Wednesday, October 31, 2018

~~ A Most Unhappy Halloween ~~

A little child knocked at my door ––
He looked so pallid, thin and poor 
He meekly murmured, "Trick or Treat?"
He seemed pathetic, yet so sweet.

My heart was touched. I did not see
His parents hid behind the tree
Not three feet from my open door,
Tired, hungry, dirty, poor.

They had used their child as bait
Alas! I learned this much too late.
For they rushed at me wth a knife
I felt they meant to end my life

But no, they just swept through my door
And tramped all over my clean floor,
Rifled through each dresser drawer
Taking silver –– jewelry –– more

Stuffed them in my pillow case
Then ate the food stored in the place
I hoped by then that they'd just go
But when I asked, they just said "No!

"We like it here, we're going to stay
"You tried to lead our boy astray.
"We mean to be your family, see?
"Accept us, and we'll let you be.

"Remember you abused our kid.
"We know he'll tell the cops you did.
"You'll have no chance 'gainst us in court,
"So get this straight, and make it short

"We're living here at your expense
"You'll buy our food, we'll pay no rents.
"That's the price for being blind
"While believing you were kind."

That was several years ago.
They're with me still. They'll never go.
They've forced me to give them the deed
To my house, and watch them bleed

My stock account and savings dry,
But I won't let them see me cry.
For them I was an easy prey,
How long they'll let me live they never say!

~ FreeThinke, 10/31/18

~ § ~

The Dismal Darkening of Georgia?


  1. Ha ha! An allegory concerning contemporary events?


  2. These comments were made on CNN this past Monday by Don Lemon a CNN Host, with Chris Cuomo in which he said this as the two were discussing the Pittsburgh shooting, as well as the recent murder of two black men in Kentucky.

    ‘We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.’

    This is how the media is playing with the emotions of the people and creating problems that don't even exist in most cases.
    1. If a white person kills white person - No race will be mentioned in the headline or even in the article.
    2. If a white person kills black person - Race will be the headline and everything else related to the action will become secondary
    3. If a black person kills a black person - No race will be mentioned in the headline or even in the article.
    4. If a black person kills a white person - Most of the time, no race will be mentioned in the headline or even in the article.
    5. If a brown person kills a white person - Race will be included in the article but not necessarily it will be the headline
    6.If a brown person kills a black person - No race will be mentioned in the headline or even in the article.
    7. If a brown person kills another brown person - No race will be mentioned in the headline or even in the article.

    1. YUP! Your #2 and #4 are most important.

      But the ENEMEDIA will NEVER report the race when a Negro kills a Caucasian. You can take that to the bank.

  3. Approximately two-thirds of the Honduran caravan that is making its way to the U.S. border is made up of adult men AGES FROM 20 TO 30, according to the Washington Examiner.

  4. Note To Black Americans!

    You are NOT props. You are NOT stooges for the Democratic party. You are NOT photo ops. You are NOT political tools. You Do NOT “All Look Alike.”

    These disgusting remarks by prominent members, and Leaders of the Democrats have no place in America!

    You are ALWAYS welcome in the Conservative party, and in President Trump's movement.

  5. Facts are Facts, and the real facts are that President Trump has given us
    The Lowest ever black unemployment rate✅
    The Lowest ever Hispanic unemployment✅
    The Lowest women unemployment in 60 yrs
    The Korean War is finally over ✅
    The Economy is best it has ever been✅
    Our Taxes are at 60 year low ✅
    ISIS is all but obliterated ✅
    The USA is energy independent ✅
    So what the hell is the left resisting?

    1. Yes, of course, BUT as H.L. Mencken quipped many decades ago, "It's impossible to underestimate the stupidity of the Amercan electorate"

      ALL we can do now, is wait, watch, hope, and PRAY..

  6. You Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, or whatever, are not to be taken seriously by anyone sane and I’ve proven that over and over again. And you have had TWO YEARS to prove your point and still haven't! So why don't you all just get back to your Russian Collusion BS and get out of our way!

  7. The 'Fix' is in. The Democrats cant afford to lose this election, so much is dependent upon their winning. This will be the most 'rigged' election in our history. Barack OVommit is depending upon it.
    Obama thinks that he will be Dictator for Life!

    1. Maybe, but i will NOT happen.

      By the way, do you knopw that many DemonRats in the Resistance Movement are SO stupid they beiieve that IF they can impeach President Tump and oust him from office, that HILLARY wiil then become president?

      Aye yi yi yi YI!

