This man explains The Deep State
How it came to be, and How it Works Against Representative Republican Democracy
as Designed by our Founding Fathers
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Benjamin Ginsberg |
What Washington
Gets Wrong
Gets Wrong
The Unelected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and
Their Misconceptions about the American People
Their Misconceptions about the American People
Benjamin Ginsberg
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Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins |
Unfortunately I cannot Reproduce Brian Lamb's Interview with Dr. Ginsberg Here. You'll Have to Get it from the C-Span Archives. It's Well Worth Whatever Effort
You Have to Make to Get it.
You Have to Make to Get it.
1 Cached
This past Saturday, a Democrat Antifa terrorist who declared, “I am ANTIFA” attempted to fire bomb an ICE Detention Center in Tacoma, Wa. It has been reported this terrorist attack was directly inspired by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rhetoric about "concentration camps", based on the attacker’s manifesto.
ReplyDeleteThankfully our HEROES in law enforcement stopped this deranged Antifa Terrorist before he killed an innocent citizen or started a fire. Willem Van Spronsen was shot and killed by Deputies after he hurled Molotov cocktails at the facility.
Seattle Antifa are calling Van Spronsen a martyr and vowed, “we cannot allow his death go unanswered.” So Antifa’s violence is just beginning and Democrats refuse to condemn these terrorists
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DeleteMoments shut at the very least be COHERENT and COMP|REHENSIBLE. Your was not. It was also irrelevant.
DeleteVery good and current point Franco. Observe how a single judge can make an unconstitutional ruling against all three branches of government. ABSURD !
ReplyDeleteIf a judge makes a ruling, it should not be in effect until it is ratified by the Supreme Court if the president so desires.
How can a judge declare that the president has no power to stop an Invasion on the Southern Border !!?? This is the president's # 1 mandate !!! Unreal.
Then the ciizenship question on the Census. Canceled by John Roberts. Once again, it is the federal government's Mandate to determine the number of illegal residents and subtract that number when determining the number of representatives for a given area. Illegals have no right to federal or even state representation.
ReplyDeleteNo, Joe. I listened yesterday morning to Brian Lamb's interview with Dr. Ginsberg about his latest book "What's Wrong with Washington, and found it positively GRIPPING.
DeleteGinsberg doesn't shot stamp his feet, tear our his non-existent hair or breathe fire from hs ostrils, but he makes COMPELLING arguments outlining the origins and evi; nature of what we now call The Deep State.
If you can put up wit the snorting verbal excesses of Slavoj Zizek with his abominable lateral "lishp," you can ally well listen to sober, sane, clear-headed Benjamin Ginsberg.
Too much ROCK 'n ROLL and too much SHRIEKING ROARING ENEMEDIA DRIVEL diminishes our capacity fo appreciate serious, creative contemplative discussion from people who REALLY know something worth thinking about.
Oh, please...
DeleteIn his seminar “the other side of psychoanalysis”1, Lacan introduced four discourses – the discourse of the master, the discourse of the analyst, the discourse of the university and the discourse of the hysteric. For Lacan, discourse is “social link”. Geoff Boucher2 states that “the various discourses determine institutional frameworks that mediate social antagonism in distinctive ways”.
In examining the structure of these four discourses, one may notice that they include two inverse couples; the inverse of the discourse of the analyst is the discourse of the master, and the inverse of the discourse of the university is the discourse of the hysteric.
Matthew Sharpe3 claims that “in the contemporary world, ‘university discourse’ is increasingly becoming the dominant form structure of social relations”.
Boucher, mentioned above, stresses that “Lacan’s diagnosis of modernity involves the displacement of the master by the bureaucrat. The decline of the master and the rise of the bureaucrat – including the totalitarian leader […], the gradual displacement of politics by bureaucracy, the mastery of persons by the administration of thing”. Boucher also states that “from the thirteenth century onward, the discourse of mastery relied increasingly upon the university discourse […] that actually served to legitimate the reigning master signifiers”. He mentions that Lacan aligns the discourse of science and technology with the university discourse, and that he considers bureaucracy to be the perfect realization of the university discourse.
I fail to see how any of that pertains to the talk elucidating Dr. Benjamin Ginsberg's clear-headed, hstorcally factual outline of of how we are governed in truth –– NOT by our "duly elected" representatives, but by an entrenched PERMANENT bureaucracy, that MAKES UP the RULES by which we are bound in ways designed to enhance and perpetual its OWN advantages., and cntinully INCREASE its OWN power.
DeleteThis damnable domineering influence has been in place since the days of FDR whose "Brain Trust" New deal policies" Ginsberg rightly claims created and set what-we-now-call "THE DEEP STATE " in MOTION.
Perhaps this story will better elucidate it.
DeleteAccording to a legend, during the decisive battle between the prussian and the Austrian army in the 1866 war, the Prussian king, formerly the supreme commander of the Prussian army, who was observing the fight from a nearby hill, looked worried at (what appeared to him) the confusion in front of his eyes, where some Prussian troops even seemed to be retreating. General von Moltke, the great Prussian strategist who planned the battle deployment, turned to the king in the middle of this apparent confusion and told him: "May I be the first to congratulate your magesty for a brillian victory?"
This is the gap between the "university" discourse and the "Master" discourse.
The King was the Master, the formal commander totally ignorant of the meaning of what went on in the battlefield, while von Moltke embodied strategic knowledge - although at the level of actual decisions, the victory was Moltke's, he was correct in congratulating the King on behalf of whom he was acting. The stupidity of the Master (especially in a "Democracy") is palpable in this gap between the confusion of the master-figure and the objective-symbolic fact that he had already won a brilliant victory.
The "Bureaucracy" does not know its' Master... in the case of Democracy and the "Deep State", the American people (Discourse of the Hysteric, ie- the pursuits which would makes us "happy"). And so the Deep State pursues its' own "happiness". It runs the State to benefit the intellectuals in the bureaucracy, not the IQ 100 and under "citizen".
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DeleteA bit of background on the featured. Insight into sources background.
ReplyDeleteSure, but everything you might want to know is sup\plied IF you click on the links provided, and take the tie to LStEN to the professor's commentary –– remarks I, personally, found refreshing, heartening and clpse to exhilarating.
DeleteWell, the libturd Democraps did it again! Fat Jerry and little Adam Schitt went after President Trump with the Mueller hearing and ended up with their own shit all over their faces!
ReplyDelete#MAGA!!! Trump 2020
I didn't find that discussion very useful if it was intended to define or unmask the Deep State. The Deep Staters congregate at various spots around the world to plan their operations for the next year or so. Places such as Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove and the Aspen Institute and Devos allow them to get together to plan their evil agendas. Identify some of the usual visitors to those events and you will be on track to put together a list of the nefarious bastards that belong to the cabal.
ReplyDeleteThere may well be a deeper layer to the deep state the "elect" that controls those below, who knows.
Just thinking about some that rose to the higher levels and were dumped down the chute because of "something they said", like say President Nixon. After he visited Bohemian Grove he sated that it was a "gathering faggots" in the north woods of California. He sealed his fate when he thought his administration was over weighted with Jews, who he said could not be trusted. It wasn't long after that he suffered his fate after being elected by a large majority of the voters.
So far President Trump has escaped the fate of some of his predecessors. Maybe by luck. Or maybe not.
Nixon on Bohemenian Grove:
Nixon on Jews: