Sunday, July 1, 2018

....................  STATEMENT of PURPOSE ....................

Fruits of the sea. Fruits of the earth. Fruits of the mind. Fruits of the soul. Fruits of the spirit.  All work together for good to those who love truth, honor, decency, charity, and those who aearch for greater understanding.

May God bless all who visit here looking to find, to share, and to spread graciousness, enlghtenment, encouragement, appreciation of beauty, grace, wonder, expanding curiosity, and joy. 

Please be kind to each other. It pays great dividends.


  1. Replies
    1. Th;anks, Marmee. Let's keep our fingers crossed, and hope it lasts, I sure appreciate your help in getting this project off the ground.

  2. Franco,
    A fine-looking blog you've got here. So unique!

  3. Franco,
    As is my wont when bloggers comment a few times at my site, I have blogrolled you.

    1. Thank you, Always. Your blog has attracted me for sometime, and is one of the reasons I decided to start this blog. I just hope people who come here can avoid being unkind to each other when they make a comment. Disagreement should not have to be disagreeable.

  4. You've opened you blog with a good, positive inaugural message.

    Charity is in short supply these days.

  5. For certain, I do hope that this will be a place of; charity, brotherhood and wisdom shared!



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