Wednesday, May 29, 2019



MAY 29, 2019 

by John Hinderaker

Much has been written about Robert Mueller’s appearance before the press today, in which spoke briefly and nervously, repeating points that have already been made ad nauseam in his own report and elsewhere. Why did he do it? And why did he appear so nervous while he did it? Speculation has been rampant.

Scott posted a transcript of Mueller’s remarks earlier today. Much could be said about them, but I want to focus on just one aspect of Mueller’s characterization of his own investigation.

Two years ago, the acting attorney general asked me to serve as special counsel and he created the special counsel’s office. The appointment order directed the office to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. This included investigating any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign.

The key word there is “included.” What else did Mueller’s charge include? Nothing, apparently. But we actually know that there were “links” between a presidential campaign and Russians who (if they existed at all) likely were associated with Putin’s regime. The campaign was Hillary Clinton’s, and the Russians were those on whose reports Christopher Steele based his infamous dossier.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign went looking for Russians who could serve up dirt on Donald Trump. In a futile attempt to avoid illegality, the campaign told its lawyers at the Perkins Coie firm to contract with Fusion GPS, run by fervent Democrat Glenn Simpson, who in turn contracted with Christopher Steele to try to find Russians who had (or could make up) useful information on Trump. 

The Clinton campaign used these multiple cut-outs so it could falsely report the money it paid to Steele as “legal expenses” incurred at Perkins Coie. Maybe somewhere there is a U.S. Attorney who would like to take a look at this.

Just kidding. Christopher Steele obliged the Clinton campaign by finding several Russians who, based on the information they pretended to have, almost certainly were associated with Putin’s regime. Or maybe he didn’t find them at all; maybe he just made up all of the nonsense in the “dossier” and charged the Clinton campaign for his fantasies. Probably neither Steele nor the Clinton campaign cared one way or the other.

If we assume Steele didn’t fabricate the whole thing, then he colluded on behalf of the Clinton campaign with Russian officials or insiders who told him lies. He fed these lies back to the Clinton campaign, which, as Byron York reminds us, did its best to use these Russian fables to win the presidential election.

Here is my question. (I know it has been asked before, but it can’t be repeated too often.) If Mueller’s charge was to investigate “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election…[including] investigating any links or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign,” why didn’t he look into the possibility that the false information fed by alleged Russian insiders to an agent of the Clinton campaign was a disinformation effort by the Russian government, meant to interfere in the 2016 presidential election–an effort in which the Clinton campaign colluded?

There is strong circumstantial evidence that the Steele dossier was exactly that, while there never was any evidence at all that the Trump campaign colluded in any way with Russians. So why was Mueller’s investigation confined to the wrong campaign?

The question answers itself. Mueller’s mission was the same as Christopher Steele’s mission, and Glenn Simpson’s, and Perkins Coie’s, and Hillary Clinton’s: to destroy Donald Trump, by hook or by crook. That is the only explanation for Mueller’s seeming myopia about his own failure to look for collusion where, in all likelihood, it actually existed.


  1. I saw Mueller's performance in real time, –– and that's what is was –– A PErFORMANCE ––, it was perfectly consistent with everything he's done to date to sully and to blacken the reputation of our duly-elected president, Donald J. Trump.

    Mueller found NOTHING that would have legally –– or morally –– enabled him to charge President Trump with anything even faintly approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors," so he used malevolent GUILE to further besmirch the president's reputation, and obfuscate the issue by using SNIDE INNUENDO –– unsubstantiated SLURS agasinst the character and disposition of President Trump –– in order to HELP the DemonRats keep their ill-motivated VENDETTA going "indefinitely.

    Robert Mueller is a POISONOUS SNAKE –– nothing more –– nothing less –– a DEVIOUS, truly EVIL man.


