Thursday, February 28, 2019

Michael Cohen. Traitor, Victim, or Both?
A Travesty of Justice  
A Stalinist Burlesque Show

"... I don't know; I suspect ..."

Surmisal Is Not Evidence

"I don't know," and "I can't recall," or "Perhaps my attorney might know," are some of the oldest methods of avoidance in The Artful Dodger's Handbook of Legal Gamesmanship.

Cohen's testimony was an obvious fraud –– like everything else about the man. Coached, rehearsed, memorized, pathetic and patently false in tone. Anyone with half a brain could tell he was only saying what he knew he HAD to say in order to avoid solitary confinement and possible life imprisonment –– thuggish, bullying tactics typical of a Stalinist Show Trial –– precisely the kind of legal malpractice in which The Grand Inquisitor Robert Mueller has been indulging for more -than two solid years.

I admire President Trump, and am very grateful to him  for –– 

FIRST for saving us from HILLAHOG 

SECOND for the tremendous boost he's given the economy 

THIRD for playing an active role on the world's stage on behalf of The United States of America's best interests. 

However, I do feel obliged to criticize the president for exercising poor judgment in choosing a slithery, spineless, self-serving snake-in-the-grass like Michael Cohen to fill a position of such high responsibilty in the Trump organization.

OR is the now-disbarred, disgraced, soon to be imprisoned Mr. Cohen merely the latest high profile victim of Inqusitor Mueller's latter-day Witch Hunt?


  1. Michael Cohen would SWEAR on a stack of BIBLES that his FATHER was the one who REALLY shot JFK, and his MOTHER made all her money running a WHOREHOUSE in HARLEM if Mueller wanted him to.

    Michael Cohen is a LAWYER. That means he is by training a PROFESSIONAL PREVARCATOR, and we cannot afford to believe ANYTHING he says, –– ESPECIALLY now that we KNOW his testimony is being COERCED under extreme DURESS. 

    Inquisitor Mueller's methods are the post-Modern equivalent of the RACK, the the THUMBSCREWS, the PEAR of ANGUISH, the JUDAS CRADLE, and the THREAT of being stretched out on the CATHERINE WHEEL to have his bones sysematically smashed with SLEDGEHAMMERS, - OR - DISEMBOWLED with a RED HOT POKER after baing CASTRATED.

    There is NOTHING ELSE worth saying about poor Mr. COHEN. - OR - Mr. MUELLER.

    Mr. Cohen's testimony should be declared INADMISSIBLE by any SANE, DECENT, FAIR-MINDED Judge. PERIOD!



    To those partisan bigots who keep insisting that HILLAHOG “really won” the 2016 election, because she got more popular votes, I say this:

    YOU have NO understanding of how the American system of governance, –– as designed by our Founding Fathers, whose brilliance remains unsurpassed –– is supposed to work.

    Like most members of your arrogant, willfully ignorant tribe of hidebound anti-Ameriacn DESTRUCTIONISTS you proceed on the asinine assumption that YOU –– and your equally blind, idiotic compatriots ––, know BETTER than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, James Monroe, and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence and framers of the Constitution how we OUGHT to be governing ourselves.

    IF you ever got past elementary school, –– which from the childish, jejune way you express yourselves seems dubious ––, you probably attended Boston University and graduated magna cum laude.

  3. ALL the current ugliness, unrest, and tedious turmoil stems from the ENEMEDIA-ACADEMIA-DEMO-RINO COALITION.

    These devious, manipulative, thoroughly untrustworthy fiends have FABRICATED an ANTI-TRUMP "NARRATIVE" OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH,

    This dishonest campaign to UNDO the RESULTS of a duly held ELECTION is based on nothing but the RAGE these seditious, anti-democratic elements continue to indulge in simply because their ceaseless machinations on behalf of HILLAHOG, were unable to STOP Mr. Trump from WINNING the 20016 election.

    They have insistently PRESENTED their entirely FICTIONAL "case," as though it were PROVEN FACT.

    Their politically-motivated determination to vilify, defame and condemn virtually EVERYTHING President Trump says, does, and hopes to accomplish is WICKED beyond description, and terribly DESTRUCTIVE to the best interests of our nation and our people.

