Friday, January 10, 2020

of the U.S. CONGRESS

Bigotted, empty-headed brigands ready willing able –– and oh-o eager to spend OUR hard-earned money on witless, worthless causes while making loud noises, accompanied by flamboyant 
but hopelessly ineffectual gestures.

POTEMKIN LEGISLATION is all they can manage to churn out at EVER-GREATER EXPENSE.

It's a GAME, folks –– a game BOTH parties play 
to THEIR exclusive advantage 
at OUR expense.


F_E_E_L  the  B_E_R_N_!


  1. I never thought I'd hear,own own politicians on the House floor offering an apology to the Iranian people for killing of a terrorist. But today I did... from the Democrat side.
    And after hearing that, you can NOT tell me that the Democrats have the Americans best interests at heart!
    At one time you would always hear people from other countries admiring the freedom loving Americans who WERE always fighting for justice and saving humanity from the oppressor, no matter who the oppressor was. Today, we can’t even unite when we are attacked for these scum that want to kill us and who constantly shout “Death To America” The democrats seem to take their side. They seem tp love our enemies, and anyone who hats our President, and who will help them complete their mission of destroying our country. By the sound of these people on the left, I must say that the Democrats are National Embarrassment. Just listen to the things said by Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler, not even mentions the worse of the worse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, otherwise known as “The Squad”, a group of four Disgusting, and Repulsive women elected to the United States House of Representatives that seem to constantly support Iran and keep blaming President Trump and America for everything but pulling the fur out of kittens. And the Democratic leaders keep pandering to them, and echoing their rhetoric. It’s a sad day when you need to stand up to the Democrats in our our own country who are choosing to stand with terrorists because they hate our President more than they love our country, a very sad day! Qassem Suleymani a Devil that has MURDERED Hundreds of Americans, and Thousands of others is held up to be an Idol like Elvis Presley, and Princess Diana.. Next they’ll call him the Martin Luther King of Iran!
    They MUST be held accountable at the ballot box in November!!

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    2. We actively DESPISE, REJECT, and DELETE Tattlers and Blog Gossips of all stripes.

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    4. We are BOUND nd DETERMINED to keep this blog a CREEP-FREE ZONE

      And guess who gets to decide who IS and is NOT a Creep?

      [HINT: It sure as hell ain't YOU.]

    5. You said it Dude!

      I think Trump should bomb Iran to rubble. How do you feel about that? What would crazy Nancy say??? LOL

    6. I think yor comment is intentionally facetious, and intended as a mockery of what-you-foolishly imagine conservative-Lbertarian views o be

      The odor of BS is all-but-impossible o disguise.

  2. And to those who won't listen to the voices of reason coming from the experts, rather then listen to LYING CREEPS like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Nadler, rather from an American who has direct experience with what is happening in Iran and the role of a Murdering Terrorist like Qassem Soliemani. You have to wonder if these Democrats are actually in denial?

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    2. We ABHOR and strictly FORBID snotty, sarcastic taunnts, gibes, and STUPID questions intended only to produce rancor and provoke controversy.

      In short: GET LUT and STAY OUT .We don't want YOU and your wretched KIND here.

      This is not a CESSPIT or a PUBLIC TOILET, so kindly desposit your smelly WASTE PRODUCTS E-L-S_E_W_H_E_R_E.

    3. The Humble PetitionerJanuary 11, 2020 at 1:14 PM

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    4. We are BOUND nd DETERMINED to keep this blog a CREEP-FREE ZONE

      And guess who gets to decide who IS and is NOT a Creep?

      [HINT: It sure as hell ain't YOU.]

    5. By the way, Real Dave Miller, I doubt if the Democrats are, as you say, "in denial."

      I believe there are TWO ivergent elements aming the Democrats that both help to produce the same dismal results;

      1. GENUINELY EVIL individuals slavishly devoted to the advancment of MARXIAN DIALECTICS as the best means of advancing thir quest to achieve DICTATORIAL POWER.