    Merry Christmas one and all today.
    Ululate with joy, sweet anthems sing.
    Elevate your spirits. Praise the King
    Lying newborn on His bed of hay.
    Lambs lie down with lions at His birth
    Eastern Magi come to bring Him gifts
    Rustic, humble scene the spirit lifts
    In awe as angels tell us of His worth
    Splendidly transcending earthly cares
    Altruism fair has come to reign
    Transforming duty’s dulness into pleasure.
    Understanding grain excels the tares
    Realistic vision saves us pain
    Doubtless yielding comfort beyond measure

    ~ Santa Claws

  3. If Trump Is Guilty of Something, Tell Me What He's Guilty Of..or Shut Up!
    The ONLY Thing That He Is Guilty of Is Winning the 2016 Election.

    There Was No Collusion - There Was No Obstruction - the Entire Foundation of the “Investigation” Was Based on Lies -The FISA Dossier Was Faked, And Paid For By The Hillary Campaign The FBI Knew That The Russian Dossier Was Fake Prior to Obtaining a Warrant to Spy on the Trump Campaign. .Comey Is Still a Lair -Crooked Hillary the Liar Was Guilty As Hell Trump Is Still President - the Country Is Stronger/Safer/and More Prosperous Than Perhaps Ever Before. Robert Mueller Knew There Was No Trump-Russian Collusion Over a Year Ago and Sat On That Information Through the Midterm Elections.!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


      Dear Liberals, Socialists and –––––––––

      If Mueller had any proof he would have said so in NO uncertain terms! We'd all have been reading it in his report, and in every newspaper in the land!.

      The lefty loons are beaten but they won't let this dead horse die.

      I hope they spend all of 2019 with investigations and hearings. They will pave the way for a Trump win in 2020

      We tried to tell you this but you wouldn’t listen, YOU told US we were crazy.

      YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get…TWICE. And although your won’t admit it, YOU know it.

      For the previous years, the 8 years that the Emperor was in office, he made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes. That’s what Socialist’s like Obama do.

      WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying all along.

      We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes

      It’s really amazing how many times these Progressive- Liberals-Socialists have shifted narratives and moved goalpost, all because they refuse to accept they lost an election. It’s Pathetic!

      We told you that President Trump was the better choice, but you wouldn’t listen.

      YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

      YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

      YOU said WE were lying.

      Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

      77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes [reduced].YOU are among them. WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

      Remember Obamacare? Well, THAT’S ONLY just PART of your current tax hike, there much more to come.

      We told you so.

      . . . Capital Gains taxes are also UP, Up, UP!!!

      We told you so. Take another look at your paycheck liberals, socialists and . . .

      Oh, let me revise that and say≠–––––– and while you do, realize the guy responsible for your shrinking bottom line just came back from a 6 MILLION DOLLAR Hawaiian Vacation WITH HIS –––––– AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS... and YOU paid for it! .

      He left for vacation without having a deal to hike YOUR taxes yet, had to fly home to finish YOUR tax hike, flew BACK to Hawaii to play more golf and then, flew home again…ALL ON YOUR DIME WHILE YOU WAITED FOR YOUR FIRST…SMALLER…PAYCHECKS , AND THEN HIGHER TAXES!
      We told you too, that were the Emperor allowed to jack up taxes on the “rich” he wouldn’t be done with it there. We TOLD you he would want MORE.

      We were correct about that too.

      Over the weekend, Pelosi made it clear that YOUR Socialist party is not done yet.

      The Mueller investigation was a "Russian Collusion" investigation. Mueller's report clearly said that neither Trump, nor any of his administration, knowingly had any interactions with Russian operatives. Trump's son, was told by a Russian representative that claimed to have some dirt on Clinton, but it was found just to be a ploy regarding the adoption of Russian babies, which didn't involve Trump himself.

      Since this was [supposed to be] an investigation into Russian Collusion and Trump was found by Mueller, to have committed NO deliberate collusion with Russians, there would be NO need for "obstruction."

      Despite the left's cries of a Constitutional crisis in the making, the only ones that would be responsible for it, would be the left. The left has become Leninist and have made it clear they would change the Constitution.

      Once the left is in power, it would be goodbye individual liberty and freedoms.

      Freedom of Speech? Gone. 2nd Amendment? Gone. Innocent until proven guilty? Gone and replaced with guilty until you can prove your innocence.
      The Electoral College? Who Knows?

  5. ProgressiveDisruptionsMay 30, 2019 at 6:21 AM

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    1. Your reply is UNACCEPTABLE.

      We do NOT denigrate fellow bloggers by nameat THIS blog.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


      This is my opinion. People –––––– who call themselves “progressive,” and they do so not just because it’s a nicer way of saying “liberal,” which has become a dirty word in the political sense, but they believe in the Socialist party which all of the progressives love and agreed with.

      The difference between progressivism and SOCIALISM is a very thin line. Both believe in the [RE]distribution of America's wealth, as do the fascists and neo-fascists object to the term and . When you reduce and limit my rights and freedoms while increasing yours, or someone else’s , you are in fact using the Constitution for toilet paper.

      Bottom line: When we are up against some with people in a debate or better yet in a agreement who are so convinced of their own opinions and their moral superiority, and who want to change the world, and our way of life, we can’t help but to think of Adolf Hitler

      Now I could be wrong but I don't think I am. If I am, then please by all means enlighten me!

    2. I doubt I hve the power to "enlighten" you, but in future PLEASE do two things at the very least.

      1. Do NOT insult fellow bloggers by name.

      2. Please put a SPACE between your paragraphs.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Here's my speculation on impeachment. When Watergate hearings began, only 19% of the public wanted Nixon removed from office. (He had won by a landslide, and had a 68% approval rating going into his second term.) But as the hearings progressed, eventually 57% wanted to see him removed and his approval rating was 24%. THAT's what impeachment hearings can do. They would concentrate those dispersed investigations into one, they would be a television spectacle, they would strengthen Congress's hand to get subpoenaed witnesses and documents. All those who did not read the Mueller report would become viscerally familiar with it. The public would see in full view all the crimes, corruption, and abuse of power, and opinion would change. Then if the senate tried to protect him they would appear corrupt. But even if the senate failed to convict, I believe the damage would be done for the election.

    2. Renata,

      You have gven a GOOD description of [recisey how the ENEMEDIA successfully maneuvered itself into holding the WHIP HAND in American Politics. The dreadful journalistic coup d'etat we call "WATERGATE" was the beginning what-I-would-call The IMPERIAL PRESS CORPS.

      In this way the MEDIA also known by th better educated classes as The Fourth Estate, became the ENEMEDIA, and began its tragically successful career of being able to SUBVERT the WILL of the PEOPLE through incessant manipulation of Public Opniin by relentlessly pushing a decidedly PARTISAN AGENDA. In other words the ENEMDIA has consistenly substituted LEFTIST PROPAGANDA for legitimate NEWS.

      Since the forces of the ENEMEDIA are completely dominated by LEFTISTS –– [ 80-90% of all so-called jurnalists are Democrats or out-and-out Socialists] ––, it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the public to get anything even faintly resembling a "fair and balanced" view of what is REALLY happening.

      Since most are too busy, too incurious or frankly too STUPID to realize this, our people are as easily manipulated as any herd of SHEEP.

      LEFTISTS [please do not call them anything ELSE, because THAT is what they ARE] have NO SCRUPLES WHASOEVER when it comes ti getting their way. They will almost literlaly LIE, CHEAT, STEAL or even KILL to get what they want.

      DECENT people generally flollow The Rules, and so it's frighteningly EASY for those who DON'T to take advantage of the decent-but-ill-informed.

      By constantly ABUSING the FIrst Amendment, the Left is gradually forcing us to consider abolisning it.