    I'm not sure whether any of "THEM" truly BELIEVES the grotesque FICTION they are promoting, but I AM sure that "THEY" believe that whatever "means" it may take to achieve "THEIR" ends are thoroughly justified –– no matter how untruthful, unfair, abusive, cruel, unjust, despotic and destructive those "means" may be.

    If such machinations on the part of unelected government employees are NOT completely antithetical to DEMOCRATIC principles, I can't imagine what would be, can you?

  4. Replies
    1. What the HELL does that have to do with The Michael Cohen Show we were subjected to ony yesterday?

    2. As MUCH as the CRAP that YOU post on Lisa's blog, and all over the damn Internet!
      With your dumb-asses news articles , and your stupid poetry, and your disrupting repetitive hundreds of lines of

    3. Wel, well, well! And here I'd been led to believe YOU were an ALLY in the War against Mendacity and Aggressive Imbecility in American Politics.

      Thank you for presenting clear and convincing evidence of who you REALLY are, RDM.

      The TRUTH may sting a bit from time ti time, but in the long run it ALWAYS heals as it frees us from our illusions and foolish notions.

      Not that you DESERVE any explanation of my conduct, but I am determined to make THIS blog the absolute ANTITHESIS of WYD aka "LISA'S LATRINE."

      I am fond of Lisa, persnally, but fiercely disagree with the way she fails to do anything to guide and govern her blog.

      There's no ned for you ever to comment here again, RDM, unless you want to make a RELEVANT REMARK to the post CONTENT here in a civil manner.

  5. Much has been made of Hillahog Klintoon's ILLEGAL server's location in a BATHROOM.

    Well, I'm here to tell you that a BATHROOM is THE perfect place for ANYTHING associated with HILLAHOG.

    SHE –– and everyone and everything ASSOCIATED with her –– is EXCREMENTAL –– STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN, and is in desperate need of being SANITIZED asap.

    Do we REALLY need to say anything MORE on this dreary, tired, worn out subject?

    Thanks to the blessed, heaven-sent phenomenon known as DONALD J. TRUMP wretched, rumpsprung HILLAHOG has been relegated to the status of a n OLD, VERY STALE, STILL UNBELIEVABLY PUTRID, OLD FART.

    THREE CHEERS for PRESIDENT TRUMP and the wise, patriotic, right-thinking CITIZENS WHO SAW the LIGHT and ELECTED HIM!


    NOW, unless and until someone of the caliber of a Devin Nunes, Jason Chaffetz, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Matt Gaetz, –– or any combination thereof ––, engages in EXTRA-LEGAL VIGILANTE ACTIVITY, mounts a de facto COMMANDO RAID –– an out-and-out PHYSICAL ATTACK on the vicious, unelected, thoroughly corrupt Power Bloc holding our country in thrall –– and literally WRESTS the documents needed to PROVE the Bloc's culpability "from their cold dead hands" if necessary ––, we will NEVER be able to defeat the VILLAINS who have craftily taken over the Reins of Power by STEALTH and endless DECEIT.

    In other words by FLOUTING the LAW based on the CONSITUTION, this CABAL–– a true "Enemy Within" –– no longer deserves Constitutional Protection.

    They are guilty of TREASON.

    When the Guardians of Law and Justice, THEMSELVES, flout the law, and FAIL to deliver honest JUSTICE, they MUST be DEPOSED –– by Main Force, if necessary.

    Anyone who does not believe that richly deserves to be reduced to penury and bondage –– the inevitable consequence of NOT rising up to DEFEAT TYRANNY.

  6. The trustworthiness, or lack of it of Michael Cohn can only be seen by the Socialist Democrats. By his own admission his entire life has been one lie after another lie and yet the Democrats love him. Kinda gives you a glimpse into how Democrats see lying and dishonest behavior.

  7. I'm surprised that in selecting their candidate for 20/20 te DemonRats haven't already coalesced around little ADAM SCHITT.

    That nidorous little pencil-necked specimen of demotrash represents above ALL who THEY are better than any other members of the army of LATRINAUTS currently befouling the political landscape.