      2. Honest, decent people who've been DUPED not BELIEVING the malodorous bilge the fist group perches as the ONLY way to acieve "SOCIAL JUStICE."

      It may be a shame, but we HAVE to admit there are MANY fundamentally GOOD PEOPLE who have been misled into embracing a lot of really BAD IDEAS.

      It's much too bad that HAVING a HIGH IQ is no guarantee of becoming a FORCE for gOOD.

      INTELLIGENCE per se is entirely NEUTRAL.

      What we choose to DO with it has much to do with the quality of MORAL ORIENTATION and EDUCATION we received in childhood.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. We are BOUND nd DETERMINED to keep this blog a CREEP-FREE ZONE

      And guess who gets to decide who IS and is NOT a Creep?

      [HINT: It sure as hell ain't YOU.]

  4. Congress is beyond disgusting.

    1. You are SO right, Kid.

      And with DemonRats and RINO jERKOFFS in charge Congress has become downright SATANIC.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. We are BOUND nd DETERMINED to keep this blog a CREEP-FREE ZONE

      And guess who gets to decide who IS and is NOT a Creep?

      [HINT: It sure as hell ain't YOU.]

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  7. The ONLY people upset about the Killing of that Terrorist are Democrats.
    The Iranians are thrilled about it...

    1. That's too sweeping a statement, Steve. In the interests pursuing Truth and integrity I HAVE to ask HOW you KNOW the Iranians are "thlled' about it?

      Do you have FIRSTHAND knowledge Did you READ it somewhere, and if so WHERE did you find that information?

      K have nt been able to trust MOST surces of News and Information for many ears, because it's patently obvious most are entirely AGENDA-DRIVEN.

      What you say abiut the DeminRats, however, is a SELF-EVIDnt tRuth.

      "By thur FrUIts shall know them."


  8. Comedian George Lopez has been known to push the envelope a bit to far , but this time conservatives say he has gone too damn far with his latest asinine remark about a bounty on President Donald Trump's head.

    In response to a Instagram post erroneously claiming that Iran has offered an $80 million bounty on Trump after the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the Idiotic, washed-up, has-been “Comedian” wrote, "He’ll do it for half."

    What do you think?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I think Lopez's respnse showed he has wit. It was very funny.

      It was OBVIOUSLY a joke and not meant o be taken seriously.

      I think we'd ALL do better if we lightened up.

      Granitic exchanges of hatful, sour, disapproving, condemnatory rhetoric offer nothing constructive to anyone, except possibly those enemies who seek to divide us farther nd farther.

  9. You cannot allow your people to be murdered or your ambassador to be Murdered and still demand respect as a sovereign nation in this world.
    If what happened to the Canadians on that Air plane had happened to us Americans, or Israelis, or British people I know that Trump, or Netanyahu, Boris Johnson will have smack down Iran, but this was Justin Trudeau of Canada. That puny weak, panty waist, who isn’t worth his weight in Horse Shit! The Worst Canadian Leader in History!

    This morning I saw a Video where the pompous ass said that he was “Out Raged”, well I sorry to say that he sure didn’t look it, or sound it! So lets see just how “Out-Raged” he is going to be. Let’s see his response! I can guarantee you that there will NOT be any reprisals. But only another one of his poor and MEANINGLESS dumbass, speeches He said that “Canada will not rest until it gets answers about plane crash”. Really? Whats he gonna do? Put on a Black face and tap Dance?
    Sixty-three Canadians were onboard that Air-Craft operated by Ukraine International Airlines, when it crashed. I should think that he would want answers, and I’d like to know what he’s going to do about it, after he “Gets Answers”.

    Also Turd-eau is in the pocket of the Progressive Globalists and is flooding Canada with "refugees" aka illegals and he is destroying that beautiful country by doing so..Maybe we could have him to take our illegals. It would solve our problem and make him happy..In fact he can take Hollywood aslo.