      If you don't believe me, look how THEY have ALREADY put curbs on Free Speech by mounting successful campaigns to designante opinions THEY don't want to see or hear as "HATE SPEECH."

      ALSO, please consider how the LEFT has crippled the ability of our miltary by foisting absurd, self-defeating Rules of Engagement on our forces along with the imbecilic concept of WAR CRIMES on our men at arms. This, of course forces OUR men to fight at a disadvantage by deliberately putting themselves in greater jeopardy on the battlefield by LIMITING what OUR forces can do to WIN against a SAVAGE enemy totally bereft of ANY concept of "FAIRNESS," and totally UNENCUMBERED by any sort of MORAL PRINCIPLES.

  8. Watching these Democrats in a crazed frenzy trying to impeach the president before there 2020 election is really the best l entertainment on TV these days.
    And while we are on the subject of “Impeachment”. What crime did he (President Trump) commit? Please tell us because the Democrats need to know so they can include it in the articles of impeachment.

    No one seems to be able to answer that question! And why weren’t you Progressives so interested in politics when a criminal like Hillary Clinton was being “investigated”.?

    She is the one who CONCLUDE with the Russians!

    1. Ordinary American,

      Your post above was removed, because it violated our hard and fast rule forbidding our guests to insult, defame or libel fellow boggers by name.


    I love the cartoons you post. Very clever, and always to the point.

    1. Thank you, Margaret.

      I owe most of them to - a good place to get a wide variety of news articles on pertinent topics of the day.

  10. Shame on Robert Mueller for Exceeding His Role

    The Hill

    by Alan Dershowitz

    The statement by special counsel Robert Mueller in a Wednesday press conference that “if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said that” is worse than the statement made by then FBI Director James Comey regarding Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Comey declared in a July 2016 press conference that “although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information.” . . .


  11. No Questions? Nonsense—Mueller Must Testify

    American Greatness

    by Karl Notturno

    ay gave his first public statement since the inception of the special counsel’s office. Mueller’s remarks, which lasted less than 10 minutes and entertained no questions, offered no new substantive information apart from the announcement that the office was formally closing and that Mueller would be resigning from the Justice Department.The statement was carefully designed to give the mainstream media and Democrats in Congress an excuse to continue calling for an investigation and potential impeachment of the president. It also let Mueller portray himself as an unbiased and objective public servant . . .

  12. Another Mueller-Comey One-Two Punch

    American Greatness

    by Julie Kelly

    Most Americans are unaware of the long history of comradeship and chicanery between Special Counsel Robert Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey. For nearly two decades, the pair have held the same jobs, earned the same foes, and swaggered in the same rarified sphere of political prestige and privilege. (Snip) the country has been treated to another reminder of how often the twosome operates in tandem.In fact, their prior relationship should have disqualified Mueller from overseeing an investigation into one of Comey’s fiercest critics and the man who fired him, President Donald Trump. Without Comey helping to fabricate . . .

  13. Robert Mueller's Statement Made the Democrats Look Like Cowards

    NBC News

    by Kurt Bardella

    Last November, the American people overwhelmingly elected a new majority in the House of Representatives, giving Democrats the power to impeach President Donald J. Trump — if it was warranted. But Wednesday, special counsel Robert Mueller publicly reiterated what his report already made clear: that “if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.” Put another way, Mueller noted that despite what Trump might think or tweet, he was not an exonerated man. Democrats have a version of the report, and they have Mueller’s clear interpretation of the facts in it. And what ha . . .

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  17. " a FREE country, and you would agree that this is a “Free Country” it’s people to have free ideas and opinions. and If we let the government control what we eat, drink, and treat ,teach our children what we want to, then what will be next?

    Oh, I dunno, what WILL be next? How about a remedial course on spelling and English composition?
    Where an I going with this?

    1. Seriously this crapola with Herr Muller this is getting boring, the “Hate” Topic is MUCH better.

    2. That is NOT for YOU to decide, "Sailor."

      I am the only one entitled to make that call.

      Please keep that in mind. Ignorance may be bliss to the ignorant, but to the REST of us it's a GIGANTIC Pain-in-the Ass.

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  21. The way I see it is people who call themselves “progressive,” and they do so not just because it’s a nicer way of saying “liberal,” which has become a dirty word in the political sense, but they believe in the Socialist party which all of the progressives love and agreed with. The difference between progressivism and socialism is a very thin line. Both believe in the distribution of America's wealth, as do the fascists and neo-fascists object to the term and . When you reduce and limit my rights and freedoms while increasing yours, or someone else’s , you are in fact using the Constitution for toilet paper.
    Bottom line: When we are up against some with people in a debate or better yet in a agreement who are so convinced of their own opinions and their moral superiority, and who want to change the world, and our way of life, we can’t help but to think of Adolf Hitler
    Now I could be wrong but I don't think that I am

    1. What do you think you may have accomplished by listing yet-another litany of complaints, grievances, and negative opinions?

      This is BOILERPLATE.

      Please try to tell us something we don't already know –– something that might give us hope that we may find ways to make things BETTER.

  22. You got to love it. If Mueller knew he could not indict a sitting president from the start why did it take Two years and Millions of dollars?

    Funny that the Democrats don't want any kind of investigation into how the whole investigation started in the first place, but they have no problem with continuing the Trump investigation.

    Funny that we heard Adam Schiff yelling about all the evidence that he had that proved Trump was guilty but he has yet to show anyone, anything, even one little piece of it.

    Funny that Dems keep yelling impeachment yet never have a solid footing of anything but "it's Trump and we hate him"

    I'm wondering why Mueller didn't investigate Obama. He was the President while all this was going on. Not Trump. Obama and his cronies should have been investigated. Not Trump.

    Now, it's Barr's turn.

    Careful what you wished for Herr Mueller, you're about to get a taste of your own medicine..
    Now we can look forward to Attorney General Bill Barr to bring some justice in all this.....wait 'til those criminal referrals start rolling out related to that Phoney FISA Dossier

    1. Thank you, RT, for a good sensible, well-focused, on-topic post.


  23. There has been only NE objective in mind regarding this entire FABRICATED Fracas:

    The Sore Losers in the DemonRat Party AND the RINO Establishment Creeps in alliance with ENEMEDIA, which I believe is largely financed and govened by HOSTILE FOREIGN (INTERNATINALIST) INFLUENCES wanted to:

    A. Harass and Torment Donald Trump

    B. Insult, Defame and Browbeat Donald Trump

    C. Injure Donald Trump

    D. Discredit Donald Trump

    E. Undermine Public Confidence in Donald Trump

    F. Overturn the Results of the 2016 election

    G. Ruin President Trump's Chances of Getting Reelected

    H. Drive President Trump Crazy so that they can impliment Rule 25 or whatever it is, and FORCE President Trump OUT of OFFICE and into a Mental Ward

    "THEY" don't give a Rat's Rump about Truth, Democracy, Foreign Interference in our Electoral Process, Integrity, Public Safety, International Relatiions or skirting fine points in "The Law"

    "THEY" just want to get THEIR WAY no matter what it costs the country. –– and that's ALL there is to it.

    All the Fancy Talk, Prissy Moralizing, Attempts at Rationalizing, Quasi-Erudite Theorizing, Feigned Concern about Ethical Considerations, et al. is just window dressing in the flamboyantly fraudulent effort to put a "Respectable Face" on a frankly NAKED ATTEMPT at staging an old-fashioned Banana Republic-Style COUP D'ETAT.

    If yu think it's anything ELSE, I've got a fabulous island in San Francisco Bay I'll sell you CHEAP –– a former prison, but now a genuinely HOT SPOT ripe for the developmnt of a few Luxury Waterfront Condominiums each room of which would be guaranteed to enjoy splendid water views.

    I'll let YOU have it for a mere $5,000,000.00 (FIVE-MILLION DOLLARS) which would still be cheap at twice the price.

  24. Hillary Gets Political as She Goes on a Anti-Trump Rant During Her Commencement Speech, to Graduates at Wellesley Collage.
    Is THAT what you parents send your Kids to Collage for?

    1. Commencemnet speeches have always been considered notoriously dull and inconsquential.

      I wouldn't let it worry me too much, if I were you.

      Although the Wellesley administration's poor judgment in inviting a rumpsprung old has-been who never really was to grace such a ceremony with her flat, toneless, irksome Midwestern Bray would certainly give ME pause to wonder at the prospect of sending MY precious dughter to such an institution.


  25. FT, being that there was such a BIG response to this blog, I think that it would be GREAT for you to do one of your HATE WEEK blogs. for an entire week.

  26. You leftist’s label a conservative as a selfish, racist, power-hungry, money-hungry, war-monger, and a heartless nincompoop that only looks out for himself and his own success, while ignoring everyone else. Conservatives have always been label that way by liberals, and I think thats the whole idea why these blogger feel the way they do about Ms. Shaw. I’m not a fan of using labels to describe myself.
    Conservatives put great value in the traditional family and moral behavior. And most conservative’s believe that marriage should take place between a man and a woman.
    Conservatives believe in the need for a strong military and in providing security for their family and their country.. We believe that a large military presence is essential for safeguarding America against acts of terrorism. We believe that life begins at conception and we believe that abortion should be illegal.

    On the other hand, I think that Progressives do not believe that moral and ethical behavior is necessarily, and instead morality can be determined by themselves.
    Progressives generally support a woman's right to control her body and support the right of abortion.

  27. Can't prove o disprove a negative.

    Innocent until proven guilty.

    Concepts ignored by this tool hack POS. And he ran the FBI for 12 years and wanted to again under Trump, no doubt to undermine him from a closer distance. Tells you where the upper levels -at least- are in terms of being American. Toss all this garbage in jail.

  28. Shitloads of comments getting deleted here today. Mueller and the Dirty demoncrats bring out the worst in everybody.

  29. This was written by one of Ms. S _____ close blogging cronies who comments on her blog regularly.
    Now I am for the most part a pretty understanding person, and I am willing to hear anyone’s opinions even when if differs from mine, but on the other hand, i don’t care to be insulted and/or called those vicious disgusting names or be put down because of my political persuasion, and may I add that y don’t want to see me angry because that is when the other side of me comes out! I seek the truth, so unless you have something important, and truthful to say, don’t say it.
    Now, as for the liberal/Progressives way of thinking, and one of the things that get my goat is their stance on Illegal Immigration, especially when it comes to Muslims.
    It’s time, for the sake of the security of the United States of America, to immediately put their foot down on Illegal immigration. When will enough be enough?

    These Bostonian COWARDS have been pushing this down our throats for God only know when. Well Dear Ms. S.____, as for the attack on your Dear City, I have news for you! Muslims Did It, and Muslims Did It in New York City on September the 11th also. And they did it in Fort Hood and many, many other times all over the world, so don’t come around and spread your Holier than Thou, compassion, and your path to citizenship for immigrants who are currently living illegally Bull-Shit. And then cry about your City getting Bombed by these POS! And why didn’t these Bostonian “Compassionate Progressives” get angry when their Dear leader refused to label the attack on the Boston Marathon as an act of terrorism in his carefully scripted speech? Was he afraid to offend someone?

    I’m from New York, and I cried for a very long time and I still am every time I pass the spot where the Towers once stood.
    I need to know that my fellow Americans feel that way as well. Sorry people but I do not have ANY compassion for these poor Bastards who are playing Soccer and drinking lemonade at Guantanamo Bay. I don’t owe them anything. I would just as soon see them ROT in prison.
    And as for this President and his Attorney General who is more interested in taking my GUN RIGHTS AWAY rather then to getting the thugs off the streets! I have Two words for them as well. I hate to see what’s coming nest!
    Thank you and please do not delete this comment

  30. "Conservatives put great value in the traditional family and moral behavior."