  8. Michael Cohen May Have Just Helped Donald Trump

    New York Post

    by John Podhoretz

    Trump lawyer-turned-betrayer Michael Cohen took a detour on his way to prison with a lovely day trip to Washington and a televised sit-down with the House Oversight Committee. He spent much of his time savaging the president unmercifully, which earned him savage treatment of his own from the Republican members of the committee and strange new ­respect from members on the other side of the aisle. I haven’t heard that much histrionic and annoying yelling since I had the misfortune to have the batteries run out on my remote control while the channel changer was stuck on the Samantha Bee ...

  9. Michael Cohen’s Traveling Mendacity Show

    American Spectator

    by David Catrol

    Michael Cohen is back in town and, as expected, put on a Pecksniffian public performance Wednesday for an appreciative audience consisting of Democrats, the media, and miscellaneous TDS sufferers. Assisted by that preeminent paragon of veracity, Lanny Davis, he pitched several patent specifics of his own invention that he offered as a remedy for the dread disease that has ravaged the Beltway for two years — the Trump Presidency. Cohen peddled his special swamp juice with the same pious solemnity with which he perjured himself before Congress about an aborted Moscow real estate deal involving Trump and his construction company. ...

  10. Michael Cohen Claims He Did Not Want White House Job Despite Reportedly Telling People He Would Be Chief of Staff

    Breitbart Politics

    by Matthew Boyle

    Former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen potentially made another false statement during his testimony on Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform when he claimed during Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) questioning that he did not want a job in the White House when Trump won the presidency.(Snip) GOP sources familiar with Cohen’s pleading for the White House chief of staff position think there may even be contemporaneous text messages or emails from him to people in the media or in the political world regarding President Trump from the time after Trump won ...


    Maryland Congressman Cummings Redeems Cohen Hearing with Passionate, Poetic Closing Remarks

    The Baltimore Sun

    by David Zurawik

    After a day of raw, nasty, partisan mud wrestling that made you want to weep at the sorry state of American politics, Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings stepped up at the end of the Michael Cohen TV hearing and redeemed the whole sad spectacle with his passionate and poetic plea for a better America. It was one of the most inspirational TV moments I have seen in more than 30 years of writing about media and politics. What a moment for Cummings and the nation. ...

    1. THE important part of this was the way Elijah Cummings rose to the DEFENSE of MARK MEADOWS who had just been viciously attacked by in an unfounded, unprnciple, totally unjustified attack on Representative Meadows by som nitwit female black colleague.

      In the atonishng exchange the procelain-white, highly cinservative Mark Meadows revealed that members of HIS OWN FAMILY are in fact "people of color," andthat he and Elijah Cummngs are in fact "very close friends."

      Ergo, once again we must realize, as G&S famously put it, that "Things Are Seldom What They Seem."

    2. From Elijah Cumming's closing remarks:

      “I’m sitting here listening to all this, and it’s very painful, very painful,” he began addressing Cohen. “As I sat here and listened to both sides, I just felt as if … we are better than this. We really are. As a country, we are so much better than this.

      “I don’t know why this is happening for you, but I hope a small part of this is for our country to be better,” Cummings continued. “If I hear you correctly, you are crying out for getting back to normal. Sounds to me like you want to make sure our democracy stays intact.”

      Cummings went on with his cadence building with more and more emotion.

      “The one meeting I had with the president, I said, ‘The greatest gift we can give to our children is making sure we give them a democracy better than the one we came upon.’ ”

      And then his voice broke a little as he said, “I mean, come on now, according to The Washington Post, our president has made 8,718 misleading or false statements. That’s stunning. That’s not what we teach our children.”

      Referring to the president calling Cohen a “rat,” Cummings tried to explain how far that is out of bounds in civilized discourse.

      “I know it’s painful to be called a rat,” he said. “Let me explain. A lot of people don’t know the significance of that. But I live in the inner city of Baltimore, all right? And when you call somebody a rat, that’s one of the worst things you can call them, because when they go to prison, that means a snitch. I’m just saying. And so the president called you a rat. We’re better than that. We really are.”

      But Cummings was not done yet....

