Sunday, January 19, 2020


Do You Believe it?
If so 

Egg-ZACK-Lee. Mitch!


  1. Yes, I care. We are supposed to be a nation of laws.

  2. Deranged Democrats will never escape the labyrinth they have created.

  3. No One Is Above the Law

    Including, and especially the President of the United States of America.

    1. We agree! Why would you have to say that? What federal statute do you allege the president has violated?

    2. "despite signing Obamacare into law, Obama ordered the IRS to decline to enforce the employer, individual, and compliant coverage mandates according to the statutory implementation dates. On immigration, he infamously celebrated non-enforcement programs for aliens who were brought to the United States as children (DACA) and for unlawfully present alien parents of U.S. citizens (DAPA), despite having previously claimed that he lacked the authority to create such amnesties on his own authority.
      What could be done about a president and an executive branch that declined to enforce laws duly passed by Congress and signed by the president into law? The answer in the Obama years was that nothing much could be done. Neither the public nor the media nor the courts cared that Obama chose to restrain enforcement of laws that he thought were burdensome. Largely, the public and the media agreed with him. When faced with litigation, the courts dodged the question. Even in the case of DAPA, which was halted by a district court, the order declined to impose an actual duty of enforcement on the executive branch."

    3. Franco,

      Why you let big dummies in here like anonymous registered nurse?

    4. GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

    5. GAO said Obummer broke the law SEVEN TIMES!

      Where were you then, you bawling, braying ass?

    6. Watch the drooling Trump Hater shout "Breitbart!"

      This excellent Breitbart article links to the GAO government source for each of the instances. So, unlike the Democrat propagandists in the press, Breitbart has documented the facts so you can go see for yourself.

  4. Dr. Marvin GrossweinerJanuary 21, 2020 at 7:07 AM

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    1. Obama violated the constitution and federal law by robbing the treasury and handing the money to insurance companies. President Trump ended this unconstitutional lawlessness.

      The Obama administration began the practice of disbursing Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) subsidies to health insurance firms under the Affordable Care Act, even though the funds in question have never been appropriated by Congress.

      The Constitution clearly mandates that only Congress has the power to appropriate federal funds, not the executive. Article I, Section 9, cl. 7 states that “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.”

    2. PLEASE don't name other bloggers when you attack them.

      It's BAD FORM and not permitted at THIS blog.

      Thank you.

    3. Dr. Marvin GrossweinerJanuary 22, 2020 at 7:11 AM

      It can be quite difficult to refrain from calling a nitwit a nitwit.

    4. Pure vituperative NAME-CALLING is not only witless, helps NO ONE –– least of all The cinservative-Libertarian cause.

  5. GAO says Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

    1. GAO said Obummer broke the law SEVEN TIMES!

      Where were you then, you bawling, braying ass?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Read the link you dummschitt! Inside the link are links to the GAO website detailing the Obama Administration's lawbreaking.

      What a fokking scheisskopf!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Anon speaks like a propaganda-fed prog hive dweller, unable to think with his own Registered Nurse brain, that is probably shriveled to the size and consistency of a raisin.

      Here you go, you pathetic turd. Is the GAO suspect as well? Now will you whine you need someone to read the documents for you?

      You Trump Deranged progs are pathetic sacks of shit.

    6. PLEASE do your best to avoid crude, abusive, indecent terminology, UNLESS you are able to do it deftly with wit and elegantstyle, which mans only on rare occassins and mostly not at all.

  6. Well, oh well, oh well, So NOW TWO years later we are hearing that Puerto Rico's emergency services director has been fired after TONS of supplies from Hurricane Maria was discovered in a warehouse! And that this owner of the warehouse is a Democrat Progressive! So I guess that it wasn’t Trumps Fault again after all!..Surprise, surprise. More lies from the left

    And oh I guess that the New media also forget to mention that President Trump had authorized ANOTHER $8 BILLION, that EIGHT BILLION with a “B” in emergency funds for Puerto Rico over Two Weeks Ago Which the Media Didn’t Report, for the newest earthquake’s repair!

    A Video was released that showed a warehouse in the city of Ponce filled with tons of supplies from the 2017 hurricane that were just laying there in a warehouse and had never been distributed to the people that so badly need it.
    Remember all those Lefties calling the President all those disgusting names? Well I do!

    It's ALWAYS President Trump's fault for all issues foreign and domestic in the mind of the Democrats...just ask Puerto Rico, the same Puerto Rico that has had a long history of mismanagement like their electrical grid the same electrical grid that we has sent our Electric companies down there to help them fix!
    And oh yes, they also found that the warehouses had electrical grid items as well.
    But the Lefties down there were VERY QUICK to report the our President was down there throwing PAPER TOWELS to the crowd. Remember the San Juan anti-Trump Mayor saying that! Well I do.

    Perhaps they should put Hinter Biden on their board doen there, and perhaps he’d do a better job?
    I’m sure there is a perfectly good explanation for hiding all those needed supplies, except we haven’t heard it yet!
    But all this time we heard the fake news media and deranged democrats blaming President Trump for the supplies "being held up".

    1. Don't you have your own blog where you can post such long essays?

    2. Your question, Frieda, is INAPPROPRIAtE.

      We do NOT want ANYONE who visits here to Criticize, Attack, Complain or Tattle on other participants HERE.

      What you do elsewhere is beyng my control, of course, but HERE you must avoid making personal remarks.

      PLEASE COOPERAtE in future.

    3. THANK yoU, Real dave Miller .

      While your post IS overly long and does not strictly address the points raised in the cartoon,s>, it is an intelligently presented display of good information, and it DOES avoid casting aspersins on other bolsters absent or present.

      Thank you for all of that.

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  8. Since the impeachment of Presdent DJT is going forward let's see what these Bolshevik frauds have. I believe Trump has more to reveal on the Bidens than we know right now. If DJT is exonerated, wouldn't it be supreme justice to impeach those treasonous seditious dual-citizen criminals, and serve the proper sentence on these bastards for sedition and treason?

    1. Shakespeare wrote a witty play about it four-hundred years ag. He called it MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

  9. Frieda KrummschitzJanuary 22, 2020 at 5:23 AM

    Don't you have your own blog where you can post such long essays

    But I like it here!, and I also LOVE bugging you.

    1. I gernerally feel comfortable with your political views, RDM, but I do NOT want ANYONE –– either Foe OR Friend to indulge in interpersonal BICKERING at THIS blog.

    2. Thanks Franco, Personally I love your blog, and always had. I most certainly will oblige you at any request that you make. I am sorry if my comments get too long, but that's the way I tend to write, perhaps I get carried away. But it's up to YOU to tell me what to do and what not to write, not someone with an obviously anonymous name like Frieda Krummschitz.

    3. "someone with an obviously anonymous name like Frieda Krummschitz"

      This is my real name. Quite cheeky coming from someone billing himself "The Real Dave Miller"

      We have the same point of view Dave, I just find some of your post to be rambling and off the topic at hand.

      Let us just leave it there. I wish you no ill and we agree this blog is wunderbar!

    4. Frieda,

      If you want to be welcoe here, you will pleas refrain from making PERSONAL
      REMARKS about fellow blogters.

      BICKERING is not only a WASTE of TIME, i is also ntensely BORING.

      Complainng about the attitudes and deeds of others is EASY to do, but, as they used to say in the days before modern refrigeration took over the kitchen, "IT DON'T CUT NO ICE,"

  10. If they allow witnesses, it will allow the republicans to enter their own evidence and call both of the Biden's to testify.
    Right now the Democrats don’t have a case, or a leg to stand on. . The will Democrats will lose either way, because there is no way that they will have President Trump removed, and there is no way that the Democrats are going to win in this election. The only way Trump loses. Right now, it’s his election to win or to lose.

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  13. Serious question here -- Exactly what horrible thing in their past made today's Dimbulbocrats as brain-damaged as they appear to be?

    Obamunist Hillary worshippers with their constant whining about President Trump doing just what every other president has done, and the other sock puppets from the leftwing sewer blogs and their idiotic talking points, one is left with the inescapable conclusion that the left has just gone completely over the edge of reality and into total insanity.

    Looking back, I guess we all knew it was headed that way. They are now all radical leftwing loonies.

    1. Lefwing operatives are NOT lunatics, they are FIENDS.

      All of us need to EXPAND and REFINE our vocabularies.

      The prevalent use of GUTTER ENGLISH is inadequate to the task of making sensible, reasoned argument.

      The way most speak today is below pathetic. It is FRIGHTENING

      It is frightening, because it is a clear sign that the DESTRUCTIONISTS who long ago took over the Academy (i.e. the POISON IVY LEAGUE) have been monumentally successful in their relentless campaign to turn us toward a REVERSION to BRUTE SAVAGERY.


  14. We know why? Of course we do!

    But this really is about Hillary for them. They are convinced that the evidence is being buried on HRC, Benghazi, Obama's birth and a myriad of other reasons. So they don't care about DJT's guilt. To them, they are just playing by the rules that let "our crooks" off the hook.

    What they re really saying is this... You guys cheated the system for years, covering up the guilt of HRC, WJC, Obama, Holder, the IRS and others. Now it's our turn.

    1. Therema be some tu to that, DM, but it by no means tells the whole story.

      You MUST face this inescapable truth:

      The Left decided to do everyhng in their power to "GET" Donald Trump from the very moment they realized his bid for the White House was serious.

      The Politis of Brazen USURPATION by relentless HARASSMENT and baseless VILIFICATIN has held sway ever since the DEMOCRATS in conjunction with the Washington Post, whom I regard as The QUEEN of the ENEMEDIA succeeded in their vicious journalistic coup d'at in the travesty known as "WATERGATE."

      Watergate intoduced and established a poisonoua New Era in political gamesmanship. Because of Media manipulation of a force and ferocity never seen before in American Politics it became standard Practice for the Democrats to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and KILL to get their way, and let the DEVIL take the hindmost.

      the Era of Governent by Calumny, Mendacity and endless Vilification entered the scene in 1972, and has never been fullyabsent in any election since.

      But the "technique" WAS, IS and will REMAIN a LEFTIST style of Power Politics.

      For the first time since Wtaergate, a Republican candidate has STOOD UP to this vile methodolog and thumbed his nose at it., Without a qualm he called it what it is, and began to USE similar tactics to DEFEND a REPUBLICAN candidacy.

      I believe those of us who still beleve in Honesty and Fairness should shower KUDOS on President TrUMP for tossing the endless SHOWER of SHIT he gets every day from The Forces of Darkness right back in their ugly, fatuous EVIL faces.

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    1. Little Billy BatshitJanuary 22, 2020 at 12:50 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Outbursts of childish NAME-CALLING and inarticulate RAGE are UNACEPTABLE at this blog.

  16. New
    The Ukraine foreign minister was interviewed on CNN today and rejected everything Parnas is claiming, flatly said Lev Parnas is lying, and explained that Ukraine doesn't need nor has it ever used an interlocutor to set up meetings as Parnas is claiming.

    1. I think it's safe to say that ANYONE the Defecrats bring forth to support their pathetic, ILLEGITIMATE trumped up VENDETTA against President Trump is either a dyed-in-the-wool LEFTIST BIGOT from the ACADEMY or paid StOOgE.

      In short any Defecrat "witnesses" in this revolting travesty are entirely SPURIOUS, –– unprincipled political operatives with no conscience, no heart and no morals. either that or they are congenital idiots with no brains.

  17. Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-SmytheJanuary 22, 2020 at 12:48 PM

    Adieu, my fine friends! I bid you adieu. Now, let's have enough of all this pettifogging!

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Irresponsible,imbecilic impersonations are UNACCEPTABLE at this blog.