  8. The "Caravan" invaders have shown their intention to cross into the American side of the boarder illegally and they intend to do so with or without our blessings. We have no idea who these people are, and if they are really who they claim to be, or if they are criminals, terrorists, or just plain hoodlums, and gang members! It really don't make any difference, we are still facing a serious national security threat, and lots of trouble on our hands. Now more than ever we need President Trump to take matters into his hands and lock our southern border down until we either fix our currently weak boarders, and hopefully build that wall. And thanks to the Democrats. weak , and useless immigration system we can only hope to enforce the laws of our Nation.
    Never the less we MUST keep those Invaders out, and send them back to wherever the HELL they came from. .

    It just can't be said it any plainer than that.

  9. This has been on my mind a lot today.
    It now seems as if President Trump is an Anti-Semite because some Slime-Ball killed Jewish people. And of course anyone who supports him is the same POS, especially if they're a White Male.

    The message is clear: The deplorable, uncivilized, dangerous, sinners, racist, Domestic Terrorists are White Republicans. That and you're declared a traitor if you are a White Republican Male or as they say (an Old White Guy)... At least according to the new the Progressive doctrine.
    Especially If you didn't vote for Hillary!

    Don’t believe it? Just tune in to your local News Broadcast, or look at the latest commercials. They paint White Males as dumb, bumbling, idiots.

    If you ask a Liberal, Progressive, Democrat why Blacks vote Democratic, they will tell you the Blacks are looking out for their own self-interest. But if you ask why Whites vote Republican, it's because they're Racist.
    White Men are now under attack by the left. And according to Don Lemon of CNN, it’s the White Males that are conducting MOST of the Terrorism today

    1. Yes yes yes TRDM, but don't let it GET to you.

      just IGNORE the bstards. They stink on ice, yes, but it's a Fact of Life, and the less WE let THEM get under our skin the better.

      Mr. TRUMP doesn't pay them any more attention that he would a swarm of GNATS. He just brushes them aside every day, then moves full speed ahead damning the torpedoes as he charges along to victory after victory after victory.

      Mr. Trump is a great role model for us to follow, –– especially for the COURAGE and DETERMINATION he displays –– and the sense of JOY he evokes in doing the best he can, despite the insane persecution his enemies confront him with at every turn.

    2. Yes. There was a time dyring the Second World War when my mother had gone to a good deal of trouble and expense to procure a few fresh organges on the Black Market, so we could get lu proper doses of vitamin-C.

      Well, she squeezed the oranges in our Sunbeam mixmaster, then poured it directly into my little red plastic cup with a decal of Goldilocks and the Three Bears emblazoned on it (I was only four!).

      I did NOT want to drink it, because it had pulp foaing on the top, and was too warm to drink (I thought.), so i refused even to take one sip from the Goldilocks cup, which peeved my poor mother no end.

      Before it was over, she got me in a half Nelson, and pushed the damned cup against my firmly closed lips. I still wouldn't drink te noxious stuff and was by then angry and as stubborn as could be.

      The ended with my dear, pretty, normally very sweet, ladylike Mama SNARLING at me, "DRINK that ORANGE JUICE! DRINK IT YOU LITTLE BASTARD!

      nowing I was licked I drank ii, of course, but I remember straining every tiny sip grudgingly between clenched teeth, and spitting out the pulp, which mde me wasn to throw up.

      I swear this is a True Life Anecdote from my enchanted childhood. It really happened JUST as I've related it.

      Instead of traumatizing me for life, very soon after the episode, began to see it as very funny, since it was so comletely out of character for my mother..

      We laughed and laughed and laughed about it for years every time I told the story. of the day my saintly Mama lost control. I still chuckle every time I think of it.




  10. BREAKING: Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ. And the FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble.

    On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Kamala Harris, a Committee member, referred an undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received a signed letter under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.

    1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car.

    2 In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any time frame, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

    But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

    They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.
    3 In response to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “The whole thing is ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . The whole thing is just a crock, farce, wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.

    4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
    publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full text of the Jane Doe letter
    5 The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

    Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped me.”.
    6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I know that Jane Doe will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

    But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

    Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky. In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

    And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:

    1. Let's just skip all this crapola in future and get back to labelling all of them either as NUTS or SLUTS.

      That worked perfectly for thousands of years

      The biggest mistake ever made was to permit women to vote and to run for public office.

      I never used to believe that, but given the hideous social upheaval in the past hundred years I see all too clearly what a tragic error it was tohave given WOMEN official jurisdiction over MEN.

      If a woman does no put being a WIFE and MOTHER first and foremost, she is NOT a WOMAN, she is a MONSTER –– VIRAGO –– a HARPY –– a GORGON –– a SCREAMING BITCH..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What a sick shit you are Franco, aka FreeThinke.


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