Tuesday, September 25, 2018



Subtly vicious. A cat's paw for the Feminazi-Marxian agenda.



  1. Stevie Tyler got a sex change?


  2. Shaw contributed a very interesting comment when she posted a photoshopped, oe a copied , or shared comment showing just how Stupid the Progressive Liberals can get when they sink to the bottom of the Snake Pit, or the Swamp for their information to post.
    This is the Comment that she has posted.

    “Wouldn’t It Be Nice If Kavanaugh Was Held To The Same Standard As Bill Cosby/”

    Shaw do you really believe that House shit? Do you really think that a man like Judge Kavanaugh who was accused by a women with a VERY SUSPICIOUS background, and NO, evidence, NO proof, NO witnesses, NO facts, and NO TRIAL, should be held to the “same standards, as a man that was given a fair and honest trial, who had scores of people that wanted to act as witnesses, that took 13 years to bring him to trial, was given two trials and an army of accusers, and who had zero defense, and who was accused by perhaps 50 women?
    And you equate that to the allegations of a women who has shown to have so many reason to seek revenge because of he Mothers eviction by the Judges Mother who was the Judge in her case, who has attended several of “women’s marches against the President who nominated him, who has been an contributor to the campaign of the President’s opponent. and the list gors on, and on.
    Shaw, you continue to lower the bar of Intelligence. Look, if you want to hug trees and live in a cave, go right ahead. Just don't ask us to join you...
    You've illustrated here that both your intellect and your maturity are extremely limited. You really should find a site more at your level. Maybe something like the Cartoon Network. Or maybe you would appreciate a Simpsons fan site.

    You sound like you are a typical progressive. Making excuse after excuse after excuse for the failed left-wing policies you’ve been conditioned to and now blindly follow.
    One of the most basic tenets of America was the belief that all citizens are “innocent until proven guilty”. But once again, the left want to take us back to the 1600’s and the Salem Witch Trials where people are burned at the stake without any trials.
    I can only imagine what the next filthy step is for the regressives to regain their power will be.
    I guess that you also approve of what those Stalkers did when they followed Ted Cruz and his wife into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. Or didn’t you know that harassing people is against the law, Ted Cruz, or Sarah Huckabee Sanders deserves to be able to dine in a public restaurant with their family without being accosted by the screaming idiots that are hell bent to disrupt them.
    It’s time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing radicals accountable and give them taste of their own mob style medicine perhaps in a jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed as sure as the sky is blue..

    1. I'm STILL convu[nced that Bill Cosby was TARGETED and PUNISHED more because he is a famous NEGRO who spoke out veheently AGAINST the poisonous, demented, self-defeating "culture" that dcminates America's Black Ghettoes. Leftists HATE Mr. Cosby for that, because his attitude threatens the Left's DEATHGRIP on political POWER, which is ALL the Left REALLY cares about.

      I believe the BIG difference in the way Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison have been treated and the scurrilous TRASHING of Bill Cosby and now Brett Kavanuagh tells us ALL we need to know about the shabby INEQUALITY of the way Laws are applied.

      In short it's ALL political and totally DiSINGENUOUS.

  3. Yikes! If that's post-modern femininity, then I'm turning in my woman card. BTW I think Liberal Hunter makes some valid points.

    1. Please don't abandon your womanhood, Ms. Cube. We are in desperate need of REAL women to help counteract the dismal effects of the shrieking, roaring harpies,, anti-feminine VAGINACRATS.

      Thank you for visitng us. Please come again.

  4. I agree Shaw is an IDIOT

    1. Pleae don' t name names when hurling insults. Miss Shaw and I are as far apart as the East is from the West, but I still consider her a personal friend. There's much more to life than constantly trading insults over poitical differences.

      That aside please be assured that I am one of President Trum's greatest fans, and I hope the travesty staged later today will prodce an outcome favorable to him and his SPLENDID agenda.

      Tha tactics employed by the D'Rats in trying to subvert and derail Judge Kavanugh's nomination to the Supreme Court are as disgusting ,degrading, despicable and deplorable and they should be declared ILLEGITIMATE and summarily dismissed.

  5. What exactly are Democrats resisting and obstructing? The obliteration of Isis? Lower taxes? A record high stock market? America first policies? A booming economy? A stronger military? Secured borders? Americans getting off food stamps? Our move towards energy independence? Preventing unvetted terrorists Into our country? Reducing our trade deficits? Bringing jobs back from overseas? Exposing the corruption within the FBI and DOJ and the weaponizing of such departments? Record low unemployment? An 18 year high in consumer confidence? 4.3% GDP? Record low black and Hispanic unemployment rates?

  6. Gah! What is that creature at the top of this blog post?

  7. I have never like "true conservatives" hurling insults at Lindsay Graham. He is a fellow USAF veteran, and he is his own man.

    After today, I will stand up and get in his critics' faces and tell them to STFU


    1. Lindsey shares John McCain's virtues AND vices in the "hubris" area.

    2. Spiteful, petty, egomniacal McVain's death, –– which Alas! came too late to save us from Obaamacare –– seems to have released Senator Graham from whatever evil hold McVain once had on him.


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