      (continued below)

    3. (continued from above)

      “And I’m hoping all of us can get back to this democracy we want and we should be passing on to our children, so they can do better than we did,” he said. “When we’re dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, ‘In 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our democracy intact? Did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing?’”

      Elijah Cummings did something Wednesday. He stood at center stage in American life for few moments, and he stood tall with those inspirational closing remarks — a model for what a member of Congress should be.

    4. Elijah loves playing the Civil Right's Icon magical negro...

    5. to shield any white person from racism charges through the recitation of a simple charm... "Back when me and Martin marched..."

    6. I want thank AOW of troubling to post Representative Cummings' words, but you'd have to have seen the exchange noted either ON TV in real time, as I was privileged o do, or at least captured on VIDEOTAPE, to appreciate the oignancy and rare beauty of the moment.

      Instead of feeling anger, disgust, and dismay, –– as I usually do at the vain posturing and hypocritical antics of congress ––, I was honestly moved to tears.

      TONE of VOICE and FACIAL EXPRESSIONS carry far more weight with me than mere WORDS –– which can too easily be taken out of context or given a twisted "interpretation" to support a tendentious point of view by skillful "editing."

    7. Thank you SO MUCH for that link, AOW!

      Such thoroughness on our behalf is much appreciated.


    Trump HUD official Lynne Patton Fres Back at Rep. Rashida Tlaib: I´m Not ´A Prop'

    Washington Times

    by Jessica Chasmar

    Housing and Urban Development official Lynne Patton fired back at Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who suggested that Ms. Patton, who is black, was Republican Rep. Mark Meadows‘ “prop” during the Michael Cohen hearing on Wednesday. Ms. Patton, a Republican with ties to the Trump family for more than a decade, sat behind Mr. Meadows during the hearing and was introduced by the congressman during a line of questions over Mr. Cohen’s claim that President Trump is racist. ...

  13. Latest Hoaxer Michael Cohen Given 7-Hour Congressional Floor

    Canada Free Press

    by Judi McLeod

    Cohen called Trump every name he possibly could, but the one he wanted to stick was: “Donald Trump is a “RACIST”! Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claims that Trump is a “racist”; former president, current “Resistance” leader Barack Obama claims that Trump’s a “racist”. All 2020 Democrat presidential hopefuls say Trump’s a “racist”; innumerable members of the so-called “Entertainment Industry” claim that Trump is a “racist. Ditto for millions of the Walking Television Screen folk who believe anything they see on TV still out there spreading the worldwide message....

  14. Michael Cohen is a professional scum-sucking bottom feeder. Therefore, he has no credibility in a court or other body who is supposed to look at evidence before rendering judgment.

    Full disclosure: I didn't watch yesterday's Capitol Hill circus. I did watch much of the Wednesday Capitol Hill circus.

    1. Mueller threatened Cohen's wife with 30 years in prison for bank fraud...

    2. Grand Inquisitor MUELLER is the real VILLIAN in the PIECE.

      Mueller MUST be brought LOW.

      It is MUELLER, JAMES, COMEY, ROD ROSENSTEIN, PETER STRZOK, LISA PAGE, ANDREW cCABE, JOHN BRENNAN, the PODESTAS, HILLAHOG, ERIC HOLDER, that COLORED WOMAN who held that pre-election Conference IN a PLANE on the TARMAC with Bill Clinton ostensibly just to compare notes about their grandchildren (HA HA HA!) –– and all the rest of that rotten cabal who took over the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and STATE DEPT. during the Clinton-Obama years, and whom NEITHER of the BUSHES did a thing to curb –– it's THOSE people, if anybody, who ought to be.put on the Rack, Tortured, Threatened with Financial Ruin and LONG years in JAIL.

  15. Heir to Infamous Mob Family Predict ‘rat’ Michael Cohen Might Have Big Problems in Prison

    BizPac Review

    by Vivek Saxena

    Once President Donald Trump’s disgraced former attorney Michael Cohen reports to prison in May to serve a 3-year-old sentence for campaign finance violations and tax evasion, among other charges, he may be in store for some painfully deep trouble, according to Giovanni Gambino. Speaking with the Daily Mail early Wednesday morning, a few short hours before Cohen testified publicly to the House Oversight Committee about the president and his alleged crimes, the Gambino crime family heir warned that prison inmates hate “rats.” “A message for Michael Cohen: He better keep his mouth shut,” he said. ...

