Friday, September 14, 2018


Socialism" –– rooted, of course, in MARXISM –– purports to be the panacea needed to foster "EQUALITY" and "FAIRNESS" for all, which of course implies the elimination of all opportunities to acquire Personal Wealth and Private Property, which in turn implies a requirement for the pursuit of Individual Interests to die, and for all to become totally subservient to the furtherance and development of an almighty and ever-living STATE.

Maybe Karl Marx truly believed that, and maybe he didn't, but it doesn't matter, because in the real world –– like it or not –– RESULTS are ALL that COUNT.

As it INVARIABLY turns out "Socialism" once adopted becomes the means for accruing an ever greater, ever stronger store of CENTRALIZED POWER. 


The Captains of Industry realized very quickly once so-called "PROGRESSIVISM" [more realistically termed "Ever-Increasing Government Control of Industry and Personal Conduct"] began to take hold that since BUSINESS could not hope to BEAT Government, tbe best course for Business to take would be to JOIN Government and thus acquire CONTROL of Government.


First, Power lay in the hands of Tribal Chieftains,–– then barbaric Kings and Emperors of the Ancient World, –– then for a time Power and Control were in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church and the class loosely known as The Nobility. Then came the Enlightenment. Unfortunately the blessings of that brilliant flowering of good sense and genuine humanitarian impulses were quickly blighted by two developments:

1. the emergence of The Industrial Revoluton

2. the unIntended consequence of the discoveries and theories of Charles Darwin.

Darwin. who was a faithful, godly man, himself, soon found his Theory of Evolution corrupted, because it proved useful to pernicious philosophers who were the atheistic enemies of Christianity.

The Industrial Revlution gave rise to a NEW form of FEUDALISM. The NOBILITY were replaced by CORPORATE MAGNATES and the EXECUTIVE CLASS. The FACTORY replaced the CASTLE. The factory WORKERS became the new breed of SERFS.

we must live in today. 

From the Pennsylvania Dutch came a wonderful indictment of "Progress:"

"The farther ahead we go, 
the behinder we get."


  1. Very nice response to my short blog post at AOW's, and so true.

    1. Thank you, Silver. I can't tell you how often you have inspired some of my most refined and insightful thoughts. Of course, –– as usual ––, no one gave my analysis even the most perfunctory acknowledgment at Always on Watch, so I decided to bring it here where undoubtledly it will languish similarly.

      I've given up trying to "reach" people. Like my longtime friend, poet Emily Dickinson, I write primarily for myself in hopes of clarifying my own understanding of reality.

      It may sound pretentious, but more and more I see these early morning attempts at honest and seriousness as a form of prayer.

      Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I decided a long time ago that socialists and Marxists cannot be reasoned with. They are true believers -- God help us.

    1. Sadly and reluctantly I'm beginning to believe that too –– at least from the dismal evidence presented here in Blogistan –– and the mountains of manure dumped on us every day by the ENEMEDIA and the accursed "ESTABLISHMENT," which of ckurse icludes the RINOS.

      Immense sufferng is probably inevitable, but renewed FAIth and RELIANCE on GOD will get us through. It's painfully obvous that ivorced from Holy Write we can do NOTHING but dig ourselves ever deeper into the muck and mire.

      As St. Paul told us in First Corinthians, NOTHING we do has ANY value at ALL, unless it is motivated by LOVE for the HIGHEST GOOD, which is GOD.

      WITH God ALL things are possible. WITHOUT Him we can do NOTHING other than destroy ourselves wth selfishness, short-sghteness and woeful Ignorance of the few thngs that really matter.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Save your breath RN. Why don't you just burst into tears and scream, "I can't quit you, Franco!"

      You're pathetic.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Thank you for your support, Silver. Your judgment, as usual, is very sound, BUT I ask you please in future not to repond to the Registered Nurse, because I ALWAYS delete his barbed nonsense and hypocritical attempts at moralizing the moment I become aware of its presence in MY territory..

      The Nurse is a serious blog POLLUTANT, and should not be permitted to post his bilious claptrap at ANY blog with even the faintest prentensions to respectability.

