Thank you for at last making an honest ATTEMPT to address the points raised in a simple-but-excellent post illustrating the reasons why the Founders created the Electoral College.
The position you have taken, however, indicates you, apparently, are an advocate of DIRECT DEMOCRACY –– a highly flawed concept that could only guarantee the continuous predominance of unfairness –– and inherent barbarism --– in a system that in effect permits "Two Wolves and a Lamb to Decide What's to be Eaten for Dinner."
The idea that ONLY the cities on the east and west coasts, –– and the equally verminous likes of Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit and St, Louis –– should be granted the responsibility of deciding The Fate of the Entire Nation is frankly preposterous.
Different geographical regions have particular needs and interests of their own to attend to, and are in fact responsible in many cases for providing us with vital raw materials, desirable produce and unique goods –– to say nothing of vast stretches of exquisite natural scenic beauty and access to aw materials that need to be responsibly attended to.
Your advocacy of Direct Democracy would mean that these important areas that comprise roughly NINETY-PERCENT of the sovereign territory of these United States would have have NO meaningful lREPRESENTATION in the federal government, which would, of course ride roughshod over these areas and quickly make "mincemeat" of them,
That would mean that ninety percent of the country would soon become BLIGHTED from neglect, increasingly IMPOVERISHED, and DERELICT –– like a Ghost Town or an Abandoned Mine of Western movie fame..
The BEAUTY –– and the GENIUS –– of FEDERALISM –– as conceived and established by our Founding Fathers –– is the way it made sure that political power would remain DIFFUSE and as LOCAL as possible.
Our Founders wisely feared –– and rightly abhorred –– an excess of CENTRALIZED POWER, which cannot help but result in the CORRUPT, increasingly ARBITRARY exercise of wrongheaded decision making by arrogant ignorant oligarchs who care for little but the perpetuation of their own incumbency and the proliferation of increasingly extravagant perquisites reserved for the over-privileged selves.
How any thinking person could imagine this could in any way be desirable escapes me, I have to admit.