  16. HERE IT IS:

    Lynne Patton: “Michael Cohen Turned On the President Because Mueller Threatened to Throw His Wife in Jail for up to 30 Years”

    Conservative Treehouse

    by Sundance

    The appearance of long-time Trump confidante Lynn Patton at the congressional testimony of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen created a considerable stir amid Washington DC. However, the context of her appearance takes on even more drama when considered against Patton’s Facebook post from January 18th of this year: (Snip)4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. ...

  17. Hopefully Mr. Trump will be re-elected in 2020, but if he doesn’t, and God -Forbid that from happening, you can rest assured that I won't be putting a pussy hat on and yell at the sky, I'll just get over it.

    1. If he is NOT re-elected, God forbid, neither YOU nor any of the REST of us may EVER "get over it."

      The Opposition these days is not SANE, neither is it LOYAL or DECENT. These thuggish morons are not the Democratic Party of the not-so-distant past, –– though THEY were certainly bad enough ––, but a least they were AMERICANS.

  18. Why 1 Simple Lie by Michael Cohe Could Invalidate His Entire Testimony


    by Chris Cillizza

    In order for Michael Cohen to be seen as a credible and reliable source on Donald Trump´s business dealings, political activities and character -- both in and out of the White House -- the President´s former fixer must be viewed as a changed man, someone who lied, yes, but has now seen the light and spent his House hearing on Tuesday telling the truth and nothing but the truth about his former boss. ...However, the key to the believability of Cohen as liar-turned-truth-teller is that he actually, you know, told the truth ...

  19. Michael Cohn just can't seem to keep his story straight even with the Liar in Chief Adam Schiff, Lanny Davis, and Elijah Cummings coaching him.

    Now he is going to have his jail time extended.
    How many times does a liar have to admit to lying before the left will acknowledge the fact that he’s a liar? Oh, Never mind, I think that we already know the answer... .
    So we have, Michael Cohen’s sorry, and then not sorry apology as scripted by the Clinton’s weasel Lanny Davis.

    1. Thanks, Doris. Yes, but I've come aroundn to thinking we ought to cut Michael Cohen sime siack since learning the sadistic fiend Mueller –– the REAL villain in this sorry piece –– threatened Cohen's Ukrainian-born wife with THIRTY YEARS in jail, if Michael Cohen didn't "cooperate."

      Mueller is an evil, EVIL man, who is victimizing the entire nation with his rabid, out-of-control Power Trip..

    2. Franco,
      I've come aroundn to thinking we ought to cut Michael Cohen sime siack...

      I can't cut him some slack. He was supposed to be Mr. Trump's confidential attorney (fixer).

      Mueller is an evil, EVIL man, who is victimizing the entire nation with his rabid, out-of-control Power Trip..

      Certainly. And he is the more evil of the two.

    3. I'm glad we agree on Mueller's villainy, but I have to ask you WHO would be able to stand up to the threat of GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM to a loved one by a TYRANT with unchecked, unlimited power?

      It's looks to me as though Mr. Cohen was given the moral equivalent of SOPHIE'S CHOICE –– remember that?

  20. I find it laughable that the GOPER’S blogs including this one actually think it's no big deal for the POTUS to break the law because other people have done it too. Their bogus claim about President Obama is sickening. When they find out what a dirtbag Trump is, they immediately conjure up in their fevered gelatinous brains the idea that Mr. Obama PROBABLY did it too, well he didn’t! He didn’t do anything that was against the law. He was NEVER investigated by the FBI like Trump has. And neither he or anyone in his administration were ever sent to jail, like SO MANY of Trumps were, and will be.

    The Trumpanzees are shitting their pants this morning, and the country can smell the foulness of their continued support of the monster Donald Trump
    Congressman Meadows, supporting President Trump excoriated Cohen for lying telling him if a person lies, by definition, he is a liar.
    Apparently he was not thinking of Pres. Trump.

