconJanuary 18, 2020 at 9:33 AM

    Those faces are positively hideous! What ghastly countenances. Dreadful.

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