    It looks like we're going to need a Northern wall also

    1. While much of the may be true, RDM, I can't see that laboriously expending so much PASSION and ENERGY on the expression of pure NEGATIVITY accomplshes anything that might possibly IMPROVE the world.

      I do sympathize with your opinions, but wish with all my heart that you –– and others who may be equally disenchanted and disgusted with the status quo as I –– would offer more CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.

      I mean HOW could we hope to CORRECT the ERROR we see that upsets and infuriates us so, if all we do is act lke a bunch of "Old Wet Hens," as my father would say?

      Justin Trudeau is NOT responsible for the stupid policies and depressing developments in Canada –– the CANADIANS are! I hope you can see that, and realize it applies to US as well –– and every other benighted region in the world?

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    We ABHOR and strictly FORBID snotty, sarcastic taunnts, gibes, and STUPID questions intended only to produce rancor and provoke controversy.

    This is not a CESSPIT or a PUBLIC TOILET, so kindly desposit your smelly WASTE PRODUCTS E-L-S_E_W_H_E_R_E.

  13. I humbly disagree with you Franco. That remark was not in jest. This was not the first stab at the President that this ASS has made.
    He was not joking. Not by any means of the imagination..

    1. I'm not sure how we could know for sure one way or the other, Giuseppe, (I assume you're referring to the remark attrbuted to George Lopez above,am I right?).

      But even if Lopez DID mean what he said LITERALLY, I STILL think it's better for OUR mental health, if we tried to take these things more with a grain or two of salt, and NOT be so deadly serious about the way we choose to respond to the blithering of actors, pop music "icons," and espeically to unfunny COMEDIANS.

      I prefer to see the funny side of wrongheadedness more than to dwell obsessively on how HATEFUL it is.

      In case you haven't noted this is precisely what the LEFT does ALL the TIME.

      They've developed Taking OFFENSE and Feeling ALARMED into a perverse sort of ART form. When we get sucked into acting just LIKE them, aren't THEY then winning the rotten GAME they've been forcing us to play for over century?

      THEIR main objective has always been to transform and thus weaken our national character by manipulating us into firghting EACH OthER instead of concentrating on THEM.

      They may be EVIL, but they certainly are not STUPID.

  14. “ They may be EVIL, but they certainly are not STUPID.”

    That my dear friend is VERY QUESTIONABLE!

    1. EVIK people have often been extremely CLEVER, OaR.

      RIGJTEOUS people, however, has often acted very STUPIDLY.

      A I've tried to indicate many times, INTLLIGENCE an RIGHTEOUSNESS are NOT One and the Same.

      Never Underestiamte the Power of a Fiend.


  15. It seems to me like the Pissgressives have backed down a even if it’s just little to paint President Trump as a racist. I think it is because they really never have been able to produce a bit of evidence that shows the President is a racist. They have only been able to produce allegations, and accusations,from those Money Grabbing lying Democratic liars.

  16. More delays?

    From Nancy Pelosi's moves delay start to Senate impeachment trial:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi began to drag her feet again Sunday after caving to bipartisan pressure to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, raising new questions about when the trial against the president could begin in the upper chamber.

    Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said Friday that she would transmit the articles to the Senate early this week, but she was not specific Sunday about when her chamber would formally send the charges to the upper chamber. She said only that she would discuss the timing with her members at their Tuesday meeting....

    How can she get away with this?

    1. The president OUGHT to have the power to order a military Hit Squad to pry those Articles of Impeachment from Nasty Pelulu's COLD, DEAD HANDS,



  17. Ever since the president ordered the death of Qasem Soleimani I’ve been devastated by the outrage from the media and my friends on the left. I assumed that all Americans knew who Soleimani was and the devastation he has visited upon hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of Iranians. My greatest hope is that their opposition to his death is really just opposition to a president they oppose — not true support for this terrorist.
    Please understand that supporting Soleimani is a slap in the face to every current and former member of our military and their families. Not only did Soleimani kill more than 600 Marines, his IEDs took the arms and legs of more than 1,500 soldiers and caused TBI and PTSD in hundreds of thousands of Americans. This one man — branded a terrorist by President Obama and the UN — was far more of a threat to the United States than Osama bin Laden ever was.