    Meadows then went on to say that in all of his private conversations with Pres Trump, hundreds of them, he's never known him to lie in private.

    No one asked the congressman if he's ever known the president to lie in public.

    These guys are incredible, ripping Cohen for lying, apparently not caring about the President lying
    Trump said he believes Kim Jong Un's denial of knowing anything about Otto Warmbier's brutal torture and death.

    Trump took the savage killer's word before the word of Otto Warmbier's famoly!.

    Imagine how stupid Trump is. Now read the above again and multiply that by a billion.

    The world knows that Kim Jong Un's knew about Mr. Warmbier's death. Trump did not stand up to a tyrant whose regime murdered an American.. So much for the Big Hero Trump!
    And First Daughter, Ivanka, is a Liar, just like her LYING FATHER

    Trump has sided with authoritarian rulers before, believing Vladimir Putin's denials of Russian interference in the 2016 election over the conclusions of American intelligence agencies and defending the Saudi royal family after the recent murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
    Just this past week we learned the depths of Trump's slime: Like a mafioso, Trump threatened Fordham if it revealed his grades.

    We learned that he wrote out a check in the Oval Office to the porn star that he shagged while Melania was recovering from giving birth to his 5th child by his 3rd wife.

    We learned that he lied to the American people (Oh SURPRISE!) when he said he had no business with Russia, when in fact he was still planning for a Trump Tower in Moscow after he won the GOP nomination.

    We learned that Trump took the side of a the Communist Korean leader who hadan American killed.

    Those folks on the Mother Ship are the as awful as the man they support. How could any sane person think otherwise? How can the author of this blog sit back and defend him? How can he look in the mirror and live with himself? No wonder he needs to go to that kiddie blog “Who’s your daddy” and play in the sandbox with the other kiddies!

    1. Thank you, Ray, for presenting us with such eloquent testimony that reveals the mentality currently motivating the Left –– not that we need much instruction on that viewpoint.

      The question to which I would love to.find an HONEST, ACCURATE answer has to do with WHY your side, apparently, BELIEVES the things you incessantly aver –– or even IF you truly believe all the, or are just USING all that tiresome cant and rhetric as WEAPONRY in the struggle to gain DOMINANT political power one andfor all?

      I honestly don't know the answer?

  21. So AOC, (Alexandria Occasional Cortex) is a socialist. Why is that bad?
    She can be anything she likes, she was elected by the people to do what she think is best!.

    1. Why IS advocating Socialism bad?

      If you don't already know, nothing I could possibly say would help you achieve a better understanding.

      I hope someone ELSE –– perhaps one of my younger, smarter, more patient guests –– would be willing to try to educate you on that very important point?

      I can only quote the Bible, which says, "By their FRUITS ye shall know them." –– emphasis added.

      I'm a CHRISTIAN who is also an inveterate PRAGMATIST. By that I mean that in the rough and tumble of earthly life –– as opposed to the prayerful cultivation of a rich inner, SPIRITUAL life –– RESULTS are ALL the COUNT.

      Developing inner strength through prayer and meditation enables those of us who want to believe in God to find ways of COPING with the incessant OFRUSRATIONS, OUTRAGES, INSULTS and INEQUITIES of day-to-day xistence..

      What you may choose to think of that is, of course, you own affair. All I can say is "It has worked well for me for at least sixty years."

  22. The MeToo movement, the BLM intimidations, the Kavanaugh hearings, the "Blackface" scandals, the Jussie Smollet debacle, the Hillary Hearings, the DNC’s fixing the primaries, Donna Brazil’s giving Hillary the Debate questions in advance, Lorretta Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting on the Airplane Tarmac, AOC's sheer stupidity, and a whole bunch more things that I can't remember.

    Watching the Democrats is like watching a slow-motion train wreck, you know it’s going to happen, your just waiting for it.

    1. Thank you for that excellent précis of the Cavalcade of Cacca that's been dominating the airways for several years.

      The ENEMEDIA ha succeeded in ransformng these nited SATES INTO A ONE GIGANTIC PUBLIC TOILET.


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