Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Pop-eyed, pencil-necked, poised but mendacious
This pompous balding poseur just spouts venom
His voice is suave, his manner most ungracious
One knows he'd not be caught dead wearing denim.

He lies to every microphone in sight
With calm, impassive, reptile-like composure
Inside he's motivated by sheer spite
Agate-eyed his skull provides enclosure 

For a cold-blooded passion for destruction
Wielding influence only to ruin
Those he thinks would favor the reduction
Of his ill-gained power to impugn

Insult and badger better men than he
Now poised to show Schiff lacks integrity.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Monet's garden at Giverny in the rain

_______ APRIL SHOWERING _______

Against the planks and panes the April rains
Pelt and pummel  –– splash and splutter –– bounce ––
Reeling on the pavement as they trounce
Impartially the people, peaks and plains.
Liquid –– loose –– not ladled by the ounce ––
Streaming through the gutters –– sputters –– spouts
Headlong on the heads of lords and louts,
On furrowed fields and forests in amounts
Which seem to favor trout while casting doubts
Even ducks the deluge could survive.
Relentless –– flailing –– like a thing alive 
Image sweet of simpering spring it flouts
Nurturing yet with wet insistent drive
Gorgeous, thrilling glories soon to thrive.

~ FreeThinke

Gorgeous thrilling glories

Now, please listen to Claude Debussy's 
Jardins sous ls pluie (Gardens in the rain) 
played by the composer, himself
the perfectaccompanment 
to April Showering.
It's sheer magic

Wednesday, April 24, 2019



Hillatosis, the worst breath of all

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Here's a little comic relief for y'all
This "Interview" Gives Us a Prime Example of the FEROCIOUS ANTI-TRUMP PARTISANSHIP Exhibited by the ENEMEDIA (in this Case Chris Wallace Interviewing Rudy Giuliani 

Watch This in Its Entirety, and See If This Exhibition of Obnoxious, Clearly Partisan Badgering by Chris Wallace Doesn't Make Your Blood Boil with Indignation As It Did Mine

Saturday, April 20, 2019

__________ CRUCIFIXION __________

He was a man who came to show the way.
It never was for him an easy task.
Sadly, politicians of His day
Cruelly sought His death. They’d never ask
Revealing questions in pursuit of Truth.
Undermining good they sought to hold
Crookedly to Power. Their uncouth
Initiatives to godliness were cold.
Freedom from corruption causes fear
In those who by coercion seek to rule.
Xiphoid, ego kills what should endear,
Instead of letting Self die to renewal.
On tiptoe oft we creep and hold our breath,
Not challenging the ones who cause His death.

Easter Sunrise at Golgotha

________ RESURRECTION ________

Cold He lay behind the heavy stone,
Hidden there with broken hands and feet.
Ruthless powers crushed His flesh and bone.
It looked to be the ultimate defeat.
Sadly, in the dawn Saint Mary’s three
Trudged toward the tomb wherein He lay.
Instead of death, an angel helped them see,
Startled, that the stone was rolled away!
A risen Jesus stood! He still drew breath!
Radiance around Him warmed the air. 
In banks of lilies sweet we now see death
Stripped of terror. Life, eternal, fair,
Enjoins us all to claim His victory.
Naught could stop us save our vanity.

~ FreeThinke, The Sandpiper - Spring 1996

HAPPY EASTER, Everybody!!!

Friday, April 19, 2019


They took and tried, and tortured, then they killed
Him who sought to heal humanity
Established Evil, drunk with power, swilled
Lava-like liqueur. Then, Vanity
Overcame Compassion with great ease.
Regarding all with cynical disdain
Destructive Self-Protection –– a disease
Inflicting without mercy boundless pain ––
Securing only Insecurity ––
Appeared to stop the Upstart for all time.
Lies. however. spawn no sense of surety.
Immortal Truth stood witness to their crime.
Victim humbled cruelly –– butchered –– He
Emerged to free our lives –– internally.


The Final Chorus of J.S. Bach's
The Passion According to Saint Matthew


Thursday, April 18, 2019

__ East Coker IV __

The wounded surgeon plies the steel
That questions the distempered part;
Beneath the bleeding hands we feel
The sharp compassion of the healer’s art
Resolving the enigma of the fever chart.

Our only health is the disease
If we obey the dying nurse
Whose constant care is not to please
But to remind of our, and Adam’s curse,
And that, to be restored, our sickness must grow worse.

The whole earth is our hospital
Endowed by the ruined millionaire,
Wherein, if we do well, we shall
Die of the absolute paternal care
That will not leave us, but prevents us everywhere.

The chill ascends from feet to knees,
The fever sings in mental wires.
If to be warmed, then I must freeze
And quake in frigid purgatorial fires
Of which the flame is roses, and the smoke is briars.

The dripping blood our only drink,
The bloody flesh our only food:
In spite of which we like to think
That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood—
Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.

~ T.S. Eliot - from Four Quartets

Darkness feel upon the earth when He was crucified

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Well, Folks, the SHIT has HIT the FAN

Fasten Your Seatbelts We’re in 
for a Bumpy Ride

The Mueller Report is out. The DemonRats, of course, are already attempting to impugn its integrity.  Therefore it's vitally important to ask these pointed questions in advance of the DemonRat incursion on Truth, Common Sense, and Common Decency.

How Could Anyone Properly Be Charged with "Obstruction of Justice" if there was No Crime to Begin With?

Why Should Anyone Who Has Been tne Target of a Baseless, Obviously Political Vendetta Be Prosecuted for Trying to Defend Himself?

Monday, April 15, 2019


Thursday, April 11, 2019


Kudos to the Illegal Immigrants!

Mexican-American Gothic

The best of the Illegal Immigrants are the only ones who still embody the kind of courage 
that made us great to start with. 

It’s astonishing how few found the Obama Mystique eerie, isn't it?

I'll never understand why we are such a gullible people –– so willing to follow the lead of a corrupt press –– so willing to elect mediocre, venal or downright evil people to congress. 

Do we need a good strong leader?

Or do we just need to find strength, courage and a sense of purpose in ourselves as individuals?

Why have we lost The Spirit of '76 –– the pioneer spirit –– the eagerness of the late-nineteenth-century immigrants to take their chances, work hard and make good?

I contend that the best of the Illegal Immigrants are the only ones who still embody the kind of courage and perseverance that made us great to start with. 

Why is that, you ask?

Because they are –– like our immediate ancestors –– working outside the hellish, byzantine, "social system" we have devised because of the Cultural Marxist appeal to human weakness and cupidity

In searching out and following the paths of least resistance we have just about done ourselves in. 

If the Illegal Immigrants wind up taking over, if will be because they DESERVE to succeed where WE have failed.
~ FreeThinke

Monday, April 8, 2019


in the 



Sunday, April 7, 2019

The way his enemies would love to see him.

Why the Russia Collusion Farce Dominated The News For More Than Two Full Years

Let's face it, the only REAL reason the DemonRats conjured up the Russia Collusion Hoax, then staged the Mueller "INQUISITION" based on an ADMITTEDLY-FALSE, politically-motivated "Dossier" paid for by HILLAHOG and the DNC in hopes of tilting things to favor HILLAHOG'S chances of victory was to do everything possible to ...

FIRST: to try to STOP Donald Trump from being elected.

SECOND: to besmirch and delegitimize Mr. Trump's presidency in hopes of ejecting him from office

THIRD: to create as much doubt and confusion in the Public Mind as possible in order to thwart President Trump's agenda

FOURTH: to continue a relentless campaign of Defamation and Harassment in hopes of thwarting President Trump's chances for reelection

FIFTH: to do everything possble to make President Trump's life as miserable and frustrated as possible in the hope he might either QUIT in rage and disgust, or make some egregious ERROR in judgment, because of his disturbed mental condition that they would at last have a LEGITIMATE reason to call for Mr. Trump's IMPEACHMENT and eventual OUSTER from office.

What "THEY" never counted on was President Trump's frankly incredible toughness, strength of purpose, SINCERITY, dedication to duty, and his positive ENJOYMENT in dealing with the army of adversaries –– DemonRats, RINOS, EducRats, Globalists, Corrupt Leftist Judges, and the ENEMEDIA –– make fools of themselves 'round the clock every day with their childish, spiteful, immoral, purblind, mentally defective, frankly outlandish attempts to harass and bully the president into submission.

The Outrageous Antics of His Increasingly Hysterical, Irrational Opposition only Seem to AMUSE President Trump

The faces of the president's myriad enemies turn a darker shade of purple every day, as he almost gleefully manages to thrust, parry and discredit their every outrageous attempt to unseat him.

Like him or not only an utter fool could fail to admit Donald J. Trump is a World-Class Heavyweight CHAMPION when it comes to dealing effectively with ENMITY.

May God contnue to bless President Trump and keep him safe, strong and increasingly effective through the trials and torments sure to lie ahead not only for himself and his family, but for our NATION.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Jussie Smollett

And His Alleged Faked Hate Crime

Joe Biden

And His Alleged Habit Of 
Offensive Touching

Why do YOU think these two subjects have been featured and dwelt upon in the news so much, particularly since the Mueller Report turned out to be something of a dud?

Is there enough significance to these two stories to warrant their dominating the news as much 
as they have lately?

Do you see any ulterior motives behind all this attention to two relatively minor figures and two even less significant issues?

Or don't you agree that the Smollett affair, and the sudden bevy of complaints against Joe Biden, who has held elective office for decades, and served as vice president seem suspicious at this time in our history?

To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...