    4. I couldn't help myself. I don't understand the obsession with visiting the blog of someone you detest. Let it go and move on. That is one of the keys of happiness.

    5. I agree, Sikver, but I have to admit it's VERY difficult to ACCEPT intransigent insolence and stupidity without denouncung it, –– which o course provokes and extends fruitless quarreling.

      It is, –– as they say –––, a BITCH.


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, LH, but I do NOT want this blog to be used as just another dumping ground for inslts and vituperative remarks against other bloggers –– no matter HOW odious ther opinions may seem to be.

  5. As bad as the left wants to derail Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation as the end of the leftist is near, this cock-n bull story makes this 36 year old allegations timing by an alleged extreme leftist stink-job big time bad. Diane Feinstein looks just as bad as the rest of the other lefties in that party Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new rising star radical lefty wacko. She is NOT credible, and I don't believe her. Period

  6. I just have to shake my head in disbelief !! I read numerous articles telling me that a 'Blue Tide' in rising in America and that the Democratic Party will regain control of the House and Senate at the Mid-Terms. And then I watch leaders of the Democratic Party act like a bunch of spoiled children throwing mud and calling other Americans disgusting names. What am I missing here ? How COULD a majority of the country decide that THESE are the people that want deciding the direction the country should take ??

  7. Just when you think those on the left can’t possibly sink any lower into the gutter with attacks filled with desperation, they rise up from the swamp and surprise you again, the latest example of their bullying tactics is Senator Susan Collins who is being threatened if she DARES to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
    It was reported that she’s received vulgar harassment telephone calls, as well receiving a Rape threat against one of her staffers, which has been reported to law enforcement.

    This combined with the dirty tactics from Diane Feinstein just goes to show just how slimly these Swamp creatures really are.
    And lets NOT forget how Ms, Feinstein supported Bill Clinton when he was in hot water after his shenanigans with Monica, and ALL those “affairs” with all those other women, and now she dares to throw mud at Judge Kavanaugh over something he ALLEGEDLY did as a teenager some 40 years ago. because she “Received” that ANONYMOUS letter! The liberal hypocrisy is overwhelming.

    1. You'll get no argument from me against any of that, TRDM.

      Thank you for stopping by

  8. The luciferian left's Kavanaugh smear is all about REVENGE

    A blubberpot of festering rage has slipped up in a Politico article and revealed the hate-filled, spiteful left's true agenda:

    Why God Is Laughing at Brett Kavanaugh

    This screed is an ugly peek inside the twisted, rotten leftwing mindset.

  9. Maxine Waters pledged to take down President Trump and then set her sights on Vice President Pence, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc.
    Why isn’t Maxine Waters in jail for making threats on the Presidents life? And Vice President Mike Pence? I am so ashamed of all these Dumbocrats getting away with their shenanigans. I really don’t understand all the hatred against President Trump, his family, and anyone around him including his Supporters. Why is American People acting this way?
    Hillary Clinton Lost the Election GET OVER IT!!!And Why is OBAMA Sticking his Nose where it don’t Belong!!! He had his chance to run this country and HE BLEW IT. Thank You Shawn Hannity for speaking the Truth. I watch your show and listen to your radio Program. We Love you Hannity keep up the Great Work. President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Shawn Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are the only reason I’m a Proud American.
    This brainless idiot should be booted out of Congress once and for all.