    The Conservative president, Donald J. Trump, cheated on all of his wives and had sex with two skanks after Melania had Barron. Trump also believes he can grab women's pussies because he's a star and he had 20+ women accusing him of sexual misconduct.

    Conservatives voted for Trump. What the hell are you talking about?

    "On the other hand, I think that Progressives do not believe that moral and ethical behavior is necessarily, and instead morality can be determined by themselves."

    That's just what you Conservatives have done by supporting a man like Trump who has never been faithful to any woman and is a serial adulterer. Anonymous who wrote those quotes has no self-awareness or is deliberately blind to Trump's atrocious moral failings.

  31. "And as for this President and his Attorney General who is more interested in taking my GUN RIGHTS AWAY rather then to getting the thugs off the streets! I have Two words for them as well. I hate to see what’s coming nest!"

    Trump and Barr are trying to take away your gun rights?

    Who knew?

  32. ______ FRANCO'S CRITiQUE and DIAGNOSIS _______

    Too much EMOTION, not enough THOUGHT in mowt of these comments.

    Too much RESENTMENT, too much FURY, nowhere near enough AFFIRMATION.

    It's been ALL HATRED and NO LOVE. That's highly UNDESIRABLE.

    Worst of all there has been FAR too much stale, regurgitated LITANIES (LAUNDRy LISTS) from the PAST –– some going all the way back to the days when Barack Obama was still CAMPAIGNING –– that fail to address the specific topic presented.

    THANK YOU, however, for FINALLY ceasing to mention the name or names of fellow bloggers you do not like.

    We are NOT here to GOSSIP, COMPLAIN about and DENIGRATE each other. INSTEAD we should interest ourselves in addressing SPECIFIC ISSUES, the INFERENCES we might daw FROM them, and the MORAL PRINCIPLES that OUGHT to GUIDE us in an attempt to find SOLUTIONS..

  33. That Chicken sheet Mueller is wrong, or more likely, a snowflake chicken. His job included crimes committed during the investigation. All he had to do was say his opinion was that such and such statute was broken.
    Regarding the opinions on whether a sitting President can be indicted, the prevailing opinion seems to be that one can’t, and according to Dershowitz, a sitting President can’t even commit obstruction of a Special Counsel, it does not apply.
    We aren't surprised. Everybody with half a head knows what we just witnessed from Mueller was the end of a career and sheer panic. He's like the master throwing scraps to the dogs to keep them nourished. He's buying the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats more airtime so they can try and fool those still believing a completely fabricated accusation and story.
    I agree with A.G. Barr. Mueller could have come to a conclusion on obstruction. I believe he did but would not absolutely say so, so as not to infuriate the democrats. He is trying to slip away quietly, without any dissention.
    Of course Mueller could've reached a decision. He had full authority and was given more than enough time and money to properly conduct his investigation into so-called "Trump-Russia collusion." He did not make his decision, so the AG assumed responsibility, as would normally happen. This is all just a smoke screen.

    1. Yes, of course. All that is patently obvious to anyone who hasn't been totally submerged in the putrid misasma of leftist propaganda all his life, but I WISH you –– and at least a FEW of the ohers –– would at least TRY to share something we haven't known for MONTHS before it was published.

      Have you no special insights?

      Have no ability to see HUOR in the sorry spectacle?

      Have you no prospective SOLUTIONS to getting our National Raft OFF the Sandbar of Stupidity on which it's been stuck for nigh onto three years?

  34. This was one of your best blogs Frankie

    1. Thank you, but frankly I think the commentary is generally dreadful. I've already said why, if youve bothered to read through all the sludge above.


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...