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. I couldn't take much of the Schiff shitt show. Nadless Nadler? What a joke...How many ways can they say they are eaten up with jealousy that they can't be in the WH? Run the business of our country and smell every fart that's let? Is this Ukraine deal the best they've got to find fault with?? After all his great deals that benefit them as well as the nation, why are they stuck on disgruntled fired Democrat employees who didn't get their way and hated that he was their boss??..Why must they bring up quotes of our framers of the Constitution that may or may not been said?. .My hard heart won't let me feel sorry for them, but I guess I should try to muster up some empathy...

  22. PépéleMoko@gamil.comJanuary 23, 2020 at 7:15 AM

    After 2 hours of Adam Schiff repeating his fictional narrative, I had to turn it off.

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    2. Just like Democrats remains blind, dumb and stupid about How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections

      A $50K/month gig for a disgraced dope addict is pretty amazing.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Using your political power to enrich your family is not a speck, you log smoker you.

      You really think that loser bum dopehead son of Biden's would have got that gig if his daddy weren't the Vice President of the most powerful nation on earth?

      gawd Dems are stupid

  23. I was talking with a Democrat at my son's school yesterday and it seems they are worried now about Trump taking us to war .. That is the latest .. Hear in Virginia they are giving Black Face credit for stopping violence and not having another Charlottesville . It seems all that attended the gun RALLY to fight for the 2A Rights for all of VIRGINIA as well as COUNTRY were just WHITE SUPREMACIST... It is looking better and better for black face and we need to get the truth out .. It seems the media isn't showing all the different races that showed up in FAVOR of the 2A and how some even came from other states such as WILL JOHNSON and Bergquam ..

  24. None of the human hemorrhoids in the DemonCrap party have enough backbone to speak against their demented leader Nancy Hella PeLugosi.

    They will, I'm sure, continue to put party before country. Frankly, they should be stripped of their citizenship, imo, for their dereliction of duties towards protecting the Constitution.

  25. Democraps need a swift kick in the nadlers!

  26. Moscow Mitch, the senator without substance or integrity. He's Trump's bitch.

    1. GO die in a car fire you communist!

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  27. Little Billy BatshitJanuary 23, 2020 at 2:11 PM

    I'm watchin the Peach Mints and Nadlard is looking mighty hangry. He could go full Jabba the Hutt and start eating senators!

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  29. Note to libtards. Instead of bashing Trump tell us what you like about the democrats. And if you can't do that don't you think it's time for you to grow the fuck up?


  30. Penelope... as for your thoughts about Christianity and Trump. I get that Christians believe they have someone fighting for them. I do. But let me ask you a couple of questions and see if you can, or will respond.

    For years conservative Christians said that character matters. That someone like Bill Clinton, with obvious moral failings, was unfit, because of those moral failings, to be President. Is that belief still true today, or were conservatives Christians lying back then?

    We've heard that conservative Christians believe that Pres Trump was chosen by God, some say anointed, to be president, using Romans 13 as a justification. Do you believe that? Or are conservatives Christians who say that lying or wrong?

    If you do believe that God ordains and chooses leaders, using the Romans 13 passasge as justification, would you agree then that all leaders are chosen, and ordained by God to rule his people? Or is that only President Trump . Or is President Trump “your” God?

  31. We crickets loud and clear Dave.

  32. By taking this to a level of stupidity never before imagined, Pelosi and Schitt have pretty much created an open war

    1. The conflict between Sanity and Madness, Bigotry and Enlightenment, Benignity and Hostility, Decency and Moral Turpitude, Munificence and Rapacity, Justice and Vengeance, is at least as ol as Time, itself, Gail.

      A Ecclesiastes told us aeons ago, "There is nothing new under the sun . . ."

  33. Note to all you Socialists ALL OF YOU. Including you Progressive Imbeciles, Donald J. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024

  34. Why do all those imbecilic Progressives defend a crack whore drunk like Hunter Biden?

  35. AC-SEN-tu-ate the POSITIVE

    E-LI--mi-nte the NEGATIVE


    DON'T fool with Mr. IN-BETWEEN!

  36. Michelle Obama wins a Grammy for best Male Poetry reader..


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