Sunday, August 4, 2019


The DOW had been down nearly a THOUSAND points today following the WORST WEEK the market has had since the CHRISTMAS EVE SLUMP, but it ended at the day at 25,717.74 –– nearly 200 pontss off its low.

I'm sure the baleful black hearts of the DemonRats and the purblind, hidebound, pusillanimous RINO'S too are BEATING HIGH  with JOY at the sudden REVERSAL of FORTUNE we're experiencing after last week's serious plunge in the stock market and the hideous MASS KILLINGS in California at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, and thereafter in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.

Leftist bastards THRIVE on violence, misery, poverty, disease, tragedy failure, and deprivation.  HORROR is meat and drink to the LEFT. That's why they do everythng they can to FOMENT DISASTER.

It will be "interesting" to see IF, WHEN and HOW President Trump manages to weather this latest storm, and bring the nation back on course.

IF the Forces of Darkness manage to WIN, our Representative Republic will soon find herself cast onto the Slag Heap of History, and we will quickly go the way of the other once-great civilizations who rose, fell and became extinct long before Magna Carta.

The LEFT seems DETERMINED to bring the Civilized World into a net-barbaric, post-Modern version of the DARK AGES.  

It still remains to be seen if they will succeed, but IF they do, I hope they fully ENJOY the bitter, poisonous fruits of their long, arduous, hate-based, wholly-destructive campaign.

 ______ OZYMANDIAS _______ 

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

~ Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)


  1. I have been saying it for quite awhile, but the arc of history bends left. Progressivism is an easy sell, especially when competing with the idiots, dolts and crouching cowards who call themselves conservative despite never governing in a conservative manner and being totally incapable of explaining conservatism in a pleasant and persuasive manner.

    Look at history: Hardworking people conducting themselves in a conservative manner build up a prosperous society, it becomes decadent, the leftists move in promising everything to everyone, and the good times end when the leftists finally crash the ship, as they always do.

    Gun ownership is down to around 30% of the population, people are clamoring for government and corporations to shield them from "dangerous" speech...

    America's new rallying cry is...

    "What do we want?"

    "Less freedom!"

    "When do we want it?"


    5G will usher in a global soft tyranny.

  2. The TrumpCultists will never see Trump for the racist that he is. They're a minority while the rest of this country and the world see through his bravura and lies.

    1. Demonic Democrats have been been fomenting a hysterical panic ever since President Trump beat them like bongo drums in 2016.

      The diaper rash tantrums grew old a long time ago. Grow up.

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    3. "ANONYMOUS" represents the all-too-pervasive mentality of a foul faction composed of DeMONS and MoRONS who seem to believe that incessant repetition of ABSURD SUGGEStIONS, DISTORTIONS, LIES, SNIDE INNUENDO, and outright FABRICATION coupled with ADAMANT REJECTION and REPUDIATION of everything right, good, true, and encouraging. Eventually, of course, The BIG LIES will be accpeted by the majority as "TRUTH."

      This, of course, would result in their getting THEIR way –– to the detriment of OUR nation –– and of the entire "World Community," of course.

      We must FIGHT the relentless aperpetration of a trenmendous series of BIG LIES generated by the ENEMEDIA, the EDUCRATS, and ENtERtAINMENT MOGULS and the RABBLE who FOLLOW these EVIL USURPERS of OUR legtimate power and prerogatives.

  3. Besides the terrible slaughters of Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton, let us not forget the impact of the Trump administration's imposing of tariffs on China. Tariffs make Wall Street very jittery.

    1. Wall Street and global corporations whine, because they would rather continue allowing China to steal technology and cheat their way to a top tier nation that suffer the disruptions that come with stopping them and making them play by the rules.

      I don't want war with China, but they are our enemy, and global un-American corporations like Google are helping them.

    2. Yes, Silver, as a rule we eschew long term strategies that would lead to REAL solutions to fundamental flaws in our approach to economics, because most are unwilling to make SACCRIfICES in the present in order to ensure a better future based on REAL economic strength, instead of the tenuous blue smoke and mirrors chicanery preferred by the venal, often dull-sited politicians who sadly appear to dominate BOTH parties.

      The fault for this, however, is OURS, because it is WE who continue to put and leave these generally inferior, selfish types to handle our nation's business.

      A deliberately DUMBED-DOWN populace is NOT ABLE to function properly in the system designed by our brilliant, far-seeing Foundeers.

      The concept of MASS PUBLIC EDUCATION centrally controlled by Washington bureaucrats is, I beleve, THE primary reason this weaening, enervating effect has occurred so quickly with such devastating effect.

    3. Trump started the trade war, now Americans will pay the short term (hopefully) economic losses, Sooner or later the markets will bounce back. They always do.

  4. Not sure that the Dow Jones average is a true reflection of the economic health of the nation, since it's really just the biggest casino on the planet, manipulated beyond belief.
    The trade wars and imposing tariffs will not end well and this could well be the recognition that we may be getting into uncharted territory.

    Calling China a "currency manipulator" is really rich irony coming form a country that has nor problem imposing "economic sanctions" on any nation it chooses, in an attempt to starve the population of that country to bring it to its knees. And imposing those sanctions with a military with 700+ military bases around the world and a Federal Reserve central bank living on a phony authority stolen from the American people in the biggest bank heist in the history of the planet.

    1. The S&P500 is much more America, Inc. They always talk about the DOW because the numbers are bigger. More drama.

    2. Economic Sanctions - What's wrong with "Either trade with them or trade with us, not both?" Shouldn't people have to pick a side?

    3. And the way we "force" our allies isn't with our army or fleet. We force them by refusing to trade with them.

    4. It looks to me as though too many –– possibly a majority –– honestly believe that "SUCCESS" is the moral equivalent of "AGGRESSION" and "LUST for CONQUEST and SUBJUGATION".

      I have come to believe that of INTERNATIONALISTS –– moguls who have created vast MULTINATIONAL corporation that neither know nor feel alleagiance to any entity other than themselves.

      "INTERMATIONALISM" has done more to subvert and diminish PATRIOTISM –– and more to push us toward ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT i.e. CENTRALIZED BUREAUCRATIC T_Y_R_A_N_N_Y by an OLIGARCHY os HEARTLESS, SELF-ANOINTED ELITES–– than anything else I can imagine.

      I'm afraid these distressing developments became inevitable with the advent of the Machine Age. A brief summary of the hideously destructive events that occurred in the twentieth century should bear this out.

  5. If you are investing, this is the time to buy. Yes it could go down more, but based on Chinese currency manipulation? Not for long.

  6. RN, you and other conservatives/libertarians left the Trump Circus a long time ago. I'm shocked to see your one-time fellow blogger (“Franco) excuse and justify Trump's incompetence and mendacity, just to stick it to the libs. No wonder he and those other folks like Trump, he's as childish and selfish as they are.

    1. If you REALLY want to see "childish," "selfish," "dishonest," and S_T_U_P_I_D, take a good l__o__n__g look in the MIRROR, Snooky-Puss.

    2. Why do idiots show up here to attack the blog host?

      They must be insecure losers with nothing better to do with their poor, worthless lives.

    3. Not to worry. I hve learnt to "tae it fro wence it comes" and not be daunted b it, but even so I do DELETE almost ALL derogatory remarks of a personal nature, and I tolerate only a very limited amount of abuse of our president whom I have grown to love and admire more and more as the batlle between him and the Powers That Be rages on and on.

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    1. Blog Gossip, Tattling, Personal Insults, BOILERPLATE, and Mindless Vituperation are UNACCEPTABLE at THIS blog.


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