Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Jussie Smollett

And His Alleged Faked Hate Crime

Joe Biden

And His Alleged Habit Of 
Offensive Touching

Why do YOU think these two subjects have been featured and dwelt upon in the news so much, particularly since the Mueller Report turned out to be something of a dud?

Is there enough significance to these two stories to warrant their dominating the news as much 
as they have lately?

Do you see any ulterior motives behind all this attention to two relatively minor figures and two even less significant issues?

Or don't you agree that the Smollett affair, and the sudden bevy of complaints against Joe Biden, who has held elective office for decades, and served as vice president seem suspicious at this time in our history?


  1. Frankly, I’m actually getting bored with the news lately, all we hear about is more, and more women coming forward and telling their stories about getting groped,and fondled by Joe Biden! There is so many of them now that you’d think that Donald trump had nominated him for the Supreme Court!

  2. Suspicious, no. Auspicious. It's two sides of the same socialist struggle-session mentality the left pulled in the cultural revolution in China. The American people don't like it, AND are getting sick of it ESPECIALLY since the Smollett incident shows how insidiously manipulative the criteria are "forgiveness" are... only the Left's identity victim status group can "absolve" the accused of the imagined "crime".

  3. Multiculturalism is the religion of global capitalism.... and the "Progressive" LEFT is being used (through identity politics) as a tool of global corporate capital. :p

    1. You hate reading long Zizek articles, but it would do you some good to read the one linked above... it'll take you about 1.5 hours.

    2. Why is the LEFT hung up on identity politics and racism? To push the corporate globalist multicultural agenda, of course. Follow the money to... George Soros.

    3. You've forgotten –– or maybe never knew? –– that my EYES are SHOT. It's impossible for me to read MUCH. My eyes start to itch, burn, tear up, and almpst blank out.

      Even so, I STILL think Old Zlavoj is despertely in need of a good stiff course in SELF-EDITING.

      A short, pithy Dickinson Poem
      Shows more wit than a Zizekian tome

    4. ...but for those of us devoid of wit
      we must read Zizek lest we remain unfit.

  4. Biden Campaign fundraising idea: Kissing Booth

  5. The Infotainment Media Complex is suffering a combination hangover and heavy drug use withdrawal.

    They are also back to "unnamed inside sources" being concerned with President Trump's competence, sanity, etc.

    1. Yes. They seem DESPERATE for MATERIAL now that the Witch Hunt has been largely discredited (not that THEY would ever ADMIT that) Heaven forefend!

      But I see a "DIVERSIONARY AGENDA" in this sudden dwelling on relative trivialities.

      The ENEMEDIA will even go so far as to SELF-IMMOLATE in order to DISTRACT attention away from tany hope of intelligent, fair-minded discussions of President Trump's meritorious AGENDA and of course his numerous SUCCESSES.

      We used to call this BITING OFF YOUR NOSE TO SPITE YOUR FACE.


  6. The Purging of Biden is Instructive


    by Don Surber

    After the first shoe dropped on groping, I said Joe Biden should drop out of the race because someone powerful wanted him out of the race. A second woman came forward yesterday. The bombshell fell today as The Hill reported, "Joe Biden´s 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived." His opponents have the goods on him. Of course they do.

    He spent 42 years in the Senate (the last eight as vice president, who is the president of the Senate). I am convinced now that everyone in Washington has secret baggage that is known by someone. ...


  7. All else aside...Biden... If you're a adult male and you are touching 12 and 13 yr old girls and they are visibly uncomfortable, you don't keep touching them. You apologize and you move away. If you don't you are Biden the pervert.

    youtube - biden groping little girls.

    1. I never voted for him, Kid, but Biden was my senator for 22 of the 23 years I lived in Delaware. I've sat at tables near him in restaurants several times, and never saw anything objectionable about his behavior in public. Many of my Delaware friends like him very much.

      I never thought he was very smart, and I didn't like his politics,of course, but I know for a fact that he has always made a point of making hmself available to his constituents, and has taken an active part in helping elderly people out of various predicaments.

      I believe he's a genuinely nice, kind person, SO that makes me think that all this CACCA emerging at this particular time MUST be a put-up job. I doubt very much if Biden's possibly over-friendly approach –– to SOME people –– is the least bit "sexual" in nature.

      I don't want him to become ur president, but I don't like to see him callusly vilified with a lot of trumped up hogwash either.

      Nothing about Biden's being "sexual predator" of ANY kind EVER came up in all the years I lived in Delaware, so naturally I believe these ugly assertions HAVE to beentirely political in nature.

      It's like all the crap about Brett Kavanugh –– nothing but VICIOUS NONSENSE.

  8. PS - Phuck smollet. So tired of seeing his ugly mug.

  9. I was very disappointed yesterday when I heard him say that he was "giving Mexico a year"to change their mind before he cuts out all aid to those central American countries. He sounded like like Barry O!.... Cut the aid NOW, and shut the border down NOW, and build the wall NOW!

    1. I felt the same wa, DD, but you and I probably can't even IMAGINE the pressures he's under. I can't really fault HIM (DJT) since he's gotten NO cooperation and NO support even from his OWN party.

      With people like Romney, the Bushes, the-late-not-great John McCain, that stinkin' TRAITOR Paul Ryan, and mulish, fundamentally dsloyal Mitch McConnell – to say nothing of the weird dimwits like Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and the thankfully-departed Jeff Flake on OUR" side, how could "WE" ever hope to win?

      In many ways the GOP is as bad –– or worse –– than th eDNC.

      Washington, D.C. should be known as "The City of Back Stabbers."


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...