  10. A Boston Globe report said that “former” Secretary of State John Kerry has been secretly meeting with Iranian leaders to save “former” president Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.
    John Kerry, who is NOTHING more than an Ordinary American Citizen, with NO authority what so ever had illegal meetings with the hostile Iranian Regime and undermined the president, and to the detriment of the American people.
    John Kerry should be charged for treason!....He even admitted it!...let's let the public know the truth!
    John Kerry has been holding talks with the Big Wigs in Iran to try to preserve Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, a major diplomatic achievement of his, according to a new report.
    Over recent months, Kerry has been holding meetings and speaking with big players in the Iran nuclear agreement, who, like Kerry, do not want President Donald Trump to withdraw the US from the deal,
    We do NOT need John Kerry's illegal Shadow Diplomacy on Obama’s badly negotiated Iran Deal. He was the one that created this MESS in the first place!
    Lets get Sessions out and put in Rudy.!
    John Kerry has been engaging in shadow diplomacy by meeting with Iranian officials and former Obama administration officials to oppose President Trump's policies towards the regime. Specifically, he's trying to save the Iran nuclear agreement, which was scraped by President Trump earlier this year..
    John Kerry is intentionally advising, aiding, and abetting an enemy of the United States, by helping them maneuver around what the President / United States is doing in the best interest of the United States ... Meeting with this nation's enemies to help them counter official policies and actions of the President of the United States, is undermining the United States and helping this Nation's enemies.
    Undermining the policies of the United States government by helping an enemy of the United States, which is what John Kerry has done, is nothing less than TREASON
    When did Kerry register as a foreign agent so he can legally negotiate with Iran, and if he didn’t then he is obviously breaking the law.
    Jeff Sessions needs to open an investigation about this treasonous act. But where is Jeff Session when you need him? .
    It seems that the Progressives have gone as low as they can go .These former Obama people have now hit the bottom of the swamp..

    John Kerry Should Be Prosecuted for Illegally Meeting with the Iranians, and undermining the President of the United States of America!

  11. If you believe Christine Ford the accuser then you probably also believe that Obama was born in the USA!

  12. The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

    It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the Supreme Court, but for the salvation of our Nation.

    But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Judge Kavanaugh are rewarded with the elimination of his nomination, there will be no holding back left on anyone to any smear in the future, no matter how unwarranted, or unsubstantiated it may be against anyone, ever again. And think about this, why would anyone descent want to get involved with the possibility of being smeared, insulted, and having their family shamed, and smeared?
    Regardless of what actually happened, this is just another example of our downward trajectory.

    It sure as hell won't stop here, especially if the nomination is killed.

    This is what it looks like when the lunatics run the asylum, gang. It's ugly and it's only getting uglier.
    Judge Kavanaugh was not the first one to have his name dragged through the med, it also happened to Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Judge Robert Bark, etc. all good man to be bullied and beaten down by the Democrats baseless accusations, and their despicable tactics

    If you need more proof of what I have said, you only need to go to Shaw Kenawes blog of filth to see the proof.

  13. The left understands that if they lose the Supreme Court they've lost their ability to "fundamentally transform America"

    1. Yes, indeed Silver and I, rigid Grammarian and stickler for syntactical virtue of the Old School that I am, will wish to my dying day that the Left –– and everyone else –– should be made suffer meaningful punishment for mutilating the noble grace, flow, elegance and dignity inherent in the proper use of our much abused mother tongue –– especially by SPLITTIG INFINITIVES.

  14. Interesting blog, unique perspectives.

  15. The fact that Ms. Ford is refusing to testify as she promised, obviously means that this was a Set Up from the very start and that the Fruit Cake is lying

    This dingbat's story has more holes in it then Swiss cheese. Their smear is completely destroyed

    Had the Magnificent One, the Messiah, done his job instead of trying to turn the Mid East into a Paradise for Terrorists, things like this never would have happened.

    As for Ms Ford, she NEVER wanted an investigation, she is refusing to testify, because her story is false, and this was a last minute orchestrated attempt to delay the vote on Kavanaugh, and the votes to derail him....
    She should know that the FBI does not investigate claims of groping...that would be for the local police to do.
    She was obviously faking, thinking that she wouldn’t need to... She needs to be subpoenaed, and put under oath, and forced to testify, and then indited and do some serious jail time for perjury, then sued for defamation, libel and slander, and Obstruction.
    And as for ALL you MORONS who did believe her and make a mockery out of this, and who mocked the people that were on to her all the time.
    Have fun with your Lying “Professor” now.

    The next thing we’ll see is Ms. Christine Ford tripping on the stairs and being pushed into a limo

  16. This is what it looks like when the lunatics run the asylum, gang. It's ugly and it's only getting uglier.

  17. The Left’s use of baseless lies, smears, and false claims against their political opponents is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades.


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To a Leftist on Our Need for the  ELECTORAL CCOLLEGE Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple...