Sunday, March 17, 2019

A Home Truth Worth Pondering


  1. The lefts suffers from a lack of genuine liberals today.

    Conservatives are lacking William F. Buckleys.

    1. I disagree as to the lack of Buckleys. They're called Never-Trumpers and they refuse to wrestle with the Democratic tar-baby.

    2. What would Bill Buckley say about Donald Trump?

    3. I suspect that he would call him a fool for wrestling with tar-babies like the other Never-Trumpers do.

      Bill Buckley was a smart guy. Perhaps too smart. One that has lead the RNC and Conservatism to almost "perish" from an excess of exercising it's own best quality.

    4. At some point you need to stop arguing with the bully and punch him in the face.

    5. Regardless of any intellectually perceived drawbacks to doing so.

    6. I watch Season 1 of the Netflix "Rebellion" series yesterday on the Easter Uprising. Physical Force Republicanism vs. "the Monarchy". Can you imaging the difference in result today if Brigadier-General WHM Lowe had retained command and had it not passed to General John Maxwell (who ordered the summary martyrdom of it's leaders)?

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  4. Said another way, liberals always say what sounds good, but their actions betray them every single time.

  5. _________ To Bill Buckley _________

    Warm and true to all who knew him well,
    Intimate with the language as no other,
    Liberal in the classic sense he fell
    Lightly to the fight against Big Brother.

    In every sense a gentleman and scholar,
    An aesthete who loved pursuits above the earth
    Manly, yet distinctly white of collar,
    But ever blest with wit and sense of mirth.

    Unhappily, a Gore entered his sphere
    Calling him a Nazi once too often.
    “Keep it up, I’ll break your jaw, you queer.”
    Loathsome thoughts past that would never soften.

    Erudite, urbane, yet ever truthful,
    You worked up to the end with mind still youthful.

    ~ FreeThinke


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