  18. The author of the progressives’ blogs reactions to President Trump’s elimination of Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s blood-soaked chief of their foreign adventurism, covered the whole range of clichés we can predict whenever this country acts vigorously to defend its interests and security. Iran, however, is a special case. For forty years, with a few exceptions our leaders have preemptively cringed in the face of Iranian aggression, conjuring up the specter of a wide-scale war in order to justify inaction. This bad habit has led to appeasing policies that have emboldened the mullahs into ever-increasing aggression in the region from Iraq to Syria to Yemen


    The man who was caught on video punching a Brooklyn cop in the face and then wrestling with him on the sidewalk did not show up to his court date on Monday and was rearrested on a bench warrant, law-enforcement sources said.

    The suspect, Steven Haynes, 40, was arrested on charges including felony assault on a police officer for the Dec. 26 attack — but cut loose without bail after his arraignment.

    He had a scheduled court appearance Monday, but blew it off, the sources said, and was arrested again for failure to appear.

    The video of the attack, which was recorded on body-worn camera and obtained by The Post, shows Haynes abruptly sock the cop in the face when confronted on Court Street near Livingston Street.

    Haynes, who police said had been sitting on the sidewalk drinking and blocking pedestrians, briefly brawls with the officer before wrestling him to the pavement, the video shows.
    see also
    Disturbing video shows deranged man sucker punching, wrestling NYPD officer to the ground

    The cop’s partner uses a collapsible baton to beat Haynes, but wasn’t able to fight him off, according to the footage.

    Several other cops arrived at the scene shortly after and took him into custody.

    In addition to the felony assault charge, Haynes was hit with resisting arrest, harassment and menacing charges.

    1. The failure and abject idiocy of LEFTIST policies should be patently obvious to all with even a a modicum of intelligence.

      Does it do any good to enumerate them over and over again without adding any creative suggestions as to how the depredations of the Left might be overcome?

      Personally, I DON'T THINK SO!

      If we ever hope to defeat the Left, we MUST think in a more POSITIVE vein.

      Merely cataloguing THEIR sins does little to help US.

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  22. The Dimwit Pelosi finally signed the Impeachment Articles. If she had a brain, she would feel like a Fool this morning as she hands out Souvenirs Pens after signing the Impeachment articals.
    And the Democrats fail to turn America against President Trump again. You would think the idiots would grow tired of playing in their sand Box, but no, they continue to do this DESPICABLE THING that they have started out to do 3 years ago. But it is no longer a jok, it it the most DESPICABLE, DISGUSTING thing that these PIGS on the left have ever done!
    And as they continue to do this, the Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports the highest poll ratings that he has ever had. President Trump hit a 51% approval rate on the day the Dimwit Pelosi finally signed the Impeachment Articles. If she had a brain, she would feel like the Fool she is this morning.
    So, us. Proud Deplorables a say Thank you Nancy, you havant begun to see the results of what you have done. You have not any destroyed America, but you have destroyed yourself. .

    And these poll numbers don't compare Trump with the total Ass-Clowns who constitute the field of Democratic/Socialists competing for the nomination. Trump numbers can only go up when the choice for the Democratic nomination is Senile Joe Biden, “Bolshevik” Bernie Sanders, or the lying Pocahontas! .
    And before one of you numbskull Bolshevik wannabes poo-poos the Rasmussen poll note that it was the second most reliable poll on the 2016 Presidential Election: And Trump's Rating on the Economy Hits a New High

    I can’t wait until November when President Trump gets re-elected and hands out Souvenirs Re-Election Pens and Nancy Pelosi has to hands the Gavel back to the Republicans!


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